Onward Christian soldiers

Christians need better representatives.

Frequenting this and previous similar sites, I have thought this for years. I have used ammo from these sites for many of my sermons…mostly from quasi-Christians and their behavior and language.
I have. It’s not that far from where I live. All I can tell you is I kept my thoughts to myself but did a great deal of chuckling. I was complimented several times for the big grin on my face for enjoying my visit. I just said thanks and that I had.

My wife, a pretty conservative Catholic thought it one of the oddest things she’s seen in her life. She also felt very the people there were uncomfortably weird. That they were.

I seriously want to visit it if I am in the area.
You do know the Gospel writers used similar sources for reference when writing their material. John Dominic Crossan writes some of the best books on the subject. Matthew and Luke borrowed from Mark and then there is also the Q source.

There's obviously embellishments in the NT, and nobody can ever claim to have exact transcriptions of the words of Confucious, Jesus, Socrates, the Buddha written in real time. Their words and sayings were passed down posterity by their students and disciples.

The Gospel of Thomas has some sayings of Jesus that are similar to some found in the NT, and some scholars think Gospel of Thomas is thought to have originally been composed outside of and independent of the Synoptic Gospel tradition.

It seems pretty certain Jesus was a faith healer, of which there were many in first century Palestine. That probably explains the stories of him healing people, though embellishments obviously creep in.

The parables don't seem like they were written by a committee and seem to ring true to me. If not word for word, at least their essence.

The trial and execution of Jesus rings true.

Walking on water and the resurrection obviously defy science and reason.ff
Yes on sources. I'll refresh my memory on "the Q source".

Since all were written decades after Jesus, and not by the actual witnesses, it's logical that the authors based the Gospels off scraps of previous documents and testimony...or campfire stories like Moses did the first five books of the Bible.

FWIW, Story Tellers AKA keepers of verbal history, as a tribal position are known throughout all human cultures.

What Made Ancient Greeks Special? Storytelling
Greeks contributed to history with advances in narrative

The Cultural Significance Of African Griots: Storytellers, Oral Traditions, And History Keepers

Storytelling and Cultural Traditions
Storytelling is as old as culture. Many societies have long-established storytelling traditions. The stories, and performances thereof, function to entertain as well as educate.

Tradition holds that Mark was a disciple of Peter, though that can't be confirmed. If true, Mark represents the stories and teachings passed down from the disciple Peter

Paul knew Jesus' brother James and the disciple Peter, so it's not unreasonable to assume Pauline theology drew to some extent directly from two of Jesus' most important disciples

When it comes to ancient religions, sources don't get much better than that. The Analects of Confucius were written centuries after Confucious passed, and I think the Quran wasn't written down until over a century after Muhammed died. Nothing written in the Buddhist tradition was actually transcribed until centuries after Siddhartha Gautama's death.

You're all idiots and very dumb.

Which is why you feel superior enough to strap on that vest or drive that truck, Fredo?

How much do you hate your life and everyone in it? Seriously?

You're not a happy person, Fredo. Happy people don't hate...unless they are sadistic psychotics, then they like it a lot. Call the authorities! LOL
Frequenting this and previous similar sites, I have thought this for years. I have used ammo from these sites for many of my sermons…mostly from quasi-Christians and their behavior and language.

It's a target rich environment, Reverand. :flagsal:
To be a successful Standup comedian you create a routine... and retell it often, each time refining it slightly more, based on audience feedback until you get a winner. You copy yourself.

There is similar craft in other Story Telling, but they are often copying others. For instance are you familiar with this I will put in the spoilers?


Not only is there embellishment in most religious text studies, there is clear theft and refinement of other cultures parables and stories.

So while Jesus, Mary, Noah, etc were all people, their story were largely stolen from past cultures religious texts, as a work in progress in the same way a comedian builds his material.

Each successive religion who would steal much of the material would refine it as bit more ...get a bit more traction... and so on and so on. And eventually you have a hit that spawns a new major religion.

The only counter to these truths are to say it is all just some vast coincidence how closely these stories align, not just once, but over and over in different cultures.

Organized religion is BS for derps. It is a way to grift money and power. That does not mean every person or intention is bad but people need to understand it is a con FIRSt.
Never saw that about Avatar, but do know there only so many basic plots to entertain people.


Ridiculing religion only makes you look like an asshole, QP. As snooty and snotnosed as a fucking Bible Thumper. Jus' sayin'. :)
There is similar craft in other Story Telling, but they are often copying others.

Not only is there embellishment in most religious text studies, there is clear theft and refinement of other cultures parables and stories.
I've read the New Testament, The Analects, The Dhammapada, The Dao De Jing, the Bhagavad Gita, and I see little similarity and no copying.

It would be possible to walk back your assertion and geographically scale it way down to the Near Eastern literary traditions in Gilgamesh, Zoroastrianism, Judaism which share some of the same Near Eastern cultural fabric and folk tales.
It seemed to me there was very little embellishment in the Analects, the Daodejing, The Dhammapada, because they were mostly concerned with right conduct and right perspective, which in and of themselves cultivated the Dao, the way of heaven, Qi, Karma, etc.

