Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

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Yurt2407888 said:
Hilarious. Go up to white biker and call them a cracka or cracker. I guess you still have the liberal troll in you, it's only racist if against blacks. Yawn

I didn't say racial slurs were "only racist if against blacks," Yurt.

I also never suggested or proposed that any prohibition of any kind exists or should exist outside this forum.
True; however the subject under discussion is a proposal to ask Damocles to expand the forum rules in order to punish the use of a specific set of racial slurs to be determined by a vote.

Personally I think all racial or ethnic slurs should be banned period. I don't think it should be up for a vote because what may not be offensive to me could be extremely offensive to you.
I didn't say racial slurs were "only racist if against blacks," Yurt.

I also never suggested or proposed that any prohibition of any kind exists or should exist outside this forum.

You don't need to expressly say it, your words say it all. Cracka or cracker has long been known to be a racist term against whites, but of course, you as a true liberal at heart, don't think so.

I'm not surprised you won't take your own advice and go say that to a white biker or a group of white people.
Personally I think all racial or ethnic slurs should be banned period. I don't think it should be up for a vote because what may not be offensive to me could be extremely offensive to you.

Racial slurs truly offer zero value to a discussion. But then what value do other insults add?

This board, as I understand, wants to be as free from moderation as possible. Banning some offensive words and not others is nanny state moderation, Imho.

And how does one identify a racial slur? LTroll doesn't think cracka or cracker is racist. And CFM doesn't think nigger is racist.

Ultimately someone has to decide.
Racial slurs truly offer zero value to a discussion. But then what value do other insults add?

This board, as I understand, wants to be as free from moderation as possible. Banning some offensive words and not others is nanny state moderation, Imho.

And how does one identify a racial slur? LTroll doesn't think cracka or cracker is racist. And CFM doesn't think nigger is racist.

Ultimately someone has to decide.

Well some words are universally accepted as racial insults. Cracker, Honkey, just to name a couple. And as you say they contribute nothing. As far as insults go that is the nature of political forums.
Well some words are universally accepted as racial insults. Cracker, Honkey, just to name a couple. And as you say they contribute nothing. As far as insults go that is the nature of political forums.

Which is why I made my proposal.

So far, Damocles isn't weighing in.
You don't need to expressly say it, your words say it all.

Mere supposition on your part, Yurt.

Cracka or cracker has long been known to be a racist term against whites, but of course, you as a true liberal at heart, don't think so.

I dont? When did I say "Cracka or cracker" isn't "a racist term against whites", Yurt?

I'm not surprised you won't take your own advice and go say that to a white biker or a group of white people.

If Id suggested calling "a white biker or a group of white people" names, you'd have a point, Yurt.

Since I didn't, you don't.
I've never seen BAC or Bourbon use racial slurs.................... BTW, I don't consider "cracker" or "cracka" racial slurs................... , although one may be intended when lefties use it. There's just no reason to be offended by such weak sauce, IMO.

Care to lie again Yurt?
Well some words are universally accepted as racial insults. Cracker, Honkey, just to name a couple. And as you say they contribute nothing. As far as insults go that is the nature of political forums.

Fair enough. But what do you do with posters like Legion who says he does not consider cracka to be a racial slur and CFM who doesn't consider nigger to be a racial slur?

Who makes the decision?
Fair enough. But what do you do with posters like Legion who says he does not consider cracka to be a racial slur and CFM who doesn't consider nigger to be a racial slur? Who makes the decision?

As stated already, I propose it be put to a vote of the JPP forum members, like the threadban feature was.

Also, for the record, I don't personally consider "cracka" a racial slur. I never said it isn't one.
LTroll is Rollin it... I didn't say cracka is a racial slur against whites..... To.....

I don't consider "cracker" or "cracka" racial slurs. That's my personal opinion.

Who does LT think cracka refers to?
LTroll is Rollin it... I didn't say cracka is a racial slur against whites..... To.....I don't consider "cracker" or "cracka" racial slurs. That's my personal opinion. Who does LT think cracka refers to?

Poor Yurt.

Can you quote me accurately?

I've never seen BAC or Bourbon use racial slurs. BTW, I don't consider "cracker" or "cracka" racial slurs, although one may be intended when lefties use it. There's just no reason to be offended by such weak sauce, IMO.

I've never seen either poster use racial slurs. How is that a "lie", Yurt? I don't consider "cracker" or "cracka" racial slurs. That's my personal opinion.
As stated already, I propose it be put to a vote of the JPP forum members, like the threadban feature was.

Yes, consensus is always the way to go.

Bow your heads kids, and put a thumbs up if you agree.....

The thread ban feature is not open to different interpretations. It is what it is. Whereas words are different and Damocles has made clear he wants this forum free as possible, except for legal issues with pedophile comments.

Get with the program LT. I've been told you apparently have a college degree now.... If true.....
Yes, consensus is always the way to go. Bow your heads kids, and put a thumbs up if you agree.....The thread ban feature is not open to different interpretations. It is what it is. Whereas words are different and Damocles has made clear he wants this forum free as possible, except for legal issues with pedophile comments. Get with the program LT. I've been told you apparently have a college degree now.... If true.....

A strictly-defined list of racial slurs isn't open to interpretation, either.

Those who don't think it's a good idea can vote NO.

Damocles may not want to impose a new rule.

I've said all that already, Yurt.
Do you consider cracka or cracker to be racist comments?

Already asked and answered, Yurt.

What are the chances you'll take a moment and read through the thread before requesting multiple repetitions of things that I have already stated?