Onward Christian soldiers

Of course you're right about memory and oral tradition.

Thewre's no way to prove it, but if Mark was a follower of Peter as tradition holds, his Gospel is based on an interpretation of what Jesus' most important disciple taught him. That in itself is great historical question
Due to chronological proximity, I believe the message is close to the truth. It's the books written long after or by people who had no direct contact with Jesus or his disciples that I suspect are drifting off the message.

It's for that reason that I believe those who cherry-pick from religious texts, be it Evangelistas or Jihadists, are prone to error by misinterpreting the message. The quotes themselves may not be exact, but the overall tone and demeanor of a religious text still conveys the overall message of the sender.
You are a racist.
You used it as a racial slur.
Even emphasized your own racial hatred with the word 'white'.
I called you out on it.
And now you're mad.

Protestant is not a religion. Are you claiming you were IGNORANT of the fact he is a Baptist?

There are thousands of Christian denominations because there are disagreements on meanings and priorities.

The Bible was written for the masses, the scholars, and everyone in between. Each will get what they need from it, or not.

Scholars may delve into the history and original Hebrew. For instance, Barabbas means "son of the father", and the "king of the Jews" at the time was Caesar. Or they can study the Apocryphal texts or the commonalities among other religions.

Christ teaches us to forgive. And the hardest thing to do is to forgive ourselves.

^^ That's a lot of fancy tap dancing and dodging to avoid confessing you didn't even know that Baptists are Protestants.

Encyclopedia Brittanica

Baptist, member of a group of Protestant Christians
who share the basic beliefs of most Protestants but who insist that only believers should be baptized and that it should be done by immersion rather than by the sprinkling or pouring of water. (This view, however, is shared by others who are not Baptists.)

Due to chronological proximity, I believe the message is close to the truth. It's the books written long after or by people who had no direct contact with Jesus or his disciples that I suspect are drifting off the message.

It's for that reason that I believe those who cherry-pick from religious texts, be it Evangelistas or Jihadists, are prone to error by misinterpreting the message. The quotes themselves may not be exact, but the overall tone and demeanor of a religious text still conveys the overall message of the sender.

I don't think it's even reasonable to expect quotes from Jesus, Muhammad, or Confucious to be perfect word for word transcriptions.

But the basic essence of Jesus' sermons and parables have a sort of unity that is hard to miss.

The non-canonic Gospel of Thomas corroborates some of the sayings of Jesus independent of the Synoptic gospels, even if the wording and syntax varies.

You couldn't throw a stone in first century Palestine without hitting a Jewish faith healer or apocalyptic mystic. Something about Jesus made him stand out. Maybe it was the radical appeal of his message that stood out.
I don't think it's even reasonable to expect quotes from Jesus, Muhammad, or Confucious to be perfect word for word transcriptions.

But the basic essence of Jesus' sermons and parables have a sort of unity that is hard to miss.

The non-canonic Gospel of Thomas corroborates some of the sayings of Jesus independent of the Synoptic gospels, even if the wording and syntax varies.

You couldn't throw a stone in first century Palestine without hitting a Jewish faith healer or apocalyptic mystic. Something about Jesus made him stand out. Maybe it was the radical appeal of his message that stood out.

but what does this have to do with clear meanings of words?

"my kingdom is not of this earth". its clear.

you're trying to keep the religion obsessed with material power and that's not jesus' way.
Just made my TOP TEN list of "Most Likely to Shoot Up a Bowling Alley".

Congrats, Pup. You could be in the news!

Not that you'd see it after you eat your own gun. LOL

bearing false witness is your habitual sin, deep state.

there can be forgiveness, but first you must stop being an asshole.

I don't think it's even reasonable to expect quotes from Jesus, Muhammad, or Confucious to be perfect word for word transcriptions.

But the basic essence of Jesus' sermons and parables have a sort of unity that is hard to miss.

The non-canonic Gospel of Thomas corroborates some of the sayings of Jesus independent of the Synoptic gospels, even if the wording and syntax varies.

You couldn't throw a stone in first century Palestine without hitting a Jewish faith healer or apocalyptic mystic. Something about Jesus made him stand out. Maybe it was the radical appeal of his message that stood out.

Agreed about the Gospels. Note that it's the books after Jesus in the Christian Bible that, IMO, lack that "sort of unity". There is more condemnation in later books with the Book of Revelations being a standout of spreading fear and hate.
bearing false witness is your habitual sin, deep state.

there can be forgiveness, but first you must stop being an asshole.

It's an observation, Fredo. If in court testifying against you or BigPup for a criminal act, I can only testify to reading your posts and my opinions of those posts. That's not bearing false witness, son. That's just opinion. It would be up to the prosecution to present all of your posts and other evidence to build their case.
Agreed about the Gospels. Note that it's the books after Jesus in the Christian Bible that, IMO, lack that "sort of unity". There is more condemnation in later books with the Book of Revelations being a standout of spreading fear and hate.

It's not fear and hate, simpleton.

it's a warning about the satanic new world order that you support daily with your lies and degeneracy.
It's an observation, Fredo. If in court testifying against you or BigPup for a criminal act, I can only testify to reading your posts and my opinions of those posts. That's not bearing false witness, son. That's just opinion. It would be up to the prosecution to present all of your posts to build their case.

it's a contrived falsehood about another person.

it's bearing false witness.

it's one of the big ten.

you're a moral failure.
but what does this have to do with clear meanings of words?

"my kingdom is not of this earth". its clear.

you're trying to keep the religion obsessed with material power and that's not jesus' way.

Jesus didn't speak English so that's not what he said.

Experts in ancient Greek and in ancient Near Eastern history think Jesus was talking about the Kingdom of God being on this Earth, but beyond the worldly laws and politics of men.
Jesus didn't speak English so that's not what he said.

Experts in ancient Greek and in ancient Near Eastern history think Jesus was talking about the Kingdom of God being on this Earth, but beyond the worldly laws and politics of men.

no they don't.
New House Speaker Thinks Creationist Museum Is 'Pointing People To The Truth'

An ark replica with dinosaurs "is one way to bring people to this recognition ... that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Mike Johnson said.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.

In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while*guest-hosting the radio show*of Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.

Does that make you cry and quake in fear atheist halfwit? :palm:
Agreed about the Gospels. Note that it's the books after Jesus in the Christian Bible that, IMO, lack that "sort of unity". There is more condemnation in later books with the Book of Revelations being a standout of spreading fear and hate.

The epistles are all over the map.

The legitimate letters of Paul seem to indicate women could play an active role in the church. Paul was known to have female companions who worked with him.

Then some of the pseudographia letters that claim to be Paul, but probably written by someone else, tell women of the church to sit down and shut up!
it's a contrived falsehood about another person.

it's bearing false witness.

it's one of the big ten.

you're a moral failure.

You forgot to call me a Satanic Statist and Jew-Loving Globalist, Fredo. How else can the FBI keep building their case if you don't give them more evidence you're insane?