New member, liberal

I think I left it at the first page of this thread. I just checked, it's not there.

What I don't understand about you folks, where is the fun in debating if there is no one to debate with?

See ya.

good lord :rolleyes:

yeah, you're the only one here to debate...prima donna drama queen
good lord :rolleyes:

yeah, you're the only one here to debate...prima donna drama queen

I am sure I am not the only person to lose interest after incessant, needless badgering. The name calling doen't help much either, nor the constant false acusations of trolling.

USALOYAL, you are very sick, and sickening.
I am sure I am not the only person to lose interest after incessant, needless badgering. The name calling doen't help much either, nor the constant false acusations of trolling.

USALOYAL, you are very sick, and sickening. never name call and saying she is sick...

Are you delusional or is this just a tactic they teach at retard school?

It takes thick skin around here Dune. Yurt's a good guy, and the other two... well fuck the other two, I just ignore them.

Plenty of fine upstanding members here.
good lord :rolleyes:

yeah, you're the only one here to debate...prima donna drama queen

Hummm loyal made a few comments about this newbie maybe being a troll and all of sudden the newbie makes a proclamation that she is “SICK and SICKENING” wtf is that if not a suspicious over-reaction?
It takes thick skin around here Dune. Yurt's a good guy, and the other two... well fuck the other two, I just ignore them.

Plenty of fine upstanding members here.

Oh dear. Oh where have you been Billy Boy, Billy Boy? Oh where have you been Charming Billy....?

I won't say fuck you, but I will say something you'll understand:

Cheers! never name call and saying she is sick...


Didn't claim to be inocent, and I was refereing to you specificaly, "prima donna drama queen". I certainly never insulted you, nor did I throw the first one at anyone else except Ice Dancer, but I was describing her action, not her person.

USALOYAL has been at my throat since I first got here, never tried to get to know me or verify me like you did, constant badgering for no apparent reason other than that I anounced I was liberal in my first post. I have had enough of that, she wins. Even after I P.M.ed you my url, you jump on the troll band wagon too, likely just for brownie points with your freinds. The few moments Of pleasure I had here are far from worth the agravation.
Hummm loyal made a few comments about this newbie maybe being a troll and all of sudden the newbie makes a proclamation that she is “SICK and SICKENING” wtf is that if not a suspicious over-reaction?

It's called being human and having feelings. Sorry you don't know that.