Onward Christian soldiers

to be fair, they themselves distinguished themselves from the protesters (folks who followed Luther, Calvin, etc at the time of the protest, b sed on the issue of infant baptism......

Protestant theology, like Catholic theology, is also not based on strict biblical literalism.....there are probably 6000 people who believe that the earth is literally 6000 years old.......why is it gnostics think they know more about Protestant theology than Protestants do?......

PigDog has already been hoisted on the petard of his own ignorance, and throwing him a life line won't cut it

Encyclopedia Brittanica

Baptist, member of a group of Protestant Christians
who share the basic beliefs of most Protestants but who insist that only believers should be baptized and that it should be done by immersion rather than by the sprinkling or pouring of water. (This view, however, is shared by others who are not Baptists.)

You white libs are so fucking racist, so hypocritical about Black and Hispanic Christians.

"It is widely assumed that the leading proponents of teaching creationism in the public schools are White evangelical Christians. But a new study conducted by researchers at Rice University in Houston and The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., finds that Blacks are more likely than Whites to believe creationism should be taught in the schools.

In a survey of nearly 10,000 participants, the authors found that a higher percentage of Black (58 percent) and Latino Americans (57 percent) compared to Whites (44 percent) support teaching creationism in the classroom instead of (but not alongside) evolution."

So, how does any of that equate to racism and hypocrisy?

White evangelicals are the ones who are the most vocal about it.

IOW, they are the ones who run around spouting off their big, fat, ignorant obnoxious, bloviating blowhard mouths about it.

Like you on every subject, for example.
or Bible Haters....did you know there are actually people who think people who believe the Bible should not be allowed in Congress......surprisingly they are the same people who put Talib and Omar in Conress.......

People who take the Bible literally and use it to explain everything they don't understand, are the stupidest people alive and should not be allowed in any position of authority or responsibility.

They should consider themselves lucky we even allow them to give their opinions on anything.
I am dubious of the cognitive reasoning abilities of anyone who believes in young Earth creationism, like the leader of your party in Congress apparently does
I am dubious of the cognitive reasoning abilities of any mere mortal who claims that he is omniscient, like you constantly love to do and are doing again here.
I am dubious of the cognitive reasoning abilities of any mere mortal who claims that he is omniscient, like you constantly love to do and are doing again here.

Provide a link to any post of mine I claimed to be omniscient.

Failure to provide such a link will be taken as proof you lied your flabby ass off.
no child.....I didn't invent it until I met you....

....dear old mom was just senile......
Let's wager a 12B bet that you are a lying piece of Satanic shit, Pmp, and that you've been using Demmycunt for years prior to my arrival. Deal?*

All of her life? Interesting. It helps explain why you have certain problems and why you hate women.

*FWIW, I expect you to run like the cowardly little minion most people know you are and never admit error.
Provide a link to any post of mine I claimed to be omniscient.

Failure to provide such a link will be taken as proof you lied your flabby ass off.

gfm is best served this way:

Today, 09:44 AM
Senior Member

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Provide a link to any post of mine I claimed to be omniscient.
Are you seriously going with the 'AProudLefty' defense? :rofl2:


Failure to provide such a link will be taken as proof you lied your flabby ass off.
The very post that I responded to is "a link" for you. In it, you are effectively claiming that young earth creationism is impossible because "We" "know" that earth is "much older" (due to another religious belief that is considered to be "The Science™", and anyone who denies "The Science™" is SOOOOOOO STOOOOOOOOPID. You're sure lived a loooooooooooooong life, eh? :rofl2:
So, how does any of that equate to racism and hypocrisy?

White evangelicals are the ones who are the most vocal about it.

IOW, they are the ones who run around spouting off their big, fat, ignorant obnoxious, bloviating blowhard mouths about it.

Like you on every subject, for example.

Will you condemn Black and Hispanic Christians with the same vitriolic hatred you aim at White Christians? ... of course not. Because white libs are racist divisive, soulless, authoritarian pigs.

