Shooting in Kentucky

And there were guns in Uvalde, dozens, right outside the door, yet they didn’t stop kids from getting slaughtered
A dozen pussies with a gun is useless

There was one guy with a gun JUST ONE at the Ga shooting and he stopped it

If not for him there would have been MORE killed
Roughly half are suicides, many of which could have been avoided if not for the ease and proximity of a gun, and the remaining 21,000 homicides far outpaces any other developed nation, puts us in class with Yemen
So, you believe that if someone is determined to kill themselves, they won't if they don't have access to a gun?

That is a severely stupid argument with zero facts to back it up with. :palm:
I love your made up numbers.
There were not 21K murders in the US last year.
There is no way to know what group committed 52% of the murders since the perpetrator is unknown in unsolved homicides.
African Americans make up 12% of the US population, not 4%.

Did you know Trump has committed 100% of the crimes committed by former Presidents? And you don't see that as a problem?
All the guns in your possession ain’t going to help you from getting ambushed by a stranger while driving down the highway
All the wishful thinking in the world won't make your naive and painfully stupid arguments look any less stupid.

So, let's discuss your solution to suicides murders and police shootings, what is it?
Roughly half are suicides, many of which could have been avoided if not for the ease and proximity of a gun, and the remaining 21,000 homicides far outpaces any other developed nation, puts us in class with Yemen
their body their choice!!!!!!
First off, Breitfart = FAKE NEWS

Secondly, matters little, access to guns is so easy in America even a kid wannabe gangster can easily obtain one
Irony from the whiner about fake news while lying his dumb ass off.

So, who do kids get their guns halfwit?
The easy accessibly of a gun makes it that much more easy, naming three individuals doesn’t negate that fact, and over half of all suicides are by guns, in fact, common sense, plus the statistics, show that just having a gun in your household immensely increases the probability of you or someone in your home being shot

This statement is bullshit. Much like most of your statements. I'll wait to see what your solution to crime, suicides and police shootings is.

There are only 262 million adults in the country. You couldn't have 300 billion cars if you wanted to dumbass.

And I’m tired of the mental health excuse, other countries have mental illness but they don’t have gun violence as we do in America.

I'm tired of your dumb bullshit and the fact that you are an uneducated naive dunce. Do you understand why there was a second amendment? Explain.

As I said before, every mass shooting has three variables: the shooter, target, and gun. We will never be able to identify who is going to be the next shooter, nor can we protect all targets, these Highway shootings proves that, so the only varies can have a say on is that which makes is all possible, the gun
So then what is your solution?
Oh, so I guess then the 21,000 gun homicides, 385 mass shootings, 24 school shootings a year are perfectly acceptable to you, and last I knew the Stephen Paddocks of America weren’t associated with gangs
Poor anchovies,
Here is some shit to digest
Let's start with Walz's Minnesota which was the epicenter for the rioting following Saint George of Fentanyl's suicide.

Then some facts,

Rid America of all Soros appointed DA's
Lock up these miscreants and throw away the key
Close the border
Your numbers will drop like Heel Up Harris did for Willie Brown

Get the FBI and local LE accountable and they will fall.
Make parents accountable and your numbers will drop even further.
Do you often break down on a dark highway and get robbed?

Do you have anything but strawmen? What is your solution?

And there were guns in Uvalde, dozens, right outside the door, yet they didn’t stop kids from getting slaughtered

Really? Right outside were they? I am pretty sure guns are inanimate objects that require a human to operate them. Dunce.
There are close to 300 billion motor vehicles in the US responsible for forty thousand deaths while half a billion guns produce close to fifty thousand deaths a year, and, those forty thousand fatalities from vehicles are overwhelmingly accidents, not the same for guns

Got any more ideas?
You are off by a factor of 10. There are about 300 million vehicles in the US. The current estimate on firearms is 393 million. The two are close enough to be comparable.

This is why I don't trust either the Democrats or the Republicans. Both seek to strip Americans of their rights and only care about exercising power, not helping Americans live better lives. Sad.

Republicans want to strip you of your rights? What would those "rights" be that Republicans want to take away?

I'm fairly certain all Republicans believe you have a right to be a mentally deranged moron. ;)
Ah, no, it do work that way, you claim you need a gun to protect yourself, and I showed you your gun would have been worthless in Kentucky as it would if some dimwit opened up behind you in a mall

I am just explaining the realities of the times, we aren’t living in the 18th Century

Poor anchovies,

I really tire of you uninformed fools on the topic of guns. Sadly your type has infiltrated too many city councils in this country.
Let's deal with dimwit gun carrying bystanders at a mall.

What we know about the armed bystander who killed the shooter at an Indiana mall

Dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, Elisjsha Dicken was shopping with his girlfriend when a gunman opened fire on a food court at a Greenwood, Indiana, mall Sunday evening, killing three people and wounding two others.

While the shooter, 20-year-old Douglas Sapirman, fired 24 rounds from an AR-15-style rifle, Dicken did not hesitate to use the Glock handgun he was legally carrying. Sapirman was “neutralized” within two minutes, police said.
You think a suicidal person is going to not kill themselves if they don't have a gun??? What about Robin Williams? Anthony Bourdain? Kate Spade? The other 25,000 Americans who commit suicide without a firearm?

Again, the Democrats focusing on restricting rights by banning guns while I'm advocating increasing rights by helping those in need. Specifically with better mental health care screening and treatment options.
The suicide success rate of guns vs every other form of attempted suicide is pretty amazing. You should look it up some time.