Onward Christian soldiers

Let's wager a 12B bet that you are a lying piece of Satanic shit, Pmp, and that you've been using Demmycunt for years prior to my arrival. Deal?*

All of her life? Interesting. It helps explain why you have certain problems and why you hate women.

*FWIW, I expect you to run like the cowardly little minion most people know you are and never admit error.

The earliest use of Demmycunt goes back at least to 2018, long before you were here.

lol.....another demmycunt who refuses to believe his own ears.....I'm not linking the video of her saying it again, 'cuz I know you wont listen to it.....
Are you seriously going with the 'AProudLefty' defense? :rofl2:


The very post that I responded to is "a link" for you. In it, you are effectively claiming that young earth creationism is impossible because "We" "know" that earth is "much older" (due to another religious belief that is considered to be "The Science™", and anyone who denies "The Science™" is SOOOOOOO STOOOOOOOOPID. You're sure lived a loooooooooooooong life, eh? :rofl2:
That's not an example of omniscience.

That's funny that you think there is a realistic possibility the Earth is only six thousand years old. :laugh:
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I don't really have a problem with Johnson being a Holy Roller. We do practice freedom of Religion!

I will judge him on his abilities to be the House Leader- We do not know that yet- But we are about to find out!
I don't really have a problem with Johnson being a Holy Roller. We do practice freedom of Religion!

I will judge him on his abilities to be the House Leader- We do not know that yet- But we are about to find out!

Me neither, but hypocrites disgust me since they are liars. If a person walks the walk, I'm good with it. Pence did. Notice that wasn't well respected among Trumpers. Trumpers like liars and people who only give lip-service to Jesus.
The Leftist media didn't cover it, so it didn't happen is the latest white lib excuse. :palm:

Like LibHater, you're a liar and a faux Christian who seeks to spread hate, divide Americans and, generally, do the work of Satan.

According to a new Gallup/CNN/USA Today poll conducted the weekend of June 25-27, seven out of ten Americans favor allowing daily spoken prayers in the nation's classrooms, and a somewhat greater percentage -- 74% -- supports a proposal allowing schools to display the Ten Commandments. As might be expected, there are partisan differences, with 81% of those who describe themselves as politically conservative supporting school prayer, compared with 58% of liberals. In addition, African-Americans are also more likely to support school prayer (85%) than are whites (69%). Older Americans -- those 50 and over -- are more likely to support prayer in schools (76%) than are those between the ages of 18-29 (62%).

Me neither, but hypocrites disgust me since they are liars. If a person walks the walk, I'm good with it. Pence did. Notice that wasn't well respected among Trumpers. Trumpers like liars and people who only give lip-service to Jesus.

Republi-crites do suck!

We need to stop referring to them as Rinos or elephants- and start referring to them as Hypos!
Of course it's possible. I don't claim omniscience like you do.

I accept your tacit confession you couldn't find a link I claimed omniscience, thereby proving you lied your enormous flabby ass off about me.

Oxford dictionary

om·nis·cience --> the state of knowing everything.
Republi-crites do suck!

We need to stop referring to them as Rinos or elephants- and start referring to them as Hypos!

RINOs are rarely hypocrites. They're GOP supporters who refuse to toe the radical RW ideology which has overtaken the Republican Party and killed the GOP.
Show me one example where I have ever differentiated in my disdain for Bible thumpers based on their ethnicity, liar.

Are Christians conservatives?

Will you condemn Black and Hispanic Christians with the same vitriolic hatred you aim at White Christians?
You white libs are so fucking racist, so hypocritical about Black and Hispanic Christians.

"It is widely assumed that the leading proponents of teaching creationism in the public schools are White evangelical Christians. But a new study conducted by researchers at Rice University in Houston and The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., finds that Blacks are more likely than Whites to believe creationism should be taught in the schools.

In a survey of nearly 10,000 participants, the authors found that a higher percentage of Black (58 percent) and Latino Americans (57 percent) compared to Whites (44 percent) support teaching creationism in the classroom instead of (but not alongside) evolution."


Just another white lib myth spread by leftist media, ... debunked.
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Are Christians conservatives?

Will you condemn Black and Hispanic Christians with the same vitriolic hatred you aim at White Christians?

If they ever start backing Trump/Republicans by the same percentages of their populations as their white, low-class, right-wing, Bible wagging idiot counterparts do, then you can bet your fat, drunken, redneck beer-slob ass I will.
If they ever start backing Trump/Republicans by the same percentages of their populations as their white, low-class, right-wing, Bible wagging idiot counterparts do, then you can bet your fat, drunken, redneck beer-slob ass I will.

I always knew you were a racist and a hypocrite.

I don't really have a problem with Johnson being a Holy Roller. We do practice freedom of Religion!

I will judge him on his abilities to be the House Leader- We do not know that yet- But we are about to find out!

Joe Biden is a holy roller when you get down to it

The New Testament social gospel was significant part of the inspiration for the liberal social reforms of the 19th and 20th centuries. I do not mind if someone's political values are informed by their religious social conscience, as long as it doesn't run afoul of the constitution or undermine the quality of public education.