In white lib world, if the leftist media doesn't cover it, it's not happening. :palm: Even if science says it is. :palm:

Your failed attempts to exempt Blacks and Hispanics is so hypocritical.
Let's wager a 12B bet that you are a lying piece of Satanic shit, Pmp, and that you've been using Demmycunt for years prior to my arrival. Deal?*

All of her life? Interesting. It helps explain why you have certain problems and why you hate women.

*FWIW, I expect you to run like the cowardly little minion most people know you are and never admit error.

You would win. Mason started a Goodreads forum (yes, the very same one that the pretend "teacher" constantly obsesses about) when the old Amazon politics forum closed down. PiMP was on it, briefly, and was removed by popular request because he kept calling the other posts cunts, along with using "demmycunt" frequently. He insisted that the word "cunt" was being used by him as Brits supposedly do and that it doesn't have the same connotation to them as it does in the U.S. He lives in Michigan. :rofl2:
Are you seriously going with the 'AProudLefty' defense? :rofl2:


The very post that I responded to is "a link" for you. In it, you are effectively claiming that young earth creationism is impossible because "We" "know" that earth is "much older" (due to another religious belief that is considered to be "The Science™", and anyone who denies "The Science™" is SOOOOOOO STOOOOOOOOPID. Apparently you were around 6,000 years ago to see for yourself that Earth is much older than that?

Ergo, claims of omniscience...

Mantra 46 Horse Assery

Mantra 62 Internet Cowardice

Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.
At least white libs are on the same page with catholic priests and catholic pres. hair sniffer ... because Hispanics are mostly catholic. :palm:
You would win. Mason started a Goodreads forum (yes, the very same one that the pretend "teacher" constantly obsesses about) when the old Amazon politics forum closed down. PiMP was on it, briefly, and was removed by popular request because he kept calling the other posts cunts, along with using "demmycunt" frequently. He insisted that the word "cunt" was being used by him as Brits supposedly do and that it doesn't have the same connotation to them as it does in the U.S. He lives in Michigan. :rofl2:

He's both a liar and, IMO, bitter, demented geezer who enjoys spreading evil to others. Sad.
You white libs are so fucking racist, so hypocritical about Black and Hispanic Christians.

"It is widely assumed that the leading proponents of teaching creationism in the public schools are White evangelical Christians. But a new study conducted by researchers at Rice University in Houston and The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., finds that Blacks are more likely than Whites to believe creationism should be taught in the schools.

In a survey of nearly 10,000 participants, the authors found that a higher percentage of Black (58 percent) and Latino Americans (57 percent) compared to Whites (44 percent) support teaching creationism in the classroom instead of (but not alongside) evolution."


The Leftist media didn't cover it, so it didn't happen is the latest white lib excuse. :palm:
Will you condemn Black and Hispanic Christians with the same vitriolic hatred you aim at White Christians? ... of course not. Because white libs are racist divisive, soulless, authoritarian pigs.

In white lib world, if the leftist media doesn't cover it, it's not happening. Even if science says it is. :palm:

Your failed attempts to exempt Blacks and Hispanics is so hypocritical.

Show me one example where I have ever differentiated in my disdain for Bible thumpers based on their ethnicity, liar.

If you were even slightly more intelligent than you are (a low bar for most people) it might have occured to you, that most of my criticism or disdain for evangelicals has been directed at CONSERVATIVE evangelicals and especially, conservative evangelicals who run their fat, ignorant, obnoxious pie holes in support of the ORANGE ANTICHRIST aka Donald Trump.

Because after all, and speaking of sheer hypocrisy, how fucking stupid and hypocritical does one have to be, to call oneself a follower of Jesus while at the same time, mouth support for an amoral scumbag like Trump?

Then, you might have asked yourself, how many blacks are pro-Trump conservatives vs whites?

Are you really as fucking dirt stupid as you make yourself out to be, Bigdogshit?

It's always such fun handing you your ass.

Thanks. :thup: