Onward Christian soldiers

There's another Red Flag from JPP's most nominated Wannabe Suicide Bomber. :rofl2:

and the hits just keep on coming....

we build in life the chain we must wear in death, Scrooge.

you have even missed the basic moral training embedded in popular literature.

you're literally a moral retard.
You forgot to call me a Satanic Statist and Jew-Loving Globalist, Fredo. How else can the FBI keep building their case if you don't give them more evidence you're insane?

those are old news.

the fbi will be dissolved after massive donkey dick bag poisonings from their own bad hygiene.
The epistles are all over the map.

The legitimate letters of Paul seem to indicate women could play an active role in the church. Paul was known to have female companions who worked with him.

Then some of the pseudographia letters that claim to be Paul, but probably written by someone else, tell women of the church to sit down and shut up!

No doubt Paul wrote a lot of letters, had someone else write them or dictated them. What should also be pointed out is that those letters, books and other documents were cherry picked centuries later to formulate a canonized Bible with a specific message for the neophyte Christian religion AKA the Catholic Church.
those are old news.

the fbi will be dissolved after massive donkey dick bag poisonings from their own bad hygiene.
Does anyone question whether Fredo is a delusional halfwit afraid of the world and supporting its destruction?
Just made my TOP TEN list of "Most Likely to Shoot Up a Bowling Alley".

Congrats, Pup. You could be in the news!

Not that you'd see it after you eat your own gun. LOL

Says the serial killer too obese to fit thru his door.

So he encourages people online to commit murder.
^^ That's a lot of fancy tap dancing and dodging to avoid confessing you didn't even know that Baptists are Protestants.

You've been tap dancing this whole thread to cover up your racial hatred. It's not about religion for you.

You are a racist.
You used it as a racial slur.
Even emphasized your own racial hatred with the word 'white'.
I called you out on it.
And now you're mad.

Protestant is not a religion. Are you claiming you were IGNORANT of the fact he is a Baptist?
Says the serial killer too obese to fit thru his door.

So he encourages people online to commit murder.

Lie all you like, Pup. You and I both know you're a liar. You lied about being a Christian. You're lying about me being a serial killer and you're lying about me encouraging Americans to commit murder.

Fine. I expect it out of you. My entire purpose of engaging you in conversation is so that others can see it too.
You've been tap dancing this whole thread to cover up your racial hatred. It's not about religion for you.

You are a racist.
You used it as a racial slur.
Even emphasized your own racial hatred with the word 'white'.
I called you out on it.
And now you're mad.

Protestant is not a religion. Are you claiming you were IGNORANT of the fact he is a Baptist?

QED on your lies and hatred. You need to be watched more closely, Pup. Perhaps the police need to visit you more often for a "wellness check". :thup:
Lie all you like, Pup. You and I both know you're a liar. You lied about being a Christian. You're lying about me being a serial killer and you're lying about me encouraging Americans to commit murder.

Fine. I expect it out of you. My entire purpose of engaging you in conversation is so that others can see it too.

you talk about violence more than anyone else on the forum, ya deep state pos liar.
Of course you're right about memory and oral tradition.

Thewre's no way to prove it, but if Mark was a follower of Peter as tradition holds, his Gospel is based on an interpretation of what Jesus' most important disciple taught him. That in itself is great historical question
Recent theories have Mark as an anonymous writer and the work was ascribed to him at a later time to give the gospel authority. Bart Erhman being one of those scholars if you wish to research.
Recent theories have Mark as an anonymous writer and the work was ascribed to him at a later time to give the gospel authority. Bart Erhman being one of those scholars if you wish to research.

you should focus on the meanings of the words, that's the message.

your nerdy cycloptic dork talk just subtracts from actual spirituality.
I don't think it's even reasonable to expect quotes from Jesus, Muhammad, or Confucious to be perfect word for word transcriptions.

But the basic essence of Jesus' sermons and parables have a sort of unity that is hard to miss.

The non-canonic Gospel of Thomas corroborates some of the sayings of Jesus independent of the Synoptic gospels, even if the wording and syntax varies.

You couldn't throw a stone in first century Palestine without hitting a Jewish faith healer or apocalyptic mystic. Something about Jesus made him stand out. Maybe it was the radical appeal of his message that stood out.
It was a message embraced by the soldiers, woman and poor, it was Paul’s form of Christianity that ignited the faithful, it was a message of equality and forgiveness. Paul’s message was very different from Jesus’
You know that’s really the issue in a nutshell. Most of us Christians find Evangelicals so obnoxiously arrogant and also holding deeply held views that are contradictory to the teachings of Christ.

When ever Evangelicals refer to themselves collectively as “Us Christians” I tell them point blank “Who died and made you God that you get to define what it means to be a Christian?”. It is just mind boggling the scope of their arrogance and lack of humility.

Here is a terrific article about evangelicals. Written by an evangelical.

“When the Christian faith is politicized, churches become repositories not of grace but of grievances, places where tribal identities are reinforced, where fears are nurtured, and where aggression and nastiness are sacralized," Peter Wehner writes…”

you talk about violence more than anyone else on the forum, ya deep state pos liar.
Unlike you and other lying POS's and terrorist supporters, Fredo, I believe in violence against bad people, not innocent ones who simply disagree with me.

Why haven't you contacted the FBI? They're the good guys. Is it because you're a bad person, Fredo? A wannabe mass murdering terrorist?

No doubt Paul wrote a lot of letters, had someone else write them or dictated them. What should also be pointed out is that those letters, books and other documents were cherry picked centuries later to formulate a canonized Bible with a specific message for the neophyte Christian religion AKA the Catholic Church.

Exactly. Notice that the kept the ones assigning women second class status, except of course for "Virgin" Mary. :rolleyes: