Shooting in Kentucky

True, but they might come in handy if my car breaks down on a dark, isolated street or during a robbery.

Do you think the teachers at Uvalde would have liked to have had access to a gun?
Do you often break down on a dark highway and get robbed?

And there were guns in Uvalde, dozens, right outside the door, yet they didn’t stop kids from getting slaughtered
Do you often break down on a dark highway and get robbed?

And there were guns in Uvalde, dozens, right outside the door, yet they didn’t stop kids from getting slaughtered
No. I have fire insurance but have never had a fire. Are you saying I should drop all of my insurance?

Thanks for proving that all those guns did no good. Ergo, banning them is silly. LOL
and? see, your issue is that you attribute superhuman qualities to bad guys while classifying decent human beings as incompetent and incapable of defending themselves, providing for themselves, or protecting anyone including themselves.

where did this disdain for people come from? who hurt you?
Ah, no, it do work that way, you claim you need a gun to protect yourself, and I showed you your gun would have been worthless in Kentucky as it would if some dimwit opened up behind you in a mall

I am just explaining the realities of the times, we aren’t living in the 18th Century
The easy accessibly of a gun makes it that much more easy, naming three individuals doesn’t negate that fact, and over half of all suicides are by guns, in fact, common sense, plus the statistics, show that just having a gun in your household immensely increases the probability of you or someone in your home being shot

And I’m tired of the mental health excuse, other countries have mental illness but they don’t have gun violence as we do in America.

As I said before, every mass shooting has three variables: the shooter, target, and gun. We will never be able to identify who is going to be the next shooter, nor can we protect all targets, these Highway shootings proves that, so the only varies can have a say on is that which makes is all possible, the gun
Sure easy access makes killing oneself easier. Grab a set of car keys and induce a head-on with a cement truck on a two-lane black top. Easy Peasy. Easier is just take the Robin Williams, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain route....or should we ban rope and neckties too, just to be completely safe?

Thanks for admitting you don't care about better mental health care to save the lives of the 50,000 Americans who commit suicide or engage in other self-destructive behavior. It helps prove that gun control is about control, not saving lives.

This is why I don't trust either the Democrats or the Republicans. Both seek to strip Americans of their rights and only care about exercising power, not helping Americans live better lives. Sad.

And it still proves my point, guns are so easily obtain that even a wannabe gangster can get one, thanks
They were were way more easy to get in the 80s

wannabe gangster...just walk into any Western Auto, Sears., Montgomery Ward, and J.C. Penney, and walk out with one in 4 mins no computer back ground check...just a pinky promise he was a good guy
“Kentucky shooting Sunday updates: Local schools closed Monday, investigation continues”

Suppose rnow we got align armed guards along highways

But the right will tell us the proliferation of guns in America nor the easy access to those guns has anything to do with it
Once again, the simple-minded leftist moron thinks it's the guns' fault. They don't get more ignorant than this dotard. :laugh:
No one said it didn’t, rather it, like all Amendments, it is not absolute
But it is. Just because uneducated, whiny leftist dumbshits who don't like it say so doesn't make it so.

You have to love the stupidity and ignorance that comes from the left. They want to defund police and take away any possibility of protecting oneself while letting criminals get away with crimes and releasing them to constantly prey on society.

Democrats are the party of morons these days.
They were were way more easy to get in the 80s

wannabe gangster...just walk into any Western Auto, Sears., Montgomery Ward, and J.C. Penney, and walk out with one in 4 mins no computer back ground check...just a pinky promise he was a good guy
Agreed they were easier to get in 40 years ago. A lot cheaper too.
I’m just noting the reality, getting to the point where Americans are beginning to worry about even sending their kids to school, and apparently you think 48,000 people dead from guns a year,

I wish you could read crime statistics so you wouldn't be such a dumbass. The majority of those 48K are suicides and police shootings.

24 school shootings this year along, is acceptable

Twenty-four? Link to this data please.
No. I have fire insurance but have never had a fire. Are you saying I should drop all of my insurance?

Thanks for proving that all those guns did no good. Ergo, banning them is silly. LOL
Apples and Oranges

Those guns did no good proving having the gun necessary for self protection is inane, and never said guns should be banned, rather regulated, especially access to guns, the mere fact that the majority of States with strict gun laws have less gun violence and death than those with loose gun laws proves my point ( ( (
people in KY have gone nuts with this kind of stuff,about 6 months ago a friend of mine was shot and killed in a roar rage incident.
he was just driving down the street and this guy pulls up next to him forced him off the road jumped out and shot him nobody ever found out why.
Have a nice day
Ah, no, it do work that way, you claim you need a gun to protect yourself, and I showed you your gun would have been worthless in Kentucky as it would if some dimwit opened up behind you in a mall

I am just explaining the realities of the times, we aren’t living in the 18th Century
you're explaining anecdotes, because if guns are only effective in the hands of bad guys, you wouldn't want the government to have them at all.
Oh, so I guess then the 21,000 gun homicides, 385 mass shootings, 24 school shootings a year are perfectly acceptable to you, and last I knew the Stephen Paddocks of America weren’t associated with gangs
If you believe that banning guns will make you safer, I have a bridge in Arizona to sell you halfwit. :palm:
Apples and Oranges

Those guns did no good proving having the gun necessary for self protection is inane, and never said guns should be banned, rather regulated, especially access to guns, the mere fact that the majority of States with strict gun laws have less gun violence and death than those with loose gun laws proves my point ( ( (
Apples and oranges are both food and fruit. The logic is the same; I consider a self-defense weapon to be insurance just like I have insurance on my house and autos.
There are close to 300 billion motor vehicles in the US responsible for forty thousand deaths while half a billion guns produce close to fifty thousand deaths a year, and, those forty thousand fatalities from vehicles are overwhelmingly accidents, not the same for guns

Got any more ideas?
Moronic analogy from the moron. So tell us snowflake, how will banning all guns keep us safe? Do the police show up before the crimes or after? Do you stupidly and naively believe that criminals will not be able to get guns if they are banned? Why?