Onward Christian soldiers

It's anachronistic to apply 21st century values to Medieval people. At a minimum, that is poor historical analysis.

The papacy is an institution.

There have been nearly 300 popes.

Some were decent and pious men, trying to do their best.

Some were downright corrupt.

The historic Pope was both the Bishop of Rome and a secular ruler.

Strict pacifism is not a tenet of Christianity. But Saint Augustine laid out a philosophy of just war that is supposed to inform Christian sensibilities. From a 12th century perspective, protecting Christian Constantinople from Turkish incursion, and recovering Jerusalem from the Muslims was not an outrageous and criminal position to take. The sacking of Jerusalem and the slaughter of innocents by the crusader armies were obviously, however , war crimes.

Disagree somewhat.

of course i am not speaking for 100% of people or religions but the major ones biggest function is to create an alternative tax system (tithing and voluntary donations) to create a power structure. The papacy specifically fits that. That some Popes are good pious men does not change the origins. The early Vatican was absolutely a check on the varied Roman gov't powers often working hand in hand. And again, they had an army.

This is a good book that highlights how deep the history of militarization was in the Vatican.

The Pope's Soldiers: A Military History of the Modern Vatican

it's all a plot against the jews.

no paranoia there.

That is not paranoia and is what is called historical fact.

Google for yourself the Khartoum Summit as the Arab States wrote out a manifesto and ALL signed it. "No peace for Israel". "No negotiations with Israel", "No recognition of Israel" and to weaponize the Palestinian DESIRE for a homeland against them to continue the fight FOREVER.

None of that is my opinion. The Arab Nations stated it, wrote and all signed it.

And that is why Israel/Palestine peace is so difficult to engage as the party who needs to be at the table are the Arab Nations and they do not want a Palestinian Nation alongside a Jewish one.
That is not paranoia and is what is called historical fact.

Google for yourself the Khartoum Summit as the Arab States wrote out a manifesto and ALL signed it. "No peace for Israel". "No negotiations with Israel", "No recognition of Israel" and to weaponize the Palestinian DESIRE for a homeland against them to continue the fight FOREVER.

None of that is my opinion. The Arab Nations stated it, wrote and all signed it.

And that is why Israel/Palestine peace is so difficult to engage as the party who needs to be at the table are the Arab Nations and they do not want a Palestinian Nation alongside a Jewish one.

and i don't give a shit.

Merka First.
Grant allowed officers to keep their mounts and sidearms. There was no formal surrender mechanism for the common soldier. They just merely went home with the possessions they had, including their weapons.

The Americans in Gaza are irrelevant and a bullshit diversion on your part. The Palestinians there are remnants of the 1948 refugees who lost their homes and land when the Israelis confiscated them. Period. You can fucking argue all you want and try to bring in diversionary BS, but it’s the truth.

Then, walled them off with fences and created a land, sea and air blockade. A fucking prison. And you wonder why the Palestinians hate them.
Nice opinion. Now tell me to prove you wrong. LOL

Disagreed, but thanks for the subtle antisemitism.

You are clueless, son.
Nothing in the Bible says the earth wasn't created from material . rocks and fossils etc., that was already here.

What are you chirping about now, Chicken Little? What you said CHANGES NOTHING regarding Johnson and the fringe christian BS artists with their ultimate scam theme park in Kentucky.

No excuses....it's a religious cult classic with a have a rep as Speaker of the House of Representatives. God indeed bless America, because we're going to need all the help we can get with these yahoos.

Pew-pew-pew, indeed! :rolleyes:
What a step back. It's 2023. We HAVE to move on from this stuff.

We can't ... not yet anyway. All the cult followers of mega churches and the like are just a few steps from becoming violent. Ever since Reagan gave them a seat at the table, they've been carrying on to the point we see now. I mean, Jeez! The Kentucky ark park is the icing on the cake of religious dogmatic stupidity.
Originally Posted by Cypress View Post
I plan on being very respectful when I visit the Ark Experience and the Creation Science Museum.

The armchair anthropologist in me wants to take in the experience clinically, the same way an entomologist studies bugs.

Maybe they’ll have a recording of Bill Cosby doing his Noah routine at the Ark exhibit.

Like the other Trumpers who hate everything not Trump, he claims to be a "Christian".

