PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

It wasn't his idea. For a change he took the advice from experts. Check out this website. "AP Fact Check: Trump's Inaccurate Boasts On China Travel Ban." One of the things it says is, "Most major airlines had already suspended flights to China prior to the announcement in Jan. 31." Sure, the democrats are shitheads too. But I was talking about trump.

it was his idea. all the dems were calling him xenophobic.
The covid we are having problems with is number 19. Did the Chinese also create covid 1 through 18 in a lab? Also, the Chinese can be pretty stupid. But nobody would unleash a disease that there is no cure for.

the ccp would. and they have.

maybe they have a cure, laced with 5g controlled nanobots.
If you beat me why are you narcissistically carrying on about how much you beat me are you trying to convince yourself?

You said:

FBI only conducted domestic investigations. Wrong, dumbfuck. I corrected you.

You claimed they couldn’t even impeach Trump. Wrong, dumbfuck. I pointed out they did. Twice

You claimed it was just the House that did, so it wasn’t legitimate. I pointed out, dumbfuck, that the House has the SOLE power of impeachment.

One thing about you, dumbfuck. You’re consistent. Consistently wrong, but consistent nonetheless.

Halfwitted moron. :rofl2:
You said:

FBI only conducted domestic investigations. Wrong, dumbfuck. I corrected you.

You claimed they couldn’t even impeach Trump. Wrong, dumbfuck. I pointed out they did. Twice

You claimed it was just the House that did, so it wasn’t legitimate. I pointed out, dumbfuck, that the House has the SOLE power of impeachment.

One thing about you, dumbfuck. You’re consistent. Consistently wrong, but consistent nonetheless.

Halfwitted moron. :rofl2:

Again who are you trying to convince?
What does that say about the people who keep losing to him. He can't fumble his way out of a wet paper sack but the way dumber people can't even impeach him. Or beat him in an election.

so if Donald Trump is that incompetent the Democrats must be jelly with eyes.

It's not so simple. His supporters are morons, but GOP congressmen need to kowtow to those same supporters if they wish to stay in office. You honestly think the GOP likes Trump? You'll struggle to find any retired Republicans who support Trump, because they have nothing to lose by sharing their true feelings. Mitt Romney is the only guy in your party with integrity.
It's not so simple. His supporters are morons, but GOP congressmen need to kowtow to those same supporters if they wish to stay in office.
It's designed that way. Making it the voters party and not the politicians party. Do what your constituencies want or they'll ax you. It's called representative government
You honestly think the GOP likes Trump?
Not everybody in it no. Remember when he said he was going to drain the swamp? He was talking about the GOP just as much as he was talking about anybody else. I'm sure people in the GOP hate his stinking guts for that. But they have to play ball if they want to stay in office. That's the whole point of the Democratic process. Representatives and senators should absolutely be held accountable by their constituency.
You'll struggle to find any retired Republicans who support Trump, because they have nothing to lose by sharing their true feelings. Mitt Romney is the only guy in your party with integrity.

That's a good thing. If going against the general constituency hurts your chances of reelection that's the whole point behind representative government.

That people can fire you for doing what they don't want.

That means the people in Massachusetts can rehire mitt Romney if they think he's doing a good job.

Isn't our system great?
It's designed that way. Making it the voters party and not the politicians party. Do what your constituencies want or they'll ax you. It's called representative government
Not everybody in it no. Remember when he said he was going to drain the swamp? He was talking about the GOP just as much as he was talking about anybody else. I'm sure people in the GOP hate his stinking guts for that. But they have to play ball if they want to stay in office. That's the whole point of the Democratic process. Representatives and senators should absolutely be held accountable by their constituency.

That's a good thing. If going against the general constituency hurts your chances of reelection that's the whole point behind representative government.

That people can fire you for doing what they don't want.

That means the people in Massachusetts can rehire mitt Romney if they think he's doing a good job.

Isn't our system great?

But there is a point when you need to stand up for what's right, even if it's unpopular, like when Ford pardoned Nixon. He did the right thing, even though it cost him politically. We need Republican senators who care more about America than about the vocal extremist minority who support Trump.
But there is a point when you need to stand up for what's right, even if it's unpopular, like when Ford pardoned Nixon.
it's pretty popular to attack Donald Trump for various stupid nonsense or made up things. In fact if you're a rino such as Romney or McCain you get praise for doing it. To not do it is unpopular.
He did the right thing, even though it cost him politically. We need Republican senators who care more about America than about the vocal extremist minority who support Trump.
then vote for them. If people wanted that, that's what we would have. If it was the extremist minority Republicans calling Trump out would pay off. Extremist minorities don't win majority elections.

And consistently getting your ignorant ass handed to you. You’re even too stupid to recognize that.

Convince of the truth? Obviously, you can’t be, halfwit

If you handed me my ass and I'm so ignorant why do you keep telling me? Are you expecting me to agree with you? Are you trying to convince yourself? Or is it performative?
Zalensky: I would also so like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. Specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Drumpf: I would like you to do us a favor, though...
You actually don't need to repeatedly post this in a thread in order to remember your place in the transcript. What most people do is simply bookmark that point in the document so they can quickly go back to it.

Zalensky: Why would Trump ask for a favor
Because that's diplomacy you dumbass. It's the President's job. You really don't know anything.

Article. II. Section. 2.
He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

This is from the Constitution so it might be going too fast for you.
Do words not mean what they mean, now?
They don't mean what you think they mean because you apparently never learned what they mean.

Trump engaged in diplomacy and you simply never learned what that entails but it is part of the President's official duties. It is Trump's job to ask for favors.
Nope. That would be you. You have scurried away into your safe space to avoid all the intimidating reality outside. Why you continue to post online is beyond me, but as long as you do, you deserve all the mockery you receive.

You really should have paid attention in school and no thrown away your educational opportunities.

Biden is a US citizen. You claim he was breaking the law while he was Vice President. So why isn't the FBI investigating?
Who says they aren't?

After Trump is reelected, look for developments from the joint Ukraine-US investigation. Hopefully, there will be charges filed against Hillary as well.
But they weren't strongarmed.
Ukraine was strongarmed ... by Biden ... illegally, to protect his son's financial interests. He should go to jail.

And they had the backing of the world.
Whatever that means. You're losing it.

What do you think happened? Where's your proof?
You've seen the video.

OK, so where's the investigation?
I have to explain everything to you apparently. The FBI and the Justice Dept. aren't going to be commenting on an open investigation.

So...when did Zalensky announce the investigation into Biden, then?
Ukraine is probably working with the US on it as we speak. It's going to take some time. Nothing is going to come of it until Trump is reelected. It's hardly fair to expect Zelenskyy to really piss off Joe Biden if there is a possibility that he might become the President.
By all means, show me where in this legislation it says the aid is tied to announcing fake investigations into US citizens.
I didn't see any timetable set forth by Congress in that legislation. Congress doesn't execute any law.

You were supposed to show me a Congressionally mandated timetable for the funding that Trump "delayed." Where is it?

I didn't see anywhere in the legislation you provided stating that Congress would take over the execution of that legislation. Where is that stated?