Robber Takes Womans Money, Then Mutilates Her for McCain Support

yeah you always have a story, but it doesn't look as if this is how it shook out. it looks as if a mccain kkk member did this:

blogged about being "on the wrong side" of pittsburgh. you know, where them blacks is:

"Todd updated her Twitter page with a post noting that she was, "Stubbornly searching for a bank of america to avoid ATM fees." Soon after, she blogged, "Pretty sure I'm on the wrong side of pittsburgh." Three hours after that update, Todd wrote, "Oh the blog I will be making soon...Its been a rough night."

she was then attacked by not just a black man, but a SIX FOOT FOUR, 240 POUND BLACK MAN.

Oh and there won't be any tape. Wouldn't you know it, but it happened just out of sight of the bank cameras, damn the luck of it all. Oh and then one of her Twitter buddies says, “i hope @atodd gets caught in her lie.”

And the pittsburgh police have launched a full investigation. The word "skeptical" has been leaked out.

Just remember that you told people to put themselves into the mind of the great black beast, who of course, according to you, would "want to revictimize his" poor white girl victim by "forcing her to look at the B in the mirror every day" and realizing it would be backwards in a mirror, he thought to carve it so that it reflects forwards in a mirror.

Because that was one sick post, this is one sick girl, and you got one sick party.
Yeah, you were the one stressing color here, not me. You were also the one earlier that said that all men are predators. I was hoping that you would be honest enough to remember how you said that, but I doubt you will.

Remember that I specifically stated that I didn't know if she was telling the truth or not. But you won't because you really, really, really want to believe I am some monster dredged up from your own imagination.

My basic statement in this thread is that the way the letter faces is in no way "evidence" that it is a lie and gave several scenarios on how it could get there by another person, including conspiracy.
Yeah, you were the one stressing color here, not me. You were also the one earlier that said that all men are predators. I was hoping that you would be honest enough to remember how you said that, but I doubt you will.

Remember that I specifically stated that I didn't know if she was telling the truth or not. But you won't because you really, really, really want to believe I am some monster dredged up from your own imagination.

My basic statement in this thread is that the way the letter faces is in no way "evidence" that it is a lie and gave several scenarios on how it could get there by another person, including conspiracy.

i am honestly starting to suspect that you have developed a drinking habit.
i am honestly starting to suspect that you have developed a drinking habit.
And if this is all you have, then my reminder was effective.

Let's do a brief synopsis.

I did not support the person's veracity, at all. I stated it was more likely the "B" was applied by somebody helping her lie or by somebody who attacked her than it was she applied it herself.

Then when somebody tried to tell me it would be "impossible" to sit still when somebody did that I pointed out that people do so all the time, and sometimes pay for the privilege.

Then when that somebody finally said that it was possible that it could happen by another person, we were in agreement and I started speaking of the possibilities of true v. false and said I thought it slightly more likely to be true because I had a hard time believing somebody would think it would help their cause to do this.

Then you jumped in and said I was all about it being some big black "monster" because I used the word "predator" that you had used to describe men earlier.

So, restating even more briefly. What was important to you is that she accused a black person.

For me it was basically stating that whether she was lying or not it was more likely that somebody else applied the "B" than it was that she applied it herself with a mirror or not and why I thought that way.
And if this is all you have, then my reminder was effective.

Let's do a brief synopsis.

I did not support the person's veracity, at all. I stated it was more likely the "B" was applied by somebody helping her lie or by somebody who attacked her than it was she applied it herself.

Then when somebody tried to tell me it would be "impossible" to sit still when somebody did that I pointed out that people do so all the time, and sometimes pay for the privilege.

Then when that somebody finally said that it was possible that it could happen by another person, we were in agreement and I started speaking of the possibilities of true v. false and said I thought it slightly more likely to be true because I had a hard time believing somebody would think it would help their cause to do this.

Then you jumped in and said I was all about it being some big black "monster" because I used the word "predator" that you had used to describe men earlier.

So, restating even more briefly. What was important to you is that she accused a black person.

For me it was basically stating that whether she was lying or not it was more likely that somebody else applied the "B" than it was that she applied it herself with a mirror or not and why I thought that way.

your reminder of what, drunk boy?
your reminder of what, drunk boy?
"Remember that I specifically stated that I didn't know if she was telling the truth or not."

That line there, may have been a clue as to what I was reminding you about, selectively amnesiac-girl.
"Remember that I specifically stated that I didn't know if she was telling the truth or not."

That line there, may have been a clue as to what I was reminding you about, selectively amnesiac-girl.

well the thread speaks for itself. what you always forget is that your previous posts are there to be read. or, perhaps more accurately -when you count on the thread getting too long for people to bother to go back and see what you said, it doesn't always pan out for you.
well the thread speaks for itself. what you always forget is that your previous posts are there to be read. or, perhaps more accurately -when you count on the thread getting too long for people to bother to go back and see what you said, it doesn't always pan out for you.
And if you read them, you will see that I stated myriad times that I while think that somebody else applied the "B" that it could be a conspirator (somebody helping her lie) or an attacker and that I didn't know which. You have selective reading comprehension based on your opinion of me and what you hope to see in me.

