PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

What Pandemic? Why do you have to be checked to even know you have the virus? If this was a REAL PANDEMIC no one would have to test'd be sick and seeking medical help. There might be countless individuals testing positive but the vast majority did not even know they had any coronavirus anti-bodies in their system.......they felt fine, the are fine, they are not getting sick.....they are becoming IMMUNE. Idiots. Its over put a fork in it. As of now the only thing the fake news can report are THE NUMBERS BEING TESTED as POSITIVE (with up to 90% of those positives being FALSE POSITIVES from a common cold virus which carries the same signature as all other coronavirus).

You will not hear them talk about the death count getting higher, hospitalizations getting higher.......why? Because the morality of the virus is going down, down, down...........Just because you test positive does not mean YOU ARE SICK or you are a carrier.:bigthink:

Go back to projecting MOB VIOLENCE........its more intertaining. Vote Elephant you get Jack Ass you get MOBS.

Changing the subject I see. Piss off. Also, some people don't get sick from the coronavirus. Just like some people didn't get sick from the bubonic plague. But that isn't saying anything. Like it or not, coronavirus is nearly 10 times deadlier than the flu. I have also seen young and otherwise healthy people on TV who caught it and said that it was no joke. Talk all of the trumptard bullshit you like. But the fact is that nearly 200,000 people have died from the coronavirus. Also, they spoke of one woman on the news who caught the coronavirus and survived. But she died some time later because it damaged other organs. Get this asshole. Coronavirus is SARS! It isn't the cold. It isn't the flu. It is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Do you understand the word SEVERE? Do you understand the word ACUTE?
I can’t fix your willful ignorance, Trumptard. I can only point it out.
by making baseless claims and failing to support them?

Not very effective.
Trump - We do everything for Ukraine. More than every other country. And it’s not reciprocated. We do everything for you and get nothing in return. Here I have $400 million in my back pocket that I’m holding. Now, I need a favor from you about Biden and his kid

even that's good you don't give money to corrupt governments unless they can prove they're not corrupt.

To suggest that he should you are being treasonous.
Don't flatter yourself. Trump can't even fumble his way out of a paper bag.

What does that say about the people who keep losing to him. He can't fumble his way out of a wet paper sack but the way dumber people can't even impeach him. Or beat him in an election.

so if Donald Trump is that incompetent the Democrats must be jelly with eyes.
Denial of history.

1) Trump put travel restrictions in place and provided materials and supplies to hospitals DESPITE Democrats blocking everything and making fun of him. Now DEMOCRATS make up this lie.
2) There is nothing to panic about Covid19. This unusually mild virus has been less of a problem than other respiratory viruses.
3) The data is faked. The media and Democrats inducing panic through fear mongering, and Democrats shutting down their State's economies does nothing for the virus and is unconstitutional. Like the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Covid keeps spewing random numbers for data, keeps telling people they're all gonna die, and uses that to shut down capitalism.
4) The masks do not stop a virus. At least 99.97% of the population is not sick. Why are they wearing masks? They can't infect anyone with anything.

It's the same old song. The fear mongering. The shutdown of capitalism. The call for dependency on government. The "We know better than you do" refrain. It's all BULLSHIT.
The Democrat party is the same party funding and supporting BLM and Antifa. They both have said they will riot even more if Biden loses the election.
The Democrat party is the party of racism, bigotry, hate (what have they done that didn't involve hate for Trump?), denial of science, denial of mathematics, denial of history, and try to blame what they do on anyone else they can find.
They are liars, cheaters, thieves, and are out to overthrow the Constitution of the United States and implement fascism by oligarchy. Between Democrats controlling the New York Times, the Associated Press, the L.A. Times, MSNBC, CNN, Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, many forums, and schools, they have a propaganda machine that is unprecedented.

Trump has deputized the Oregon State police. They have federal powers now, and can bring federal charges, getting around that lame prosecutor that won't prosecute rioters and arsonists. No more catch and release program. These fuckers are facing 10 years easily. He is endorsed by practically every law enforcement organization out there. He has removed taxes and regulations (a lot of them were from Obama) that was strangling the economy. It took off like a rocket. The Democrats shut it down due to "Covid19", ignoring the mildness of this virus and how few people it is actually infecting (it has killed no one. Pneumonia can kill, and this virus can induce it, but it can be treated if caught early. They are going to keep the economy shut down as much as they can purely out of hatred for Trump.

And as usual, the Democrats are just throwing insults around hoping that's somehow going to convince anyone. They threaten to throw a riot tantrum if they don't get voted into power. They make up random numbers and call it data, to fear monger and push their Marxist agenda. They are the ones trying to defund and destroy the police and any other authority (except themselves). They are the ones trying to erase history by destroying any monuments commemorating it. They are the ones behind the fear mongering. They are the ones trying to project their own problems on others.

Fuck the Democrats.

