Questions for the religious

What's written is what's written......personal opinion has nothing to do with the actual text which reads the same for everyone who wishes to read it. As demonstrated, the scriptures self interpret if allowed.

When studying any subject found in scripture, "THE WHOLE COUNSEL FO GOD....." should and must be considered when searching for scriptural truth (Acts 20:7). All passages must be studied and presented in the context recorded (not cherry picked from the entire passage). You must present evidence (other than just personal opinion) where that particular subject matter is addressed elsewhere in scripture (Book, Chapter and Verse). It helps to have a Greek and Hebrew dictionary loaded into your desktop in order to properly translate any word and its original root meaning and use.

I posted other passages earlier.
What's written is what's written......personal opinion has nothing to do with the actual text which reads the same for everyone who wishes to read it. As demonstrated, the scriptures self interpret if allowed.

When studying any subject found in scripture, "THE WHOLE COUNSEL FO GOD....." should and must be considered when searching for scriptural truth (Acts 20:7). All passages must be studied and presented in the context recorded (not cherry picked from the entire passage). You must present evidence (other than just personal opinion) where that particular subject matter is addressed elsewhere in scripture (Book, Chapter and Verse). It helps to have a Greek and Hebrew dictionary loaded into your desktop in order to properly translate any word and its original root meaning and use.

So you read and understand biblical hebrew? Or the goyim mistranslation of Tanakh
you were incorrect then and now.....

The consensus within modern critical scholarship sees within these Books two or more earlier, written sources, woven together, redacted, and amended over several centuries. The original sources can be distinguished, or at least hypothesized, by differences in vocabulary, tone, ideology, and historical detail. Such obvious inconsistencies and variations in the Bible often puzzle close readers ..

The two most popular names used for God in the Pentateuch – Jehovah (YHVH) and Elohim – were among the first and most consequential differences to be explored and mapped by source critics. The obvious discrepancy between the use of the name YHVH by the Patriarchs (e.g. Gen.15.7, 28.13) and the revelation of the divine name to Moses centuries later ostensibly for the first time ..

Poor PMP his Cracker Jack Trump university divinity degree fails him, once, again.


You know, if all that stuff some of these guys espouse is valid, why does their god pick such shitty messengers?

Pick your messenger:



or this one:


(above image courtesy of
The consensus within modern critical scholarship sees within these Books two or more earlier, written sources, woven together, redacted, and amended over several centuries. The original sources can be distinguished, or at least hypothesized, by differences in vocabulary, tone, ideology, and historical detail. Such obvious inconsistencies and variations in the Bible often puzzle close readers ..

The two most popular names used for God in the Pentateuch – Jehovah (YHVH) and Elohim – were among the first and most consequential differences to be explored and mapped by source critics. The obvious discrepancy between the use of the name YHVH by the Patriarchs (e.g. Gen.15.7, 28.13) and the revelation of the divine name to Moses centuries later ostensibly for the first time ..


sorry dude, the written text of Genesis is an amalgamation of oral history, poetry, and was gathered from many sources including pre and post Moses Israel......that explains the intertwining of the two names......what I don't understand is why you are aware of this and even provide proof, but you fail to see the logical consequences.......the passages in which YHWH is used are taken from a post-Moses source......
A minister, maybe sincere, and maybe simply mentally unstable or delusional can hide in the ministry much better than he can hide at IBM. A minister that is prolific, charismatic while also dictatorial and delusional looks spiritual and obedient. The quirkiness is mistaken for spirituality and obedience to God. They have the ability to be deceivingly compassionate one minute and intensely angry at anything and everyone the next. They don’t like to be contradicted, corrected nor have their mental processes questioned. They NEVER take personality tests! How is it that normal human beings, who have accurate perceptions about the mental instability of some at work, then lose that instinct at church? The quirkiness at work becomes the spiritually desirable trait in church!

