Onward Christian soldiers


Or admit that you're just an ignorant, obnoxious, right-wing redneck troll who has nothing to say.

You will "lynch" Black republicans just as you racist democrat pigs have always done.
I don't think Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism build entertainment theme parks to grift off the stories in their sacred texts.

Islam claims to be a religion. The "God" of Islam is Allah. Muslim's (followers of Islam) believe that their most sacred Scripture - the Koran was was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed by Allah through the Archangel Gabriel who met with Mohammad at appointed time and verbally told Muhammed what Allah wanted to tell him. Mohammad memorised what Gabriel said to him and then had scribes copy the messages from Allah down on parchment with ink or whatever.

The problem is that the Koran has two sections (just like the Bible has the "Old Testament" and the "Gospels"). One section of the Koran sounds like Karen Carpenter in the early 70s - it's all "sweetness and light " and advocates tolerance and peace (this is the Mecca Koran) the other part is is all about the violent waging of Jihad against non-believers (in particular Jews and Christians). Allah thinks they are all lower than a snake's belly and if they refuse ti convert to Islam, they must be slaughtered by "the sword".

Here's the big problem. Allah is viewed as a god like the God of the Bible. That is, Allah is transcendent, (supernatural/superhuman), omniscient - knows the truth about every single thing there is in the universe, He is omnipotent ( all-powerful), he created the universe and everything in it; He is eternal, unchanging, etc. So, because Allah knows all absolute truth through eternity, it would be impossible for him to fuck up and make logically contradictory statements in the Koran (which is HIS WORD revealed to humanity through Mohammed)

How can a divine, omniscient God like Allah be advocating for tolerance and peace in one section of the Koran and balls-out Jihad - bloody slaughter of the non-believers (or "Kafirs") in the other main section of the Koran ? The answer is that such a God could not do this. Allah, if he existed as a real omniscient God simply could not possibly CONTRADICT Himself the way He does in the Koran.

Therefore the claimed God of Islam, Allah, does not exist; and the Koran was simply dreamt up by Mohammad, who was a fucking, batshit - crazy, delusional psychopath.

BTW, you're right that Islam doesn't build entertainment theme parks to grift off the stories in its sacred texts. It has far more fun providing entertainment for itself, in the form of: raping; beheading; burning and burying alive; shooting, and cruelly torturing to death any non-believers (Kafirs) it manages to get its hands on.

Can you dig it, Cyprus, baby ?

Dachshund the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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New House Speaker Thinks Creationist Museum Is 'Pointing People To The Truth'

An ark replica with dinosaurs "is one way to bring people to this recognition ... that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Mike Johnson said.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.

In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while*guest-hosting the radio show*of Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.

Ohh look, the Christophobic bigots of the democrat Reich are spewing hatred again.
I am dubious of the cognitive reasoning abilities of anyone who believes in young Earth creationism, like the leader of your party in Congress apparently does

But then you claim Covid-19 came from eating bat soup - so your credibility is a wee bit lacking....
As a Christian I want to flat out say that Mr. Johnson is cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

You will "lynch" Black republicans just as you racist democrat pigs have always done.

Far right Republiclowns are trash no matter what color skin they hide behind.

I spit and piss on them all equally.

If moderate Republicans still exist, I give them a pass.

You, I'd step on then burn my shoe.
I don't really have a problem with Johnson being a Holy Roller. We do practice freedom of Religion!

I will judge him on his abilities to be the House Leader- We do not know that yet- But we are about to find out!

Hey, Green Lizard, do you remember America's famous Holy High-Roller, the black, Tellie-Evangelist, Creflo E. Dollar ? Now, he was what I call a truly class act, brother !

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
And they are twisting themselves in knots ... trying to exempt Black and Hispanic Christians from white lib vitriolic hatred.

I obviously know more about Christianity than you Mr. Baptists aren't Protestants. :palm:

I also probably attend church more often than you.

Despite repeated requests, you have failed to identify a Democratic congressional representative who promotes creationism in public education and believes the Earth is six thousand years old. Blacks obviously aren't electing crusading creationist young Earthers.
I obviously know more about Christianity than you Mr. Baptists aren't Protestants. :palm:

I also probably attend church more often than you.

Despite repeated requests, you have failed to identify a Democratic congressional representative who promotes creationism in public education and believes the Earth is six thousand years old. Blacks obviously aren't electing crusading creationist young Earthers.

Wow. I had to actually look that up.

Baptists and Evangelicals are different denominations, but they both sleep in the same bed of Creationism, Young Earthers, shredding the Constitution then replacing it with the Bible, homosexuality is an abomination, and America is a "Christian Nation", among other things. They believe in sending all the Jews to Israel, banning Muslims and forcing African-Americans to servitude or shipping them back to Africa in order to Make America White Again.

"We would create law based on the God of the Bible and the Ten Commandments. It's pretty simple."
-- Sarah Palin on Fox​

If someone wants to believe the Earth is six thousand years old, is perfectly fair to ask their line of reasoning that leads to that belief.

Strict biblical literalism is only theologically correct in fundamentalist Protestantism, so this can't be an attack on the world Christian tradition.
Speaker Mike Johnson is a BAPTIST.

Why do white libs have to LIE so much. :palm:
Show me one example where I have ever differentiated in my disdain for Bible thumpers based on their ethnicity, liar.

If you were even slightly more intelligent than you are (a low bar for most people) it might have occured to you, that most of my criticism or disdain for evangelicals has been directed at CONSERVATIVE evangelicals and especially, conservative evangelicals who run their fat, ignorant, obnoxious pie holes in support of the ORANGE ANTICHRIST aka Donald Trump.

Because after all, and speaking of sheer hypocrisy, how fucking stupid and hypocritical does one have to be, to call oneself a follower of Jesus while at the same time, mouth support for an amoral scumbag like Trump?

Then, you might have asked yourself, how many blacks are pro-Trump conservatives vs whites?

Are you really as fucking dirt stupid as you make yourself out to be, Bigdogshit?

It's always such fun handing you your ass.

Thanks. :thup:

Assumption of victory fallacy. You are making shit up again. TDS.
If they ever start backing Trump/Republicans by the same percentages of their populations as their white, low-class, right-wing, Bible wagging idiot counterparts do, then you can bet your fat, drunken, redneck beer-slob ass I will.

Racism. Bigotry. TDS.