You sure talk a lot of shit. What I wrote says what it says. Deal with it. Also, the coronavirus isn't a little cold or flu. It is SARS! Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. And Trump is a shithead for downplaying it. And a mass murderer. As for the rest, it is just more trumptard talk.
Propaganda documentary.

You are fear mongering. YOU are the hoax.

Fucketh offeth. Sure, just as with anything else, you have to take even a PBS documentary with a grain of salt. But I didn't see anything in it that sounded like bullshit. Watch it yourself. See what you can find that is wrong.
by making baseless claims and failing to support them?

Not very effective.
even that's good you don't give money to corrupt governments unless they can prove they're not corrupt.

To suggest that he should you are being treasonous.

As I said, only you can work on that willful ignorance of yours.

Comprehension skills are not your strong suit, I see.
but he took the right action in stopping travel from china, while dems were calling him xenophobic.

It wasn't his idea. For a change he took the advice from experts. Check out this website. "AP Fact Check: Trump's Inaccurate Boasts On China Travel Ban." One of the things it says is, "Most major airlines had already suspended flights to China prior to the announcement in Jan. 31." Sure, the democrats are shitheads too. But I was talking about trump.
What does that say about the people who keep losing to him. He can't fumble his way out of a wet paper sack but the way dumber people can't even impeach him. Or beat him in an election.

so if Donald Trump is that incompetent the Democrats must be jelly with eyes.

Wrong again, ignorant fuck. He was impeached twice.

You’re just batting ZERO today, Zero. :rofl2:
the virus was made in a chinese lab to help implement the technocratic one world/population reduction agenda.

you're lost, overkill. lol. overkill. blatant.

The covid we are having problems with is number 19. Did the Chinese also create covid 1 through 18 in a lab? Also, the Chinese can be pretty stupid. But nobody would unleash a disease that there is no cure for.
Just about all of it was a lie.

YOU: "the president has been trying to do damage control"
He isn't doing "damage" control. He's trying to give idiots like you the facts rather than buying the bullshit dished to you by the Phony media and a liar like Woodward.

YOU: "on his admission that he knew the coronavirus was bad right from the start"
This wasn't an admission. This isn't even actually news. This all came out six months ago. But meat heads like you pretend this is news or some BIG deal. Much like you morons declared Mueller the end of the Trump Presidency.

YOU: "He has been saying that he just didn't want to cause a panic. Really?!!!! Oh, it's ok if they die."
Yeah, Trump wants people to die. This isn't just a lie, it's painfully asinine.

YOU: What a joke.
Yes, you're dimwitted efforts are.

YOU: "I also saw on the news last night that in one state there were 44% of those asked who supported the president. How can anybody be that stupid. After basically murdering over 193,000 people, I would have been surprised that 4% of people supported him."
Another stupid lie; Trump isn't murdering anyone you dimwitted dumb fuck. How fucking stupid are you? Don't answer; it's obvious your stupidity is epic.

Okay, this part wasn't a lie; it was a moronic strawman. Dumbass.

Another dimwitted lie; how has Trump been doing nothing you lie filled dumbass? :palm:

Man caused global warming is the lie you ignorant dunce. Here are some facts so that you can be better informed and not look like a triggered duimbass:

Below is the composition of air in percent by volume, at sea level at 15 C and 101325 Pa.

Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084%
Oxygen -- O2 -- 20.9476%
Argon -- Ar -- 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.0314%
Neon -- Ne -- 0.001818%
Methane -- CH4 -- 0.0002%
Helium -- He -- 0.000524%
Krypton -- Kr -- 0.000114%
Hydrogen -- H2 -- 0.00005%
Xenon -- Xe -- 0.0000087%
Ozone -- O3 -- 0.000007%
Nitrogen Dioxide -- NO2 -- 0.000002%
Iodine -- I2 -- 0.000001%
Carbon Monoxide -- CO -- trace
Ammonia -- NH3 -- trace

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 2 to 3% of that area. Of the remaining land mass, about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to 0.0314% of the gas in oxygen can only be believed by morons.

More retarded nonsense; you should seek out a mental health professional about that serious case of stupid you seem to be suffering from. :palm:

I see you taking the course of the stupid. To make your "point," say even more stupid shit. And the more, the merrier. Excuse me for not playing along.
As I said, only you can work on that willful ignorance of yours.

Comprehension skills are not your strong suit, I see.

I see you're reduced to childish attempts to insult. So because you're a childish moron what value do you think your words hold with me?
Guess what, ignorant fuck? ONLY the House has the power to impeach.

And they did.


Keep floundering, moron. It’s damn funny.

So far, in just a few posts, I’ve kicked your ass and corrected your willful ignorance.

No argument needed, Zero. Just facts. And you don’t possess them

Insult? Naw. When I call you a dumbfuck, I’m being generous, Zero.

If you beat me why are you narcissistically carrying on about how much you beat me are you trying to convince yourself?