thousands of years ago that has been the basis for so much religious zealotry is simply better understood in the context of mental illness? We always say if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and swims like a duck, there is a good chance we may be dealing with a duck. When it comes to religion however we change our perceptions. If it walks like a narcissist, if it talks like a Para or schizophrenic and if it has all the symptoms of temporal lobe epilepsy, it must be a man of God!
A minister, maybe sincere, and maybe simply mentally unstable or delusional can hide in the ministry much better than he can hide at IBM. A minister that is prolific, charismatic while also dictatorial and delusional looks spiritual and obedient. The quirkiness is mistaken for spirituality and obedience to God. They have the ability to be deceivingly compassionate one minute and intensely angry at anything and everyone the next. They don’t like to be contradicted, corrected nor have their mental processes questioned. They NEVER take personality tests! How is it that normal human beings, who have accurate perceptions about the mental instability of some at work, then lose that instinct at church? The quirkiness at work becomes the spiritually desirable trait in church!

thousands of years ago that has been the basis for so much religious zealotry is simply better understood in the context of mental illness? We always say if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and swims like a duck, there is a good chance we may be dealing with a duck. When it comes to religion however we change our perceptions. If it walks like a narcissist, if it talks like a Para or schizophrenic and if it has all the symptoms of temporal lobe epilepsy, it must be a man of God!

Explains a lot.. Thanks.
I posted other passages earlier.

And I presented the reason that its "worthless" to debate someone that parrots the OPINION of others in relation to the actual text, context and subject matter of Book, Chapter and Verse. Why bother with more of your parroted shopping list when the first was easily "dispatched" with just a little documentation from scripture applied with common sense? Truth: This is a common practice of seculars attempting to discredit the authority of the Holy Bible....they present a shopping list in the hope of wasting the time of others. I simply debunk and refute the first....establishing the validity of the entirety as being just as worthless. ;) When you are incapable of defending your first argument because you parroted it from another.....where's the BEEF?

One more as an example? The serpent and Eve for instance? Why was Eve not surprised to hear the snake communicate with her? Search the Scriptures in relation to that subject matter. The Serpent: Sure was not God....incarnate in the form of Jesus....or, Father God Himself. How do we know this? The scriptures enlighten us, God cannot be tempted nor tempt others with EVIL (James 1:13) So who was this lying creature that tempted Eve in the garden? The scriptures again enlighten anyone that wishes to know this revelation. "The great dragon (the ultimate form of a serpent) was thrown down, the old serpent (see? Self interpreting, requiring NO OPINION), HE WHO IS CALLED SATAN AND THE DEVIL...THE DECEIVER OF THE WHOLE WORLD. He was thrown down to earth, and his angels were thrown with him." -- Rev. 12:9

Was Eve surprised when the old serpent communicated with her in the form of a lie? Of course not...why? "You are of your father, the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the BEGINNING, and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie he speaks on HIS OWN (inferring that God does not whisper in his ear in order to tempt mankind); for he is a liar and the father of it." -- John 8:44
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And I presented the reason that its "worthless" to debate someone that parrots the OPINION of others in relation to the actual text, context and subject matter of Book, Chapter and Verse. Why bother with more of your parroted shopping list when the first was easily "dispatched" with just a little documentation from scripture applied with common sense? Truth: This is a common practice of seculars attempting to discredit the authority of the Holy Bible....they present a shopping list in the hope of wasting the time of others. I simply debunk and refute the first....establishing the validity of the entirety as being just as worthless. ;) When you are incapable of defending your first argument because you parroted it from another.....where's the BEEF?

Indeed. We've seen in the discussions involving evolution vs "intelligent design" that the religious are adept at finding and adopting pseudo-scientists who then proceed to use the Bible to "prove" that ID is the correct explanation and that evolution is just bunkum. The same happens when anything else in the Bible is questioned. Verses are chosen, then the faithful quotes his/her pastor and/or other human source as to how it should be properly considered. See the discussion regarding the Pope and atheists for one example of this phenomenon.
He has written quite a few interesting sounding books, thanks. Have you read Karen Armstrong? Or Elaine Pagels?

I've read about them on wikipedia. I know what they wrote about because I went to catholic school the first seven years of my life. I also have read a lot of "knights templar "novels and sniffed the fumes at the oracle of delphi.

