New member, liberal

Didn't claim to be inocent, and I was refereing to you specificaly, "prima donna drama queen". I certainly never insulted you, nor did I throw the first one at anyone else except Ice Dancer, but I was describing her action, not her person.

USALOYAL has been at my throat since I first got here, never tried to get to know me or verify me like you did, constant badgering for no apparent reason other than that I anounced I was liberal in my first post. I have had enough of that, she wins. Even after I P.M.ed you my url, you jump on the troll band wagon too, likely just for brownie points with your freinds. The few moments Of pleasure I had here are far from worth the agravation.

relax...if you don't want to deal with the drama, then ignore it and stick to have to have thick skin to post here, i get razzed and insulted all the time, i don't leave, i stay and debate and razz and insult back, you'll like it here but you can't take things so personally


i start shit as well, didn't mean to infer i simply give back
It only hurts when it hits the mark.


I just have to say- hurt? wtf? I mean how can you possibly be hurt over something so benign and silly?

Every newbie is under suspision; a consequence of mods allowing trolls to run amok for so long. A newbie that comes across as liberal? Conservatives are suspicious-the converse is true if the newbie comes across as conservative.
I just have to say- hurt? wtf? I mean how can you possibly be hurt over something so benign and silly?

Every newbie is under suspision; a consequence of mods allowing trolls to run amok for so long. A newbie that comes across as liberal? Conservatives are suspicious-the converse is true if the newbie comes across as conservative.

Like I said, sorry you don't know. You personaly are proof that there is no such thing as compassionate conservatism.
Damocles, please unenroll me, I can't figure out how to do it.
Well, strictly speaking he can cancel your account, but I'm going to try and ask you to stay one more time.

Seriously dude, give it a chance, you'll like it here.
i barely read this thread but I am assuming the argument has something to do with dumn yankee denying to be legion/mojo etc

errrr here:
Funny, when the guy posts his beliefs he is called everything but a child of God. But when he starts returning in kind, he gets crap for being rude.

And SM, if there is a single person on this board who has no room to give people a hard time for insults, it would be you.

Dune, ignore the rabble and enjoy.
Damocles, please unenroll me, I can't figure out how to do it.

if you're going to let a disagreement between you and two people run you off the board....:palm:

there are many here who don't like me, call me a troll, liar etc...its part and parcel of debates at times, does it get old, yes, however, i don't let others dictate my life or where i post

i'm not sure why a new member got into it so quickly with long time members and so quickly unenrolled like a previous member - mojo....i'm not saying anything about you, but it seems odd that most of your posts have little to do with politics and more to do about legion troll

why don't you give politics a try
if you're going to let a disagreement between you and two people run you off the board....:palm:

there are many here who don't like me, call me a troll, liar etc...its part and parcel of debates at times, does it get old, yes, however, i don't let others dictate my life or where i post

i'm not sure why a new member got into it so quickly with long time members and so quickly unenrolled like a previous member - mojo....i'm not saying anything about you, but it seems odd that most of your posts have little to do with politics and more to do about legion troll

why don't you give politics a try

Fer chrissakes! WTF? How many posts have I made about this doon thing?

At his throat? What a frickin drama queen.

Dune, I'd prefer you give it a shot regardless of some people attempting to call you a "troll". If you can survive the original buffeting you'll find that the people here are harmless and if you really look you can actually find some decent debate.
if you're going to let a disagreement between you and two people run you off the board....:palm:

there are many here who don't like me, call me a troll, liar etc...its part and parcel of debates at times, does it get old, yes, however, i don't let others dictate my life or where i post

i'm not sure why a new member got into it so quickly with long time members and so quickly unenrolled like a previous member - mojo....i'm not saying anything about you, but it seems odd that most of your posts have little to do with politics and more to do about legion troll

why don't you give politics a try

You know darn well no new conservative gets this kind of flak but let someone announce himself liberal and the repubs are immediately gunning for him.
i barely read this thread but I am assuming the argument has something to do with dumn yankee denying to be legion/mojo etc

errrr here:

No, not even close. USALOYAL is my problem.

Any advice on how to close my account?

I went to my controll page, but can't figure it out.
Fer chrissakes! WTF? How many posts have I made about this doon thing?

At his throat? What a frickin drama queen.


Even worse to hear that you are a woman. Why are you so bitter?

Since we all now have health care, get some therapy. They don't even have real limits on mental health like they used to. You don't need to be this unhappy.

By the way, on other forums I participate in, it is YOU would be considered a troll. I have seen nothing of value or fact posted by you.
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No, not even close. USALOYAL is my problem.

Any advice on how to close my account?

I went to my controll page, but can't figure it out.

dune, many have beaten around the bush, but I will be the only one that is honest with you.

Once you are here, you are here for LIFE :whoa: