PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

Nah bro, you are. You have to because you are not a creative person, you're not intuitive, you have shit instincts, and poor judgment. That's why you steal what other people say and do and try to appropriate it as your own creative thought.

But you're not original or creative.

Lol peewee Herman arguments.
I believe you to have socks.

I know you're desperately trying to get me to defend myself, I'm not going to. Your accusation is unprovable unfounded and arbitrary. To try and defend myself against it would suggest that it wasn't.

Simply whatever conspiracies you want I don't care.
somebody who's been in politics for 50 years is absolutely within his preview.

No, it's not.

It's within the FBI's purview to investigate the actions of our elected officials, abroad and domestic.

Why didn't Trump have the FBI investigate Biden for crimes you allege he committed while Vice President?
I know you're desperately trying to get me to defend myself, I'm not going to. Your accusation is unprovable unfounded and arbitrary. To try and defend myself against it would suggest that it wasn't.

Simply whatever conspiracies you want I don't care.


Yeah, you just happened to have stumbled upon JPP 5 months ago. OK. Yeah. Sure. Totally believable.
How is it a favor to the US for a foreign country to investigate a US citizen for actions he did while Vice President?
expose his corruption and they did it would have gone under the radar screen if Democrats had thrown The temper tantrum about it.

Lies are not dangerous it's the truth that is

That's the FBI's job, not Ukraine.
first the FBI is not an international investigatory organization they investigate citizens in the US. They're more along the lines of HR. People watch too many movies and television shows and get the wrong idea about what the FBI is.

The second the FBI is phenomenally incompetent they wouldn't be able to pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.

So no it's not the FBI's job. it is a bureau they are bureaucrats their job is to slow down everything.
No, it's not.

It's within the FBI's purview to investigate the actions of our elected officials, abroad and domestic.

Why didn't Trump have the FBI investigate Biden for crimes you allege he committed while Vice President?

again the FBI is a domestic organization they can't investigate things that happened in Ukraine.

Real life isn't television.

Further the FBI is incompetent.

Finally the president of the United States is the boss of the FBI.
I would actually like for you to do that. Could you? Would love to see someone else take it to these assholes for once...;)

Well as far as I can find out, I was wrong. Kind of. Which doesn't happen very often. For a time governor Cuomo was sending some recovering elderly coronavirus patients to nursing homes that still tested positive for the virus. But the way the trumptards like to make it sound, to deflect blame, they say that Cuomo was taking some of those who were found to have the coronavirus and sending them straight to nursing homes. And that didn't happen at all. Also, no nursing homes were forced to take such people that they couldn't handle. Another thing is that I would assume that those who work in nursing homes aren't complete idiots. If they took in a recovering coronavirus patient who was still testing positive for the virus, surely they would have taken steps to quarantine them.
Yes it is asking for favors on behalf of the United States to find out the truth about somebody who's been in politics for 50 years is absolutely within his preview. I would go further and say that's his job.

Asking for favors with veiled threats to try to dig up shit on his political opponent.
again the FBI is a domestic organization they can't investigate things that happened in Ukraine.

Real life isn't television.

Further the FBI is incompetent.

Finally the president of the United States is the boss of the FBI.

The FBI is stationed all over the world and conduct investigations accordingly.

Try again.


Don't flatter yourself. Trump can't even fumble his way out of a paper bag.
Your claim is noted and dismissed without evidence because it was made without evidence.

I can’t fix your willful ignorance, Trumptard. I can only point it out.

Trump - We do everything for Ukraine. More than every other country. And it’s not reciprocated. We do everything for you and get nothing in return. Here I have $400 million in my back pocket that I’m holding. Now, I need a favor from you about Biden and his kid
