Robber Takes Womans Money, Then Mutilates Her for McCain Support

I went to bed pretty early last night so I missed that they were giving this woman a polygraph. I watched the news this morning and the spokesperson on the phone from Penn said there were still several inconsistencies in her story even after the Polygraph. The fact they they asked the victim to take a polygraph should give you pause. I guess I was also unaware that this took place in Pittsburgh, a place where right now the McCain campaign needs a game changer. (don't get in an uproar, I don't think ANYONE at the top of the campaign would know or approve of anything like this,) Also, according to the reports the blade on this knife was 5 inches long, which means this guy had to hold the blade right down by the tip to get the clean "B" he got on her face, regardless of how he was positioned when he did it. This story is starting to fall apart. If it does fall apart I wonder if Dano will post a thread on what kind of person would lie about this and what makes them more likely to support McCain. I won't hold my breath though because we all know it won't be forthcoming

Dano's already responded, MULTIPLE times, go back and read through the thread.

So (again)
"I read the whole thread and wonder how many actually read the whole story?
It wasn't JUST the mutilation, she was beaten too, did she fake that?
She was ALSO robbed too, did she fake that?


That's a lot of shit to fake and I am certain at a bank there ARE security cameras and it doesn't take her to be a genius to realize that her story is going to be verified to be true or not very easily. This thread makes me kinda sick with lefties automatically believing the woman to be a fraud simply because they are harmed politically, very rash too given far more than a cut happened.
Yes it could be an act but that is a lot of shit to fake."
How does this "harm Obama?" I see Fox is trying to milk it, but it doesn't reflect on Obama, unless you happen to be retarded.

If it's true, it's awful, but it's a crime. The person who did it should be prosecuted, and that's that.
How does this "harm Obama?" I see Fox is trying to milk it, but it doesn't reflect on Obama, unless you happen to be retarded.

If it's true, it's awful, but it's a crime. The person who did it should be prosecuted, and that's that.
I dunno, that was Socrates who first jumped on that. I only started by saying he did it because of her McCain support, then suggested a theory about criminals being against politicians who are tougher on crime. He took it from there.

Again, I am open to hearing OTHER reasons why he flipped out when seeing the McCain support?
I dunno, that was Socrates who first jumped on that. I only started by saying he did it because of her McCain support, then suggested a theory about criminals being against politicians who are tougher on crime. He took it from there.

Again, I am open to hearing OTHER reasons why he flipped out when seeing the McCain support?

This assumes that there was a he and that he flipped out and that he saw the McCain support and that he flipped out because of the McCain support.

Dano - Don't believe everything you read on Drudge.
B also stands for Bitch.

It seems if someone really was going to do this "for" Obama they would have scratched an O into her face.

This one just doesnt smell right.
BULLSHIT. I was one of the first to say you can't jump to the conclusion she lied. I deal on both sides with violence against women and most women don't lie about this. But when the police have the victim take a polygraph and say that her statements are inconsistent and they don't fit with the evidence gathered so far in the investigation AND she says he sat on her chest and carved this backwards B it starts to look less and less like Democratic soft on crime crime and more like some McCain supporter trying to blame the big dark black man for cutting on her face because she is a McCain supporter.
And like I said, if this all falls apart on her, I look forward to your expose on why McCain supporters would file a false police report and accuse a black man of robbing her and then kicking the shit out of her because she has McCain stickers.
A backwards B?

I didnt catch that.

My oh my.

Look in the mirror and carve a B in your face and guess how it comes out.

Can you say NUT BALL!
A backwards B?

I didnt catch that.

My oh my.

Look in the mirror and carve a B in your face and guess how it comes out.

Can you say NUT BALL!
I tend to agree with Damo that someone had her lean back and carved the be while standing behind her which makes the B come out backwards when she sits up as well. I guarentee when the cops saw the B was backward they said "time to take a polygraph".
And like I said, if this all falls apart on her, I look forward to your expose on why McCain supporters would file a false police report and accuse a black man of robbing her and then kicking the shit out of her because she has McCain stickers.

me too
BULLSHIT. I was one of the first to say you can't jump to the conclusion she lied. I deal on both sides with violence against women and most women don't lie about this.
Again, I never mentioned Obama when I started this thread, you did because you jumped to defend anything that could hurt him.

But when the police have the victim take a polygraph and say that her statements are inconsistent and they don't fit with the evidence gathered so far in the investigation AND she says he sat on her chest and carved this backwards B it starts to look less and less like Democratic soft on crime crime and more like some McCain supporter trying to blame the big dark black man for cutting on her face because she is a McCain supporter.
It could be, I thought about this more and in fact the strongest thing about her story I suspect is that how did this robber know which car was hers? If he watched her come in to the bank then he would know but presumably he would have seen the bumper sticker then.