Instead you pretend that the posts aren't there, select what you want to see, and use that to underline what you want so terribly to believe about me.

It's odd. But it's become a regular fixture and I would miss it if you left.
it's not a scratch desh.

here's a link with a picture. to say it's a scratch is wrong. it looks as if she was punched in the eye. i don't read malkin but sullivan who i do read, linked to the pic here. if you read the story it seems that the right wing nuts are scared to jump on this because the b is backwards. it's hard to imagine how it's anything other than self-inflicted because of this, but i'm not sure.

if she did this to herself, you're looking into the face of a very ugly white racist. it will make you sick to your stomach.

but if you didn't see the picture and the fact that the b is backwards and appears more likely to be self-inflicted, what made you think that it was a scratch and that the woman was a nutball?


She definitely did that to herself.
Walk up behind somebody who is kneeling on the ground from behind. Grab their chin, pull their head back. Draw a "B" (use a crayola marker they are washable, unless you happen to spot a McCain Bumper sticker, because apparently then it is acceptable) on their face. Do it normally...

Can i just interject in the civil war lull to thank you, Damo.

If ever i am faced with a situation where i am called upon to carve letters in my face, or indeed anyone else's face, backwards or forwards, i shall go about it with a degree of confidence which had previously been lacking.

Happy slicing, people.
Can i just interject in the civil war lull to thank you, Damo.

If ever i am faced with a situation where i am called upon to carve letters in my face, or indeed anyone else's face, backwards or forwards, i shall go about it with a degree of confidence which had previously been lacking.

Happy slicing, people.
LOL. That was my goal. ;)

If people think about it, then they can picture a way to defend against it. But first you have to picture it.

I still think, whether she is lying or telling the truth, somebody else put the "B" on her face.
I went to bed pretty early last night so I missed that they were giving this woman a polygraph. I watched the news this morning and the spokesperson on the phone from Penn said there were still several inconsistencies in her story even after the Polygraph. The fact they they asked the victim to take a polygraph should give you pause. I guess I was also unaware that this took place in Pittsburgh, a place where right now the McCain campaign needs a game changer. (don't get in an uproar, I don't think ANYONE at the top of the campaign would know or approve of anything like this,) Also, according to the reports the blade on this knife was 5 inches long, which means this guy had to hold the blade right down by the tip to get the clean "B" he got on her face, regardless of how he was positioned when he did it. This story is starting to fall apart. If it does fall apart I wonder if Dano will post a thread on what kind of person would lie about this and what makes them more likely to support McCain. I won't hold my breath though because we all know it won't be forthcoming
Also has anyone read that she claims that the guy "sat on her chest, pinning both her hands down with his knees, and scratched into her face a backward letter 'B' on the right side of her face using what she believed to be a very dull knife." Now Damo imagine if you will someone 6'4" sitting on a womans chest NOT HOLDING HER HEAD and carving such a clean backwards B on her face. Flimsier and flimsier every moment.
I went to bed pretty early last night so I missed that they were giving this woman a polygraph. I watched the news this morning and the spokesperson on the phone from Penn said there were still several inconsistencies in her story even after the Polygraph. The fact they they asked the victim to take a polygraph should give you pause. I guess I was also unaware that this took place in Pittsburgh, a place where right now the McCain campaign needs a game changer. (don't get in an uproar, I don't think ANYONE at the top of the campaign would know or approve of anything like this,) Also, according to the reports the blade on this knife was 5 inches long, which means this guy had to hold the blade right down by the tip to get the clean "B" he got on her face, regardless of how he was positioned when he did it. This story is starting to fall apart. If it does fall apart I wonder if Dano will post a thread on what kind of person would lie about this and what makes them more likely to support McCain. I won't hold my breath though because we all know it won't be forthcoming

i have been wondering the same thing.
Also has anyone read that she claims that the guy "sat on her chest, pinning both her hands down with his knees, and scratched into her face a backward letter 'B' on the right side of her face using what she believed to be a very dull knife." Now Damo imagine if you will someone 6'4" sitting on a womans chest NOT HOLDING HER HEAD and carving such a clean backwards B on her face. Flimsier and flimsier every moment.
True. In that position it would be unlikely to get a "B" on the face at all. I don't think that is what happened. With this information, I would be thinking accomplice.

Likely she sat in a chair with her head tilted back while her "friend" added to her complexion...
The lesson is don't support candidates that are tougher on crime, because the criminals don't like that.
So knowing what we know now Dano what would you say the "lesson" is now? You have been curiously quiet. The homepage indicates you are on. Are you away from your computer or has this story just lost its luster and shine? Now that it looks like it might have been a McCain supporter that did this to herself and not some big democratic supporting predator have you lost interest? Where are you and what is going to be your next tack in this story?
True. In that position it would be unlikely to get a "B" on the face at all. I don't think that is what happened. With this information, I would be thinking accomplice.

Likely she sat in a chair with her head tilted back while her "friend" added to her complexion...

Why would a friend do it backwards?
Why would a friend do it backwards?
Reaching down is easier than trying to reach out and it is easier to stand behind the chair than in front and lean over.

Of course, looking at the picture it may have just been a key rather than a knife and maybe she's just dumb and writes backwards...

I just think it is more likely she had somebody helping her be this stupid.