Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

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Darn. Still can't see your dreck, Yurt. Can you whine a little louder please?


Desh is a conservative?

Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".

I wonder what excuse you'll try in order to avoid acknowledging that Desh used racial slurs.

Will you dance, Zappacrite?

Will you dance to my tune?
Desh is a conservative?

I wonder what excuse you'll try in order to avoid acknowledging that Desh used racial slurs.

Will you dance, Zappacrite?

Will you dance to my tune?

The first quote you attribute to desh is actually a comment from CFM.

Desh was QUOTING a JPP conservative.

You can't get that right so I feel no need to check the others.

Maybe you should check your facts once in a while.

You won't make such an ass of yourself.
The first quote you attribute to desh is actually a comment from CFM. You can't get that right there's no need to check the others. Maybe you should check your facts once in a while. You won't make such an ass of yourself.

Really, Zappacrite? You think that repeating a racial slur excuses Desh from using a racial slur?

Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".

Desh didn't quote anyone, Zappacrite. Those aren't "quotes".

She posted those racial slurs.

How can you excuse her without admitting your hypocrisy and double standards?
I wouldn't call evince, BAC, Bourbon, and a good percentage of the other lefties here conservatives. But then you do march to the beat of a cockamamie drummer.

I've never seen BAC or Bourbon use racial slurs. BTW, I don't consider "cracker" or "cracka" racial slurs, although one may be intended when lefties use it. There's just no reason to be offended by such weak sauce, IMO.
Really, Zappacrite? You think that repeating a racial slur excuses Desh from using a racial slur?

Desh didn't quote anyone, Zappacrite. Those aren't "quotes".

She posted those racial slurs.

How can you excuse her without admitting your hypocrisy and double standards?

So you acknowledge that desh was "repeating" what CFM said.

Then she WAS QUOTING him.

You can't even make up your own mind...ROFL!!

I've never seen BAC or Bourbon use racial slurs. BTW, I don't consider "cracker" or "cracka" racial slurs, although one may be intended when lefties use it. There's just no reason to be offended by such weak sauce, IMO.

Oh but "repeating" what another poster said in order to highlight their racism makes the poster a racist.

Talk about weak sauce.
So you acknowledge that desh was "repeating" what CFM said. Then she WAS QUOTING him. You can't even make up your own mind...ROFL!!

Show me your proof that Desh is "quoting" someone, Zappacrite:

Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".

Repeating a racial slur on JPP without using the "quote" function in the forum software or attributing the slurs to another person isn't quoting someone else, Zappacrite.

It's repeating what they said.

I believe Desh is a racist who repeated CFM's slurs because she shares his racism. She has boasted about spitting in a Black man's face. Even CFM hasn't done that, as ignorant and vile as he is.

If you repeat a rule-breaking accusation that gets someone banned, will your excuse work?

Keep dancing, Zappacrite.
I've never seen BAC or Bourbon use racial slurs. BTW, I don't consider "cracker" or "cracka" racial slurs, although one may be intended when lefties use it. There's just no reason to be offended by such weak sauce, IMO.

I learned long ago people can be extremely racist without using racial slurs. So just because they don't use them means absolutely nothing.
I learned long ago people can be extremely racist without using racial slurs. So just because they don't use them means absolutely nothing.

True; however the subject under discussion is a proposal to ask Damocles to expand the forum rules in order to punish the use of a specific set of racial slurs to be determined by a vote.
BAC Panther is one of the biggest racists on this forum, hands down.

Perhaps so; however the subject under discussion is a proposal to ask Damocles to expand the forum rules in order to punish the use of a specific set of racial slurs to be determined by a vote.
I've never seen BAC or Bourbon use racial slurs. BTW, I don't consider "cracker" or "cracka" racial slurs, although one may be intended when lefties use it. There's just no reason to be offended by such weak sauce, IMO.

Hilarious. Go up to white biker and call them a cracka or cracker.

I guess you still have the liberal troll in you, it's only racist if against blacks.
