Ron Paul Tea Party

Okay. Without killing anybody they went on board ships and dumped tea into the harbor. I am sure that put the fear of tea dumping on the minds of everybody. I mean, nothing strikes fear into a body than dumping tea in water. Especially cold and salty water.

It was an instance of civil disobedience, not of "terrorism".

You forget they were also in disguise as murderous Indians.
You forget they were also in disguise as murderous Indians.
A "terror" attack without killing anybody, with longshoremen dressed up as "Indians" is either the most inept attack anywhere. Or it wasn't a "terror" attack.

They didn't even damage property (other than the tea) save one padlock that was replaced within a day.
A "terror" attack without killing anybody, with longshoremen dressed up as "Indians" is either the most inept attack anywhere. Or it wasn't a "terror" attack.

They didn't even damage property (other than the tea) save one padlock that was replaced within a day.

Well try the same trick today dressed as Arabic folks and see what they are called.
Large corps are the result of regulation

Nonsense. There were large Corps before Teddy Roosevelt and FDR. And some of them became monopolies, in an unfettered, unregulated market.

Adam Smith was for anti trust laws. The Government has created nearly all Monopolies.
Where is Ron Paul planning on spending this money? He's already raised piles of cash and spends less than .48 on the dollar. So where is the money going to go, after he drops out or loses?

Wow, it's from those folks that believe in Alex Jones, Bilderberger, etc. Whoops, that would be the Ron Paul supporters, let us not forget Stormfront:

Mr. Estulin, best selling author?
check out the Wikki disclaimer: "Written like an ad". :eusa_angel:

Then again He doesn't care where the $$$ come from, but where is he spending it? What's the plan for the $$$ IF he doesn't win?

The bilderbergers is real and verifiable. So are the plans for the new world order. Get your head out of that hole it's in, K, sweetie?
Ron Paul is the only mainstream politician running who's not afraid to starve the beast. We must do what we can to minimize goverment and get the power back to the people where it belongs. These nancy pants have railroaded us at every step of the way and now look at the dark path we're leading down.
Now that is a bit disingenuious Damo.
Disingenuous is calling spilling your drink a terrorist act. Even while dressed as an indian. They attacked nobody and caused only the drink any damage at all. The only physical damage to other than tea was to one lock that was replaced the very next day.

Also, their "disguise" was extremely penetrable and everybody knew who was doing it and why.

It is disingenuous to pretend an attack that didn't hurt a fly was a "terror" act. If people spilled their pepsi in protest in the ME, there would be no such thing as the "War On Terror".
Umm someone had to pay fot the tea it would seem.
How socialistic of you Damo.
It would be "socialistic" had I stated that the government bought the tea, paid the tax, then gave it to everybody in equal measure.

And I did mention the damage to the tea itself. But you are too busy pretending that dumping out tea is the same as blowing up children.
It would be "socialistic" had I stated that the government bought the tea, paid the tax, then gave it to everybody in equal measure.

And I did mention the damage to the tea itself. But you are too busy pretending that dumping out tea is the same as blowing up children.

Having trouble defending your stance ?
No need to get all deceptive on me. It was still a terroristic act against a legitimate govt at that time.
Having trouble defending your stance ?
No need to get all deceptive on me. It was still a terroristic act against a legitimate govt at that time.
Rubbish. Civil Disobedience is not "terrorism". It is unsupportable.

A terrorist act would be to blow up the ships with all hands on board, not hang out with them laughing while they watch the "indians" dump the tea.
Rubbish. Civil Disobedience is not "terrorism". It is unsupportable.

A terrorist act would be to blow up the ships with all hands on board, not hang out with them laughing while they watch the "indians" dump the tea.

So, when those Earth First kooks destroy some property or logging equipment, its not eco-terrorism?

i think you better tell the FBI and the conservative movement. They've been calling those acts "eco-terrorism" :)

In all seriousness, I tend to agree with you. Destruction of property for political agenda's does not rise to the modern definition of terrorism in my mind.