Raping children is evil (fact)

"In every system of morality, instead of the usual copulations of propositions, is, and is not, I meet with no proposition that is not connected with an ought, or an ought not. For as this ought, or ought not, expresses some new relation or affirmation, it's necessary that it should be observed and explained; and at the same time that a reason should be given, for what seems altogether inconceivable, how this new relation can be a deduction from others, which are entirely different from it.

David Hume, book III, part I, section I of his book, A Treatise of Human Nature (1739):
I said nothing about relativism.
What you are describing, the belief that morality is subjective, is what I have come to refer to as moral relativism. It's something that Democrats do not truly believe in, but pretend that they do. If you truly believed in it, then you would have no problem sending your daughter to a fundamentalist Muslim country for the next 10 years of her life.
Nothing about children. I get it. Your delusion is strong.

Ping ponging lies - you lied about children - I proved you false - so you used the ubiquitous Commie response of "NUHN UHN" claiming that genital mutilation doesn't involve "lopping of genitals." I prove you false (not wrong - because you know your claim is untrue) and you jump back to your first lie. You figure you can just swap which lie you're telling and then reality will vanish...
Ping ponging lies - you lied about children - I proved you false - so you used the ubiquitous Commie response of "NUHN UHN" claiming that genital mutilation doesn't involve "lopping of genitals." I prove you false (not wrong - because you know your claim is untrue) and you jump back to your first lie. You figure you can just swap which lie you're telling and then reality will vanish...
We are talking about children.
We are talking about children.

Yes, which I already proved are being subjected to genital mutilation under the guise of "gender affirming surgery." Are you going to lie about the link I gave you just a few hours ago in this thread? Which everyone can see?

I get that you love your party and have no ethics, but seriously....
Wow. Weird you think I said that.
I misunderstood your last post. Morality is about facts, not values. That's why morality is not subjective.

If you are going to say that raping children is not immoral, then you need to be able to explain why it is okay. From a child's point of view, do you think that rape is damaging, neutral or positive?
Yes, which I already proved are being subjected to genital mutilation under the guise of "gender affirming surgery." Are you going to lie about the link I gave you just a few hours ago in this thread? Which everyone can see?

I get that you love your party and have no ethics, but seriously....
Your link says nothing about children.
Your link says nothing about children.

Overall, the analysis found that at least 121,882 children ages 6 to 17 were diagnosed with gender dysphoria from 2017 through 2021. Reuters found similar trends when it requested state-level data on diagnoses among children covered by Medicaid, the public insurance program for lower-income families.

Gender-affirming care for youths takes several forms, from social recognition of a preferred name and pronouns to medical interventions such as hormone therapy and, sometimes, surgery. A small but increasing number of U.S. children diagnosed with gender dysphoria are choosing medical interventions to express their identity and help alleviate their distress.

These medical treatments don’t begin until the onset of puberty, typically around age 10 or 11.}



Now you'll pivot to the other lie - round and round...
Overall, the analysis found that at least 121,882 children ages 6 to 17 were diagnosed with gender dysphoria from 2017 through 2021. Reuters found similar trends when it requested state-level data on diagnoses among children covered by Medicaid, the public insurance program for lower-income families.

Gender-affirming care for youths takes several forms, from social recognition of a preferred name and pronouns to medical interventions such as hormone therapy and, sometimes, surgery. A small but increasing number of U.S. children diagnosed with gender dysphoria are choosing medical interventions to express their identity and help alleviate their distress.

These medical treatments don’t begin until the onset of puberty, typically around age 10 or 11.}


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Now you'll pivot to the other lie - round and round...
Nice try. The surgeries they're referring to is mastectomy, which is done on 15 - 17. I disagree with that.
I just said morality refers to values. Morality does not refer to facts.
Right, so you believe that there is no objective impact on children when it comes to things like rape, corporal punishment, etc, right?
Right, so you believe that there is no objective impact on children when it comes to things like rape, corporal punishment, etc, right?
I posted something by David Hume, a famous distinction many contemporary philosophers make between fact and value. "Is" refers to facts. "Ought" or value is not derived from fact.
I posted something by David Hume, a famous distinction many contemporary philosophers make between fact and value. "Is" refers to facts. "Ought" or value is not derived from fact.
Right. So, you don't believe that things like rape, physical and verbal abuse and neglect have an objectively negative impact on children?