Shooting in Kentucky

The success rate of suicide using drugs is about 6% compared to the about 90% for using a gun.
Do you have data on that? I'd like to read the study.

Regardless, better mental health care would save lives. Even if only half the suicides were stopped, that's about 25,000 American lives saved every year.

Consider that the Democrats trying to ban guns has been a 30-year losing battle. All they've accomplished is to have SCOTUS reinforce gun rights. Once those cases are ruled upon, it's very difficult to overturn a SCOTUS decision.

I'm offering a solution that actually saves lives, both with suicides and murder. Consider this plan:
1. Screen all kids K-12 in public schools at the beginning, middle and end of the year with a 20-30 minute computer-based mental health exam. This would be protected by HIPAA and the only way anyone would see the results (except for the parents) is if a problem was flagged. A lot of mental health screening is trends. Getting a baseline in school is a good start.

2. Expand to college students.

3. Expand to annual physicals. Notice that, before Obamacare, insurance companies didn't like preventative care. Now they do. It's cheaper. It works the same with mental health care. PTSD is easier to prevent than to cure.

4. Related to Obama's "Cancer Moonshot" which resulted in great leaps forward in cancer treatment, of which both my brother and I have benefited, is to have a similar program for mental health care. A lot of bipolars hate taking their medicine. Same for Schizos. Find out why. Develop better medications. Biden's signature today is a step in the right direction:

5. Laws are already on the books about guns and people with mental health problems. The problem is getting past HIPAA so such people can be flagged. Part of this is a path to get off the flagged list. Note that it's easy to get on the TSA terrorist list and very difficult to get off. Taking rights from Americans shouldn't be easy and giving them back their rights shouldn't be hard. 18 U.S.C. § 922(d)

When mental health exams and treatment become routine, people will be more open about it and the nation will become healthier in the long run. The bonus is that suicides and murders will drop along with paranoia and violent tendencies.
you're explaining anecdotes, because if guns are only effective in the hands of bad guys, you wouldn't want the government to have them at all.
Not at all, the fifty thousand dead Americans a year via gun violence is anything but anecdotes, rather the reality
A dozen pussies with a gun is useless

There was one guy with a gun JUST ONE at the Ga shooting and he stopped it

If not for him there would have been MORE killed
Like you are going to react like Chuck Norris if caught in a similar situation, Barney Fife would be more appropriate
Like you are going to react like Chuck Norris if caught in a similar situation, Barney Fife would be more appropriate

CCL holder mom shoots man trying break into daughter's bedroom in South Shore: 'Fight or flight'​

CHICAGO (WLS) -- One mother says she has been a Concealed-Cary License holder for years, but never had to fire her gun until, she said, danger came through her daughter's bedroom window on Saturday night.

The killer of Polly Klaas climbed tough a bedroom window

Thank god this lady had a gun that protected her and her daughter!!!! And she is not Chuck Norris
Poor anchovies,

I really tire of you uninformed fools on the topic of guns. Sadly your type has infiltrated too many city councils in this country.
Let's deal with dimwit gun carrying bystanders at a mall.

What we know about the armed bystander who killed the shooter at an Indiana mall

Dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, Elisjsha Dicken was shopping with his girlfriend when a gunman opened fire on a food court at a Greenwood, Indiana, mall Sunday evening, killing three people and wounding two others.

While the shooter, 20-year-old Douglas Sapirman, fired 24 rounds from an AR-15-style rifle, Dicken did not hesitate to use the Glock handgun he was legally carrying. Sapirman was “neutralized” within two minutes, police said.
Amazing, one can count on two hands the amount of times this year alone a person with a gun stopped a shooting yet the gun huggers politicalize it like it is a daily occurrence

We got more guns out there than any other developed country in the world, more guns than people, and yet we have had 385 mass shootings this year alone, more citizens victims of gun violence than any other developed nation in the world, and gun huggers as”copy and paste” tell us even more guns is the solution.

Reality and common sense prove this more guns logic is absurd
Not at all, the fifty thousand dead Americans a year via gun violence is anything but anecdotes, rather the reality
as opposed to the nearly 20 million people that goverments have killed because they were unarmed. that's the reality.

stop denying truth and reality. It serves you ill.