Onward Christian soldiers

john 18:36

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
I’m talking about the original Palestinian refugees. Hundreds of thousands of them. Not involved in the 1947-48 war. Fleeing from it and losing their homes and land to it. Losing it to the Israelis.
If people abandon property and don't return, that's on them.
Ahh, the Nazi Dog from Australia is on the soapbox again, folks

To recap:

Originally Posted by Cypress View Post
I don't think Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism build entertainment theme parks to grift off the stories in their sacred texts.

So all your blather aside, you just don't have the cojones to concede that reality of what Cypress stated. If you have proof to the contrary, post it. If not, spare us your usual attempt to shift the discussion to your racist bull horn.

have you seen mecca?
you don't get stuff.

john 18:36

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

I said the Synoptic gospels. John was written later in time than Paul and the Synoptics. The Synoptics are probably a better reflection of what the the historical Jesus said and did
I said the Synoptic gospels. John was written later in time than Paul and the Synoptics. The Synoptics are probably a better reflection of what the the historical Jesus said and did

his kingdom is not of this earth. it's spiritual.

your perversions are of little interest to me.

Disagreed that you "discuss". I've seen you in action. LOL

Nice example of a persecution complex. Interesting.
translation: for some inexplicable reason, Dutch wants to pick a fight with me even though he can't rationally or factually or logically prove his accusation. I surmise that Dutch feels he can't agree with someone all the time, especially if bested by them on a previous topic.

When Dutch goes into the "arrogant asshole" mode he use to proudly assert, I just dump him in the ignore file for a month or so. He calms down, and then acts like he's not sitting on his brains.

Later, son.
Claims he likes to debate.
That's why I will discuss, debate and even argue with some folk here over the years until they just get ridiculous .... then I ignore them
his kingdom is not of this earth. it's spiritual.

your perversions are of little interest to me.

The very fact that you accept the New Testament as scripture demostrates you accept the authority of the Church Fathers.

The New Testament canon itself was an act of interpretation.

God did not hand anybody a collection of 27 books calling it the New Testament.

Early Christians wrote many Gospels and Epistles about Jesus.

Ultimately, it was Church Fathers and early Bishops who decided which written works constituted genuine revelation, and which ones didn't.
The very fact that you accept the New Testament as scripture demostrates you accept the authority of the Church Fathers.

The New Testament itself was an act of interpretation.

God did not hand anybody a collection of 27 books calling it the New Testament.

Early christians wrote many Gospels and Epistles about Jesus.

Ultimately, it was Church Fathers and early Bishops who decided which written works constituted genuine revelation, and which ones didn't.

and you're the one who can't read?

my kingdom is not of this earth is pretty clear language.
Really? That’s your answer? People fleeing for their lives and they have to give up their homes?

Man, you just revealed a lot about yourself in one short sentence.
Unlike you, I'm not political and emotional. I read history and maps plus, again unlike you, I know to support my opinions with citations. The UN had a Two-State Solution. Guess who wasn't happy with it for 75 years?

9 questions about the Israel-Palestine conflict you were too embarrassed to ask

The War of 1948 was the almost inevitable result of more than half a century of Arab-Jewish friction and conflict that began with the arrival in Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel), or Palestine, of the first Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe in the early 1880s. These “Zionists” (Zion, one of Jerusalem’s hills, was, by extension, a biblical name for Jerusalem and, by further extension, a name for the Land of Israel) were driven both by the age-old messianic dream, embedded in Judaism’s daily prayers, of reestablishing a Jewish state in the ancient homeland and by European anti-Semitism, which erupted...

On 14 February 1947, the British cabinet decided to wash its hands of Palestine and dump the problem in the lap of the United Nations. Ernest Bevin was later to say: “The Arabs, like the Jews, [had] refused to accept any of the compromise proposals which HMG had put before both parties.”¹ The military chiefs of staff were unhappy with the decision; it would open the door to Soviet penetration and subvert the morale of the troops in Palestine. But Clement Attlee and Bevin had already decided, in principle, in a tête-à-tête on 27 December 1946, that in the new,...
Unlike you, I'm not political and emotional. I read history and maps plus, again unlike you, I know to support my opinions with citations. The UN had a Two-State Solution. Guess who wasn't happy with it for 75 years?

9 questions about the Israel-Palestine conflict you were too embarrassed to ask


should israel stop israelis settlers from incursing into palestinian areas?
Unlike you, I'm not political and emotional. I read history and maps plus, again unlike you, I know to support my opinions with citations. The UN had a Two-State Solution. Guess who wasn't happy with it for 75 years?

9 questions about the Israel-Palestine conflict you were too embarrassed to ask

“The plan allotted the poorest lands of Palestine, including the Negev Desert, and areas that are known today as the West Bankand the Gaza Strip to the Arabs; while most of the coastline and some of Palestine's most fertile agricultural land in the Galilee were allotted to the Jews.”

I don’t blame them for rejecting it.
Unlike you, I'm not political and emotional. I read history and maps plus, again unlike you, I know to support my opinions with citations. The UN had a Two-State Solution. Guess who wasn't happy with it for 75 years?

9 questions about the Israel-Palestine conflict you were too embarrassed to ask


Yeah, know WHY the Palestinians didn’t like it? It gave over half the land to a minority population.

should israel stop israelis settlers from incursing into palestinian areas?
If it's legal, I support a sovereign nation to grow their own country. If it's not, then no.

It's been 75 years of constant attack from the Muslims against the Jews. I can understand why Israel's patience has grown short but I don't condone illegal actions.