Jesus was mortal, he married mary magdalene, his brother was james, and they protect his ancestors from the pope. Also, they know the 3rd secret of the catholic popes.
Indeed. We've seen in the discussions involving evolution vs "intelligent design" that the religious are adept at finding and adopting pseudo-scientists who then proceed to use the Bible to "prove" that ID is the correct explanation and that evolution is just bunkum. The same happens when anything else in the Bible is questioned. Verses are chosen, then the faithful quotes his/her pastor and/or other human source as to how it should be properly considered. See the discussion regarding the Pope and atheists for one example of this phenomenon.

I find it very amusing....when someone...anyone attempts to use the Bible in order to refute the Bible. When its demonstrated that the actual text of the Bible does not come close to relaying the message pretended to be presented by the questioner.....there is a sudden 180 degree about facE, once again the Bible cannot defend itself because of the content actually located within it? Really? Sounds kind'a secular and circular to me. First the Bible is the best thing since sliced bread when you think you have found a GOTCHA! But worthless to be used IN ITS OWN DEFENSE? :laugh:

When anyone is attempting to defend Christian there a more authoritarian source than the Holy that is were all of Christianity is founded, THE WORD? Priceless amusement. What you are attempting is just as logical as saying, "I wish to debate you on the merits of the US Constitution in relation to the US rule of law......but you cannot use the Constitution to prove your argument. Funny as hell...oophs.
I find it very amusing....when someone...anyone attempts to use the Bible in order to refute the Bible. When its demonstrated that the actual text of the Bible does not come close to relaying the message pretended to be presented by the questioner.....there is a sudden 180 degree about fact, once again the Bible cannot defend itself because of the content actually located within it? Really? Sounds kind'a secular and circular to me. First the Bible is the best thing since sliced bread when you think you have found a GOTCHA! But worthless to be used IN ITS OWN DEFENSE? :laugh:

You misunderstood my point. Let's reiterate. Unless the person using the Bible to prove some point can read the original languages in which it was written, they are merely parroting some other human's interpretation of what was written. To make it even more confusing, some of the faithful use the opinions of their own pastor or a non-Bible author to explain chosen passages. One good example of this was the recent discussion on the meaning of Matthew 25:31-46. The argument was that these verses relate Jesus describing how you get to Heaven -- good works (feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, visiting the imprisoned, etc.). The counter argument was that it doesn't say that at all, and you're only saved by faith (which Jesus does not mention at all in these passages). So then the interpretation by others gets hauled out to "prove" that you're not saved by good works despite Jesus's own words saying just that.

A minister, maybe sincere, and maybe simply mentally unstable or delusional can hide in the ministry much better than he can hide at IBM. A minister that is prolific, charismatic while also dictatorial and delusional looks spiritual and obedient. The quirkiness is mistaken for spirituality and obedience to God. They have the ability to be deceivingly compassionate one minute and intensely angry at anything and everyone the next. They don’t like to be contradicted, corrected nor have their mental processes questioned. They NEVER take personality tests! How is it that normal human beings, who have accurate perceptions about the mental instability of some at work, then lose that instinct at church? The quirkiness at work becomes the spiritually desirable trait in church!

thousands of years ago that has been the basis for so much religious zealotry is simply better understood in the context of mental illness? We always say if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and swims like a duck, there is a good chance we may be dealing with a duck. When it comes to religion however we change our perceptions. If it walks like a narcissist, if it talks like a Para or schizophrenic and if it has all the symptoms of temporal lobe epilepsy, it must be a man of God!

what do you say when someone walks like an uneducated, bigoted rabbi?........
I find it very amusing....when someone...anyone attempts to use the Bible in order to refute the Bible. When its demonstrated that the actual text of the Bible does not come close to relaying the message pretended to be presented by the questioner.....there is a sudden 180 degree about facE, once again the Bible cannot defend itself because of the content actually located within it? Really? Sounds kind'a secular and circular to me. First the Bible is the best thing since sliced bread when you think you have found a GOTCHA! But worthless to be used IN ITS OWN DEFENSE? :laugh:

When anyone is attempting to defend Christian there a more authoritarian source than the Holy that is were all of Christianity is founded, THE WORD? Priceless amusement. What you are attempting is just as logical as saying, "I wish to debate you on the merits of the US Constitution in relation to the US rule of law......but you cannot use the Constitution to prove your argument. Funny as hell...oophs.