But on the other side this is a lot of shit to fake.

And I don't care whether he is black or white or whatever, that's your beef, just about every lefty on here mentioned that which is not that relevant to this story, would you give as much of a shit if it was a white southern redneck who did this?
It's all well and good to make fun of Dano, but one of the stupidest fucking things written about this alleged attack has to be the following piece by the VP of FOXNews:

It had to happen.

Less than two weeks before we vote for a new president, a white woman says a black man attacked her, then scarred her face, and says there was a political motive for it.

Ashley Todd, a 20-year-old white volunteer for John McCain’s presidential campaign, says she was mugged at an ATM machine in Pittsburgh (my hometown) by a big black man. She further says he threw her down, then disfigured her by carving the letter “B” into her face with a sharp implement when he saw that she supported McCain, not Barack Obama.

Part of the appeal of, and the unspoken tension behind, Senator Obama’s campaign is his transformational status as the first African-American to win a major party’s presidential nomination.

That does not mean that he has erased the mutual distrust between black and white Americans, and this incident could become a watershed event in the 11 days before the election.

If Ms. Todd’s allegations are proven accurate, some voters may revisit their support for Senator Obama, not because they are racists (with due respect to Rep. John Murtha), but because they suddenly feel they do not know enough about the Democratic nominee.

If the incident turns out to be a hoax, Senator McCain’s quest for the presidency is over, forever linked to race-baiting.

For Pittsburgh, a city that has done so much to shape American history over the centuries, another moment of truth is at hand.

First, "it had to happen?" Uh, really? Why?

Second, if some black guy beat up a white woman in Pittsburgh and carved a "B" in her face, some (non-racist) voters will "suddenly feel" like they don't know enough about Obama? What the fuck is that?

Third, if it's a hoax it doesn't have shit to do with John McCain and the conduct of his campaign.
Again, I never mentioned Obama when I started this thread, you did because you jumped to defend anything that could hurt him.

It could be, I thought about this more and in fact the strongest thing about her story I suspect is that how did this robber know which car was hers? If he watched her come in to the bank then he would know but presumably he would have seen the bumper sticker then.

But on the other side this is a lot of shit to fake.

And I don't care whether he is black or white or whatever, that's your beef, just about every lefty on here mentioned that which is not that relevant to this story, would you give as much of a shit if it was a white southern redneck who did this?
It is relevant if she lied. If she lied about it then the fact she chose to make her assailant black speaks volumes. Like I said early in this, it does not matter who this guy was, who he supported, or even what color he is. Your insinuation is that the guy MUST be for Obama because Obama is so soft on crime and, by implication, a McCain supporter wouldn't becasue McCain is harder on crime, UNLESS it is his wife, then he is soft on crime.
It's all well and good to make fun of Dano, but one of the stupidest fucking things written about this alleged attack has to be the following piece by the VP of FOXNews:

First, "it had to happen?" Uh, really? Why?

Second, if some black guy beat up a white woman in Pittsburgh and carved a "B" in her face, some (non-racist) voters will "suddenly feel" like they don't know enough about Obama? What the fuck is that?

Third, if it's a hoax it doesn't have shit to do with John McCain and the conduct of his campaign.

just amazing
It is relevant if she lied. If she lied about it then the fact she chose to make her assailant black speaks volumes. Like I said early in this, it does not matter who this guy was, who he supported, or even what color he is. Your insinuation is that the guy MUST be for Obama because Obama is so soft on crime and, by implication, a McCain supporter wouldn't becasue McCain is harder on crime, UNLESS it is his wife, then he is soft on crime.

No. I said (were this attack to be true) it is a fact that he does not like McCain because of something. I suggested that something. I have asked repeatedly for anyone else on here to suggest an alternate theory on why a criminal became enraged at seeing her McCain bumper sticker.

IF she did choose to make her assailant black it's IMHO more likely because 90+% of blacks vote against Repubs than because of racism, and that demographic breakdown of robberies committed includes black males in a higher percentage, thus making her story more believable. Again IF.

Obama like most Dems certainly is softer on crime, well except he wants to make those who use assault weapons criminals.
Hover over his "Issues" menu item and you will see more issues than I've seen any candidate put up there, yet crime is conspicuously absent...gee I wonder why.

And just in case there are doubts that it should be there, go here and look under "Issues":