PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

I can't the things you have said to me have so deeply injured me.

I mean I am a gay man living out in a Catholic family but those words of spite I've gotten from people who loves me are nothing compared to some stranger on the internet.

You are a defeated man...trying to figure a way out of your problem.
200,000+ dead. DAMN mild!
You're just gullible. Nobody has died either directgly or indirectly from COVID-19. The CDC wants huge death numbers so they developed a new term "underlying cause of death" which means "unrelated coincidence" and have mandated that on all death certificates in which the deceased might have had an unrelated flu symptom to hard-code COVID-19 under the last line of all direct and indirect causes of death as an unrelated coincidence (officially called the underlying cause of death) and submit.

All such fraudulent reporting is then categorized as a "COVID Deaths" and the CDC gets the huge numbers it seeks to make itself more important in the eyes of the gullible such as yourself.

The scam is detailed here:
You're just gullible. Nobody has died either directgly or indirectly from COVID-19. The CDC wants huge death numbers so they developed a new term "underlying cause of death" which means "unrelated coincidence" and have mandated that on all death certificates in which the deceased might have had an unrelated flu symptom to hard-code COVID-19 under the last line of all direct and indirect causes of death as an unrelated coincidence (officially called the underlying cause of death) and submit.

All such fraudulent reporting is then categorized as a "COVID Deaths" and the CDC gets the huge numbers it seeks to make itself more important in the eyes of the gullible such as yourself.

The scam is detailed here:


Stratospheric stupid.

What tin foil hat site is that, stupid fuck?
LOL! Nothing 'sham' about it whatsoever. That pathetic whore literally was impeached, and none of your tears will change that fact.

And there never was a China travel ban.

Why do you support the murder of 200,000 Americans?

Just prove trump killed 200,000 people and I'll vote for the racist Biden.
I can’t fix your willful ignorance, Trumptard. I can only point it out.

Trump - We do everything for Ukraine. More than every other country. And it’s not reciprocated. We do everything for you and get nothing in return. Here I have $400 million in my back pocket that I’m holding. Now, I need a favor from you about Biden and his kid


More fiction. Fuck off.
You sure talk a lot of shit.
Bulverism fallacy. Argument of the stone fallacy.
What I wrote says what it says. Deal with it.
I just did, idiot.
Also, the coronavirus isn't a little cold or flu. It is SARS! Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
And a particularly mild virus as well.
And Trump is a shithead for downplaying it.
He isn't downplaying it. Bald faced lie. Fear mongering.
And a mass murderer.
If you want to go down this road, twit, then let's talk about the riots, violence, arsons, bigotry, racism, vandalism, and lying and inversions that is the entire history of the Democrat party. Fuck off asshole.
As for the rest, it is just more trumptard talk.
Let the HATE flow through you. It will destroy you.
Fucketh offeth. Sure, just as with anything else, you have to take even a PBS documentary with a grain of salt. But I didn't see anything in it that sounded like bullshit. Watch it yourself. See what you can find that is wrong.

I don't have to prove anything. Attempted force of negative proof fallacy. You can't force me to accept your fiction as anything but fiction.
It wasn't his idea. For a change he took the advice from experts. Check out this website. "AP Fact Check: Trump's Inaccurate Boasts On China Travel Ban." One of the things it says is, "Most major airlines had already suspended flights to China prior to the announcement in Jan. 31." Sure, the democrats are shitheads too. But I was talking about trump.

This has already been answered. You are denying history again. Fuck off.