Raping children is evil (fact)

I will not allow a doctor to determine if I can practice a United States (2nd. Amendment) Constitutional right. There is no compromise.
So our kids getting gunned down is just the risk you will take to have your precious gun rights. Got it.
Listen it's no longer the 1940's. Times have changed and unfortunately people who shouldn't have guns do. Would you be against a mental health eval by a doctor before allowing someone to get a gun? Yes, I know it's not an end all solution but it would be a start. Many times these people with mental health issues are the ones doing these crimes. Why couldn't we work together to help reduce the possibility?
There's a few things wrong with requiring a mental health eval just for guns. One is that mental health changes. There's a big difference between a normal, healthy 30something and the same person 40 years later.

Second, most "gun violence" are suicides. Better, IMO, to improve the mental health care system of the US. Note that most young people don't use guns to commit suicide. They prefer hanging or drugs.

I'd support a mental health eval to buy a gun if we also require it to vote and drive. :)
You're delusional.

So you drones have been programmed to lie until the election is over?

Sexual mutilation of children doesn't poll well?

I know you have the propaganda corps - but really - how do you intend to erase reality?

Overall, the analysis found that at least 121,882 children ages 6 to 17 were diagnosed with gender dysphoria from 2017 through 2021. Reuters found similar trends when it requested state-level data on diagnoses among children covered by Medicaid, the public insurance program for lower-income families.

Gender-affirming care for youths takes several forms, from social recognition of a preferred name and pronouns to medical interventions such as hormone therapy and, sometimes, surgery. A small but increasing number of U.S. children diagnosed with gender dysphoria are choosing medical interventions to express their identity and help alleviate their distress.

These medical treatments don’t begin until the onset of puberty, typically around age 10 or 11.}

This is from a Communist source, who will no doubt bury it to support the party - still such information is common, overwhelming.
You were wrong...and nasty... Yes you do... I have no reputation here... I guess you got sucked in by what others said to make friends... That's all I can figure because I have no idea what you're talking about...

The Stalinists are in full blown panic - and lying is really all they have. It's amusing that they think they can erase the last couple of decades because child sexual mutilation hurts them in the poll.

@NakedHunterBiden thinks if he spews enough hate - then somehow facts just go away.

It's really quite hilarious to watch them meltdown like this.
The Stalinists are in full blown panic - and lying is really all they have. It's amusing that they think they can erase the last couple of decades because child sexual mutilation hurts them in the poll.

@NakedHunterBiden thinks if he spews enough hate - then somehow facts just go away.

It's really quite hilarious to watch them meltdown like this.
Consider the source.... She-trolling is never very successful...and only occasionally entertaining...but god bless her... She tries really hard....;)
Better regulating of guns would reduce the amount of gun violence in this country.

Nope - California and New York both have very high rates of gun crime, despite draconian laws. Washington DC is about the worst in the nation.

Not too much to ask if we do care about the lives of others over gun rights.

You of the left are opposed to ALL civil right. But you know that the right of self-defense keeps your from stripping all rights as you desire.
Consider the source.... She-trolling is never very successful...and only occasionally entertaining...but god bless her... She tries really hard....;)
Does Hunter identify as a "she?"

That's amusing.

I suspect it was born as a "Dutch Uncle."
My sex is none of your business. Jesus you freaks only think about people's genitals. Weird incel fucks

Such a touchy wench...

Seriously though - are you biologically female, or just identify as a woman - because in Commie world - ANYTHING a woman can do a man can do better - especially being a woman?
Such a touchy wench...

Seriously though - are you biologically female, or just identify as a woman - because in Commie world - ANYTHING a woman can do a man can do better - especially being a woman?
What? I guess some men are better at certain things than women. What of it?