Did you see this?:

Libhater - plays Christian online, works for Satan in reality mask

Hence my keeping this right wingnut on permanent "ignore".
True, all those nasty realities like science, math, medicine, documented history keep getting in the way of a book allegedly written by prophets channeling the Divine Creator. ;)
Ridiculing people's beliefs or ancient wisdom is not the way to win friends and influence people.
Originally Posted by Cypress View Post
That's not an example of omniscience.

That's funny that you think there is a realistic possibility the Earth is only six thousand years old.

Of course it's possible. I don't claim omniscience like you do.

So you deny the very aspects of science that makes your sorry existence possible. Right, got it. Carry on.
Islam claims to be a religion. The "God" of Islam is Allah. Muslim's (followers of Islam) believe that their most sacred Scripture - the Koran was was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed by Allah through the Archangel Gabriel who met with Mohammad at appointed time and verbally told Muhammed what Allah wanted to tell him. Mohammad memorised what Gabriel said to him and then had scribes copy the messages from Allah down on parchment with ink or whatever.

The problem is that the Koran has two sections (just like the Bible has the "Old Testament" and the "Gospels"). One section of the Koran sounds like Karen Carpenter in the early 70s - it's all "sweetness and light " and advocates tolerance and peace (this is the Mecca Koran) the other part is is all about the violent waging of Jihad against non-believers (in particular Jews and Christians). Allah thinks they are all lower than a snake's belly and if they refuse ti convert to Islam, they must be slaughtered by "the sword".

Here's the big problem. Allah is viewed as a god like the God of the Bible. That is, Allah is transcendent, (supernatural/superhuman), omniscient - knows the truth about every single thing there is in the universe, He is omnipotent ( all-powerful), he created the universe and everything in it; He is eternal, unchanging, etc. So, because Allah knows all absolute truth through eternity, it would be impossible for him to fuck up and make logically contradictory statements in the Koran (which is HIS WORD revealed to humanity through Mohammed)

How can a divine, omniscient God like Allah be advocating for tolerance and peace in one section of the Koran and balls-out Jihad - bloody slaughter of the non-believers (or "Kafirs") in the other main section of the Koran ? The answer is that such a God could not do this. Allah, if he existed as a real omniscient God simply could not possibly CONTRADICT Himself the way He does in the Koran.

Therefore the claimed God of Islam, Allah, does not exist; and the Koran was simply dreamt up by Mohammad, who was a fucking, batshit - crazy, delusional psychopath.

BTW, you're right that Islam doesn't build entertainment theme parks to grift off the stories in its sacred texts. It has far more fun providing entertainment for itself, in the form of: raping; beheading; burning and burying alive; shooting, and cruelly torturing to death any non-believers (Kafirs) it manages to get its hands on.

Can you dig it, Cyprus, baby ?

Dachshund the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Ahh, the Nazi Dog from Australia is on the soapbox again, folks

To recap:

Originally Posted by Cypress View Post
I don't think Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism build entertainment theme parks to grift off the stories in their sacred texts.

So all your blather aside, you just don't have the cojones to concede that reality of what Cypress stated. If you have proof to the contrary, post it. If not, spare us your usual attempt to shift the discussion to your racist bull horn.
Originally Posted by Geeko Sportivo View Post
I don't really have a problem with Johnson being a Holy Roller. We do practice freedom of Religion!

I will judge him on his abilities to be the House Leader- We do not know that yet- But we are about to find out!

Hey, Green Lizard, do you remember America's famous Holy High-Roller, the black, Tellie-Evangelist, Creflo E. Dollar ? Now, he was what I call a truly class act, brother !

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

As opposed to all the other mega church liars and sexual predators, of whom the majority look just like you?

And incidentally, the jackleg TV preachers don't hold political office. Johnson does, and has professed throughout his career his cultish dogma.

And if you are making comparisons to tree stump preachers on TV as a negative thing, are you not inadvertently casting doubt on the validity of the Ark theme park in Kentucky and the fringe Christian cultist behind it?

Once again, our Nazi Dog in Australia paints himself into a corner. Let's watch him dance.
Multiple Arab nations began the conflict when Israel declared itself a nation. They lost the war.

Now, so did Japan, Italy, Germany. Did the victors take away their land and give it to somebody else? Even the bitterly fought Civil War, the Confederates were allowed to keep their weapons.

The Palestinians who fled their homes even prior to that war, lost them. The Israelis merely took them as “in absence” property.

Gaza is what remains of those refugees. Outdoor prison.

The Arab armies told them to leave their homes until such time as they drove the Jews back into the sea. Those that stayed became Israeli citizens, I can see why you left that bit out.