Same with trying to use your buy bull to prove your buy bull, must be tough when someone shows it's contradictions and mistranslations, stange the jesus story is not found in any contemporary time of jesus except in that book a few hundred years later

The goyim church even tried to insert The forged Josephus Testimonium to try to validate the jesus story



When discussing the alleged existence of Jesus Christ, one piece of "evidence" that frequently gets mentioned is the account of Flavius Josephus, the famed Jewish general and historian who lived from 37 to 100 C.E. In Josephus's Antiquities of the Jews there is a notorious passage regarding Christ called the "Testimonium Flavium."

"Now, there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works,--a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day." (Whitson, 379).

This brief piece of evidence which supposedly contributed the best "proof" of Jesus's existence has actually been proven to be a fraud. It has been demonstrated continuously over the centuries that "Testamonium Flavium" was a forgery manufactured by the Catholic Church,(liars for jesus) and was inserted into Josephus's works. The Testamonium Flavium account is so thoroughly refuted, that biblical scholars since the 19th century have refused to refer to it, unless to mention its false nature.

But wait, there's more!!
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You misunderstood my point. Let's reiterate. Unless the person using the Bible to prove some point can read the original languages in which it was written, they are merely parroting some other human's interpretation of what was written. To make it even more confusing, some of the faithful use the opinions of their own pastor or a non-Bible author to explain chosen passages. One good example of this was the recent discussion on the meaning of Matthew 25:31-46. The argument was that these verses relate Jesus describing how you get to Heaven -- good works (feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, visiting the imprisoned, etc.). The counter argument was that it doesn't say that at all, and you're only saved by faith (which Jesus does not mention at all in these passages). So then the interpretation by others gets hauled out to "prove" that you're not saved by good works despite Jesus's own words saying just that.


Sure....there are no valid TRANSLATIONS from Hebrew into Greek and then into English....its just a Conspiracy. And Jesus Himself never taught from a Greek translation? Strange is the fact that seculars question the validity of translating the Bible into modern English while its easy to compare those translations with the 5800 original manuscripts in existence from the 1st and 2nd century AD....when many of secular written works of antiquity are used to document WORLD HISTORY....when there are only a handful of original texts in existence.

Do you not think that if a modern translation such as the New American Standard varied from the actual context and subject matter of that which was being translated....SOMEONE WOULD NOT NOTICE A SUPPOSED "PERSONAL OPINION" INSERTED IN PLACE OF THE ORIGINAL CONTEXTUAL CONTENT? Really? Simply because English words are used to relay the original context does not make any valid translation JUST AN OPINION.

Now back to the secular books of antiquity that are used on a daily basis to teach world history to our snowflakes. Compare the number of original scriptural manuscripts of the Holy Bible (some 5800 whole and 13000 partial fragments of original manuscripts that can be and are used to compare any modern translation in relation to the TRUTH found in the originals) compare the number of original secular works used to teach our supposed students of HIGHER LEANRING.

Take for instance the historical work "The Annals of Tacitus...the Roman historian" how many original manuscripts exist? 2 in the entire world. Next: The writings of Plato? 7 existing in the entire world

The records of Herodotus? 8. The same number for the works of Thucydides. For instance the Roman author and historian Livy drafted over 140 only 35 exist in the world.

you get the idea. The secular world does not want to apply the same standards to the demonstrably valid translations of the Holy Bible....but ignore their own 800lb. Gorilla in the room, they have a far less critical standard that validates subject texts taught as truth everyday in the world of Academia. Again....very strange.
you get the idea. The secular world does not want to apply the same standards to the demonstrably valid translations of the Holy Bible....but ignore their own 800lb. Gorilla in the room, they have a far less critical standard that validates subject texts taught as truth everyday in the world of Academia. Again....very strange.

Again, you either intentionally or unintentionally disregard the point I was making. I'll make it painfully simple. Almost all Xtians use the opinions of others to interpret a chosen passage, so that it says what they want it to say. No matter how much you all claim that the entire tome contains the inerrant words of god, when interpreting bits and pieces, you (group you) rely on human opinions of what those bits really mean. I used Matthew 25:31-46 as an example.

I doubt if very few use Tacitus, Livy, or Plato to validate their religion. lol

I'm done; enjoy your day.