PANIC!!! You Have An Idiot For President.

The covid we are having problems with is number 19. Did the Chinese also create covid 1 through 18 in a lab? Also, the Chinese can be pretty stupid. But nobody would unleash a disease that there is no cure for.

So now you want to spread this fiction around? You're worse than any virus.
So far, in just a few posts, I’ve kicked your ass and corrected your willful ignorance.

No argument needed, Zero. Just facts. And you don’t possess them

Word salad. Try English. It works better. At least learn what 'fact' means.

Assumption of victory fallacy. Void argument fallacy.
200,000+ dead. DAMN mild!

FAKED NUMBERS. The CDC admitted that deaths directly attributable to the disease are 6% of that number. That would make it around 12,000.

Take your head out of your ass once in a while. That tiny pea brain of yours could use the oxygen.
You said:

FBI only conducted domestic investigations. Wrong, dumbfuck. I corrected you.

You claimed they couldn’t even impeach Trump. Wrong, dumbfuck. I pointed out they did. Twice

You claimed it was just the House that did, so it wasn’t legitimate. I pointed out, dumbfuck, that the House has the SOLE power of impeachment.

One thing about you, dumbfuck. You’re consistent. Consistently wrong, but consistent nonetheless.

Halfwitted moron. :rofl2:

Semantics fallacy. Denial of history. Fixation fallacy. Irrelevance fallacy. An accusation is not a conviction, dumbass. An accusation for political purposes and hate has been properly rejected the Senate. And YOU think it will make a difference! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
It's not so simple. His supporters are morons, but GOP congressmen need to kowtow to those same supporters if they wish to stay in office. You honestly think the GOP likes Trump? You'll struggle to find any retired Republicans who support Trump, because they have nothing to lose by sharing their true feelings. Mitt Romney is the only guy in your party with integrity.

Romney has no integrity. He's a chameleon and a RINO.
But there is a point when you need to stand up for what's right, even if it's unpopular, like when Ford pardoned Nixon. He did the right thing, even though it cost him politically. We need Republican senators who care more about America than about the vocal extremist minority who support Trump.

Did you know that 2/3rds is not a minority? I guess you flunked at math, too.