The question is always whether Confucius,Laozi, or the Buddha actually said those words. But there is no embellishment like walking on water or curing lepers.
Tradition holds that Mark was a disciple of Peter, though that can't be confirmed. If true, Mark represents the stories and teachings passed down from the disciple Peter

Paul knew Jesus' brother James and the disciple Peter, so it's not unreasonable to assume Pauline theology drew to some extent directly from two of Jesus' most important disciples

When it comes to ancient religions, sources don't get much better than that. The Analects of Confucius were written centuries after Confucious passed, and I think the Quran wasn't written down until over a century after Muhammed died. Nothing written in the Buddhist tradition was actually transcribed until centuries after Siddhartha Gautama's death.
Every cop knows that if there are 12 witnesses to an accident, there are 12 different versions of what happened. Some of this is natural from different perspectives, but it also varies on the bias and quality of the witness.

That said, the timing is interesting since Peter is supposed to have died under Nero about the same time as Mark wrote his gospel. 65-70ADish.
Never saw that about Avatar, but do know there only so many basic plots to entertain people.


Ridiculing religion only makes you look like an asshole, QP. As snooty and snotnosed as a fucking Bible Thumper. Jus' sayin'. :)

Funny i put the wrong story in the spoiler and meant this one, ...


But the point is the same.

And re Organized religion, i grew up more religious than most. My issue is not with religious people or believers, just the BUSINESS of organized religion. It is so pious and yet so dishonest.
You're the one who didn't know Baptists are Protestants, so you should sit out and disqualify yourself from threads on religion.

You are a racist.
You used it as a racial slur.
Even emphasized your own racial hatred with the word 'white'.
I called you out on it.
And now you're mad.

Protestant is not a religion. Are you claiming you were IGNORANT of the fact he is a Baptist?

There are thousands of Christian denominations because there are disagreements on meanings and priorities.

The Bible was written for the masses, the scholars, and everyone in between. Each will get what they need from it, or not.

Scholars may delve into the history and original Hebrew. For instance, Barabbas means "son of the father", and the "king of the Jews" at the time was Caesar. Or they can study the Apocryphal texts or the commonalities among other religions.

Christ teaches us to forgive. And the hardest thing to do is to forgive ourselves.

Which is why you feel superior enough to strap on that vest or drive that truck, Fredo?

How much do you hate your life and everyone in it? Seriously?

You're not a happy person, Fredo. Happy people don't hate...unless they are sadistic psychotics, then they like it a lot. Call the authorities! LOL

I'm a fount of light, joy, and truth.

Funny i put the wrong story in the spoiler and meant this one, ...
But the point is the same.

And re Organized religion, i grew up more religious than most. My issue is not with religious people or believers, just the BUSINESS of organized religion. It is so pious and yet so dishonest.

No doubt there's a lot of derivative material in Hollyweird. :D

Yet your attacks on religion seem very personal, QP. You believe anyone who is religious is a "derp" swallowing BS. Example:
Organized religion is BS for derps. It is a way to grift money and power. That does not mean every person or intention is bad but people need to understand it is a con FIRSt.
"derps" meaning stupid, ignorant people of whom you feel superior.
Every cop knows that if there are 12 witnesses to an accident, there are 12 different versions of what happened. Some of this is natural from different perspectives, but it also varies on the bias and quality of the witness.

That said, the timing is interesting since Peter is supposed to have died under Nero about the same time as Mark wrote his gospel. 65-70ADish.

Of course you're right about memory and oral tradition.

Thewre's no way to prove it, but if Mark was a follower of Peter as tradition holds, his Gospel is based on an interpretation of what Jesus' most important disciple taught him. That in itself is great historical question
Christians need better representatives.

You know that’s really the issue in a nutshell. Most of us Christians find Evangelicals so obnoxiously arrogant and also holding deeply held views that are contradictory to the teachings of Christ.

When ever Evangelicals refer to themselves collectively as “Us Christians” I tell them point blank “Who died and made you God that you get to define what it means to be a Christian?”. It is just mind boggling the scope of their arrogance and lack of humility.
You are a racist.
You used it as a racial slur.
Even emphasized your own racial hatred with the word 'white'.
I called you out on it.
And now you're mad.

Protestant is not a religion. Are you claiming you were IGNORANT of the fact he is a Baptist?

There are thousands of Christian denominations because there are disagreements on meanings and priorities.

The Bible was written for the masses, the scholars, and everyone in between. Each will get what they need from it, or not.

Scholars may delve into the history and original Hebrew. For instance, Barabbas means "son of the father", and the "king of the Jews" at the time was Caesar. Or they can study the Apocryphal texts or the commonalities among other religions.

Christ teaches us to forgive. And the hardest thing to do is to forgive ourselves.
Just made my TOP TEN list of "Most Likely to Shoot Up a Bowling Alley".

Congrats, Pup. You could be in the news!

Not that you'd see it after you eat your own gun. LOL