recession fear mongers: Economy best in four years

Don't fret... I think you are reasonable too.

there... take THAT. :burn:

Oh, my lord. I'm sorry, LadyT, but I'll have to submit this one, too.

I noticed that WRL is back on the board. Is there anything you want to share with us before he drops a similar kind of bombshell?
Oh, my lord. I'm sorry, LadyT, but I'll have to submit this one, too.

I noticed that WRL is back on the board. Is there anything you want to share with us before he drops a similar kind of bombshell?

Well, since she has already been outed, you may as well know. She has been a covert op for the Republican party for the past four years. Valerie Plame was just a media diversion to distract you as we put forth the real spy in your midst. Her "boyfriend" is in reality Colin Powell, who is her handler.
Don't fret... I think you are reasonable too.

there... take THAT. :burn:

oh yeah?

Cypress said:
That's why the whole "big government", "collectivist" rhetoric in so unfullfilling.

In clinton's case, his policies and actions pretty much answer your question. He obviously was in favor of keeping in place much the traditional transformational reforms of the New Deal and Great Society. He didn't favor rolling them back or dismantling them. He claimed to believe in more effective and cost efficient government, and he tinkered at the margins with some deregulation and welfare reform. But, he was loudly and proudly a proponent of the best of the New Deal and Great Society.

Darla, to leap that far.
The numbers I said are correct.
Here's the thing Cause I say what the economy is doing going to do, doesn't mean I suppor the actions around it.
Try this for me sucking up and see if anyone can be left of me.
We should, to stem the Joe's problem
Greatly increase college funding for lower and middle class kids/adults.
Slash military funding and provide insurance free nationalized medicine. Auto companies would take off like your would not believe.
Quit putting kids in jail for the equivalancy of drinking beer, use that money to put arts and basic finances in all high school programs.
My fingers hurt and some republican somewhere just called me a socialist or worse.
Oh, my lord. I'm sorry, LadyT, but I'll have to submit this one, too.

I noticed that WRL is back on the board. Is there anything you want to share with us before he drops a similar kind of bombshell?

I do think we should get rid of free lunches in schools.
im so excited my thread has evolved this far.. it takes some of the pain away from this shitty sinus infection and rediculous work load.
Darla, to leap that far.
The numbers I said are correct.
Here's the thing Cause I say what the economy is doing going to do, doesn't mean I suppor the actions around it.
Try this for me sucking up and see if anyone can be left of me.
We should, to stem the Joe's problem
Greatly increase college funding for lower and middle class kids/adults.
Slash military funding and provide insurance free nationalized medicine. Auto companies would take off like your would not believe.
Quit putting kids in jail for the equivalancy of drinking beer, use that money to put arts and basic finances in all high school programs.
My fingers hurt and some republican somewhere just called me a socialist or worse.

Yeah I know you’re not bad, you’re just drawn that way Top. But you are the one with the brush in your hand.

It’s sad that we live in a country where very little on your list is going to happen in our lifetimes.
LMAO. No way! I'm only a rightie on taxes and apparently spankings.

I am pro-spanking only if both parties involved are consenting adults. And I already knew you were a righty on taxes, but I couldn’t take if it you were against school lunches, so that is a relief!
Yep give free Breakfast and mid afternoon meal since mommy and daddy will not be home till 6:00 PM. Kids get hungry and cranky...
The PECHA Prevent Evening Child Hunger Association
I am pro-spanking only if both parties involved are consenting adults. And I already knew you were a righty on taxes, but I couldn’t take if it you were against school lunches, so that is a relief!

:readit: I'm not that much of a cruel monster.
I actually am a low tax guy, and think we should privatize at least some of Social Security. If Republicans could lose the religious crazies & hateful social positions & warmongering & gun adoration & general insanity, they could probably actually persuade me to vote for them once in awhile.

They'd probably have to ditch Ann Coulter, too...


I'd appreciate it instead, if you'd post the exchange with SF about public funding for science.

The one where SF said we didn't need public funding for science, and proudly pointed to research done at some private university somewhere.

At that point I linked him up with that university's research grants page, which showed that something like 90% of their research funding came from public agencies.

I think it was at that point, SF IA'd me for like the third consecutive time. :cool:

I'd appreciate it instead, if you'd post the exchange with SF about public funding for science.

The one where SF said we didn't need public funding for science, and proudly pointed to research done at some private university somewhere.

At that point I linked him up with that university's research grants page, which showed that something like 90% of their research funding came from public agencies.

I think it was at that point, SF IA'd me for like the third consecutive time. :cool:

Oh I'll do it. He is still in my penality box.
I actually am a low tax guy, and think we should privatize at least some of Social Security. If Republicans could lose the religious crazies & hateful social positions & warmongering & gun adoration & general insanity, they could probably actually persuade me to vote for them once in awhile.

Dream on dude.

I've given up on that pipe dream. :rolleyes: