Onward Christian soldiers

What you posted here is nothing but a bunch of ambiguous statements that can mean whatever you want them to mean; only the feeble minded like yourself don't know the difference.

One of the reasons why I have the little dolt on ignore. Note how he and his like minded brethren always try to switch the conversation to racist rhetoric? What the lives of these must be like....pathetic.
Originally Posted by Dachshund View Post
Hey, Green Lizard, do you remember America's famous Holy High-Roller, the black, Tellie-Evangelist, Creflo E. Dollar ? Now, he was what I call a truly class act, brother !

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

I thought Dolla had a way of putting everybody in their place. I liked the way he used humor in his sermons. I also liked the music.

So yes, a very interesting evangelical! Likeable and entertaining and with a true sincerity!


Yeah, he's as entertaining a scam artist and creep just like the rest of the TV mega tree stump church preachers.
I think that most people of my generation were, pretty much, all raised up with Christian values.

Now, even though there are only 10 commandments, additionally there were also thousands of DO's & DON'TS preached in the Holy Bible.

So I am assuming that the 10 Commandments and these thousands of Do's & Don'ts preached in the Bible reflect Christian Values.

It was only as I grew up in my teens that I started to question certain Commandments and DO's & DON'TS preached in the bible.

In fact, I just skipped the first 4 of the 10 commandments altogether, as they seemed a little bit all too AUTOCRATIC, or even all too controlling for me. And a lot of the Do's & Don'ts that ended up as Bible Verse I found stupid or asinine, such as if you look at something God does not want you to look at- THE ALMIGHTY GOD would turn you into stone etc., and etc., and etc.

Sorry, but at 14, I looked at a Playboy magazine, and I felt something getting hard, BUT I OK'd and justified it instantly! :laugh:


WHY? Because we are humans and sinners first- BEFORE WE ARE CHRISTIANS, holly rollers, Agnostics, Athiests, or devil worshipers- or WHATEVER WE BECAME.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
True, all those nasty realities like science, math, medicine, documented history keep getting in the way of a book allegedly written by prophets channeling the Divine Creator. ;)

Ridiculing people's beliefs or ancient wisdom is not the way to win friends and influence people.

Which I didn't do, but pointing out some basic logic has a way of irritating religious folk. Go figure.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Hence my keeping this right wingnut on permanent "ignore".

Ignoring violent, hateful people isn't a solution.

running around in a circle with people who are so ridiculous and insipidly stubborn isn't either. That's why I will discuss, debate and even argue with some folk here over the years until they just get ridiculous .... then I ignore them. They follow me around just to tell me my statements, opinions and analysis are not worth reading. Weird, right.
fuck the church fathers. I don't need a bunch of assholes to tell me how to read.
You don't read Greek, Hebrew, or Latin, so whatever you're reading is jut third hand, inferior translation of the original scripture in vernacular language. So in a very real sense, you've never actually read the bible.

fuck the church fathers. christ's kingdom is not of this world.
It's fairly clear from the Synoptic Gospels that Jesus thought the kingdom of God was going to be right here on Earth.

The fact that you believe Heaven's kingdom is transcendent place our souls migrate to means unambiguously you accept and adopt the Church Father's interpretation of scripture. You were just too stupid to realize it. The Church Fathers adopted concepts from Plato to concieve of the idea of a transcendant Heaven immortal souls migrate to.
running around in a circle with people who are so ridiculous and insipidly stubborn isn't either.

That's why I will discuss, debate and even argue with some folk here over the years until they just get ridiculous .... then I ignore them.

They follow me around just to tell me my statements, opinions and analysis are not worth reading. Weird, right.


Disagreed that you "discuss". I've seen you in action. LOL

Nice example of a persecution complex. Interesting.
Do you know the difference between a combatant and a refugee?

Yes. Do you understand the international rules of war?

Can you tell by the crater that the target was underground? That if the Israelis wanted to target people they's use a fragmentation air blast or napalm, not a penetrating bomb?

Disagreed that you "discuss". I've seen you in action. LOL

Nice example of a persecution complex. Interesting.

translation: for some inexplicable reason, Dutch wants to pick a fight with me even though he can't rationally or factually or logically prove his accusation. I surmise that Dutch feels he can't agree with someone all the time, especially if bested by them on a previous topic.

When Dutch goes into the "arrogant asshole" mode he use to proudly assert, I just dump him in the ignore file for a month or so. He calms down, and then acts like he's not sitting on his brains.

Later, son.
translation: for some inexplicable reason, Dutch wants to pick a fight with me even though he can't rationally or factually or logically prove his accusation. I surmise that Dutch feels he can't agree with someone all the time, especially if bested by them on a previous topic.

When Dutch goes into the "arrogant asshole" mode he use to proudly assert, I just dump him in the ignore file for a month or so. He calms down, and then acts like he's not sitting on his brains.

Later, son.

Says the Coward.
We can't ... not yet anyway. All the cult followers of mega churches and the like are just a few steps from becoming violent. Ever since Reagan gave them a seat at the table, they've been carrying on to the point we see now. I mean, Jeez! The Kentucky ark park is the icing on the cake of religious dogmatic stupidity.

Well, you can be purged by the next Crusade, too. No one needs idiots like that around.

Communists murdering millions of their own people are the icing on the cake of atheism.

Out of Jihad, The Crusades, and Communism, which has killed more than the other two combined?
Yes. Do you understand the international rules of war?

Can you tell by the crater that the target was underground? That if the Israelis wanted to target people they's use a fragmentation air blast or napalm, not a penetrating bomb?

I’m talking about the original Palestinian refugees. Hundreds of thousands of them. Not involved in the 1947-48 war. Fleeing from it and losing their homes and land to it. Losing it to the Israelis.
Ridiculing people's beliefs or ancient wisdom is not the way to win friends and influence people.

Onward Christian soldiers obviously why Christian Nation SCOTUS granted standing to thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists has HA MAS ! continuing missile & rocket attacks in the news ......
You don't read Greek, Hebrew, or Latin, so whatever you're reading is jut third hand, inferior translation of the original scripture in vernacular language. So in a very real sense, you've never actually read the bible.

It's fairly clear from the Synoptic Gospels that Jesus thought the kingdom of God was going to be right here on Earth.

The fact that you believe Heaven's kingdom is transcendent place our souls migrate to means unambiguously you accept and adopt the Church Father's interpretation of scripture. You were just too stupid to realize it. The Church Fathers adopted concepts from Plato to concieve of the idea of a transcendant Heaven immortal souls migrate to.

you don't get stuff.

john 18:36

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
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True, all those nasty realities like science, math, medicine, documented history keep getting in the way of a book allegedly written by prophets channeling the Divine Creator. ;)
No idea what you're talking about. The Bible is quite fine with those things.