Should Trump pardon the January 6 thugs?

Christ the things you guys believe. Trump and Ivanaka had all their overpriced crap made in China and 3rd world countries.
Not overpriced, and most was made in the SDTC, which is on the same planet as all other nations here.
He has businesses all over the world
So? Not the topic.
What he does not care about is American workers or American businessmen.
He does, Sock.
Trump even funded his businesses in German banks,
So? Not the topic.
and Cyprus banks with Russian money.
Trump doesn't use Russian money.
He was trying to build a hotel in Moscow while claiming he never did any business with Russians.
He never made any such claim, Sock. Trump has no properties in Moscow.
Can someone link to a non-violent J6er getting a sentence? I think all the ones I heard about getting sentences were violent.

Can someone link to a violent Floyd rioter getting a sentence? I think all the ones I heard about who burned police stations, raped people, and killed cops were set free without prosecution.

Hey, they were implementing the policy of the democrat party..
If Trump ever has the authority to pardon anybody for anything ever again,
the American experiment will have finally ended--as an abject failure.

You mean the democrat experiment in totalitarian rule will have finally ended -- with the Constitution restored.
Boarded up factories are due to a single issue from two causes, for the most part:


If you don't believe that, you're a fool. Those two agencies alone have become so pedantic, so overly meddlesome, it's insane. The CPSC is another agency run amok. They make it so expensive and difficult to do anything in manufacturing that it moves overseas.

Even the Navy was inclined to mostly paint ships at overseas ports and pay locals because the regulations in the US were so costly it was worth having it done elsewhere.

At one point in the Navy I wanted to install a sandblasting cabinet in my shop. The unit included a baghouse and filtration system making it very clean. The officers in charge said no initially, fearing issues with environmental things. I produced about a 6" thick pile of paper for NAVOSH (the Navy equivalent of OSHA) rules, and EPA regulations. On top of the pile was a letter I got from Bob Blaskiewicz, the then head of the Air Quality Division of the EPA out of Research Triangle N. Carolina, that said that the EPA didn't regulate sandblasting and that my set up sounded like a great way to do that work.

I got my cabinet, but it took me weeks of research and effort to make that happen. That all cost money and time I could have devoted to other issues.

I also had to have a bucket in the shop--with cover--for used dry cell batteries. I had to provide electrical tape that you had to cover one end of each battery with before depositing it in the bucket. There were printed instructions and such on the bucket as well. In years, we never emptied the bucket, barely put more than maybe a couple dozen batteries in it (we simply didn't use many), but by god, that bucket had to be there and in NAVOSH inspections they looked to make sure we had it.

That seems minor, but those things add up. It makes doing anything expensive and worth moving it elsewhere. It's another "Flypaper report." (Look that up)

Don't forget that third department: the CDC. Their policies boarded up more businesses than either OSHA or the EPA combined. Thanks, Fauci.
I don’t know, but I’m not saying only violence deserves reprocessions.
January 6 thugs? Michael Byrd? The CP officers who threw protesters off 2nd story balconies? I didn't know any of the thugs had been prosecuted? I thought they were immune to laws since they were furthering the agenda of the party?

Link up to CP officers throwing people off balconies.
No, they're the anti-fascists.
People on the right like to make up their own language.

Antifa is NOT anti-fascist. They are fascist...despite their name. This violent group is funded and supported by Democrats.
BLM is not anti-racist. They are racist, despite their name. This violent group is funded and supported by Democrats.

It is DEMOCRATS that make up words and even their own language (which I call Liberal). It looks like English, but words in Liberal have no meaning or shifting meaning.

You cannot project YOUR problems on others, Sock.
It wasn't. It was an attempt to overthrow the government by overthrowing the election results and installing Trump for four more years. It was planned...and frankly, almost worked.

The government was not overthrown Jan 6th. There were no election results. The 2020 election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats. The riots were DEMOCRATS.
You cannot blame the problems of the Democrats on Trump or anybody else, Sock.
You have joined the looney left.

He always was.

However, the Sock said something that is actually true:

"It was all planned". This is correct. It was planned by Democrats. The riots and the violence.

* The interior of the Capitol is a freakin' maze. Only Capitol building security really know how to get around in it (even politicians have trouble!). It was Capitol building security that escorted peaceful protestors through the building.
* The violence outside was initiated and organized by Democrats, using agents personally hired by Pelosi, corrupt policeman, corrupt Capitol building security, and corrupt agents from the FBI.
* Both BLM and Antifa were used to start the riots, dressed as 'Trump supporters'. They were to attack the police and vandalize the building.
* No police or building security were injured or killed. It was all staged. One building security officer that was supposedly 'seriously injured', later accompanied tours of the Capitol building! He's on camera!
* Trump asked for Congress to supply National Guard to help keep the peace. That was denied by Pelosi. She couldn't afford anything that might disrupt the staged shit that was planned.
* Politicians describing 'how scary it was' when they weren't even in the building!!!
* Video and other evidence of Democrat hired organizers telling people to enter the capitol building by violence.
* Violence starting BEFORE Trump even finished his speech.
* A running media mafia hit piece describing how Trump 'overthrew' the government.
* Jailing conservatives that happened to be anywhere in the vicinity of the Capitol building, even if they weren't involved in the riots.
* No rioter being arrested or sentenced.
* Previous history of both Antifa and BLM acting as violent factions funded and supported by Democrats.
* Previous history of Proud Boys acting as a violent plant faction funded and supported by Democrats.

It was Democrats...months in advance. Trump's rally simply provided icing on the cake.
Trump didn't organize the riots, Sock.
The militias disagree with you. While they accepted responsibility for their actions, most of the militia and other supporters called Trumps tweet and words to be a call to arms. They stood up and acted.
Accident or not, it was a three-hour riot.
Correct; a riot for most but with a plan behind it.

Are you denying Trump’s part in initiating this riot? The call to arms? The heated rhetoric? The double standard that if a Lefty made such comments you’d be on them like stink on shit, Terry?
It would be logical for Trump to do that. He already pardoned a bunch of people who committed crimes at his orders. No other president used the pardoning powers for his own benefit like that. The power is to right judicial wrongs. That meant nothing to Daffy Donald. So pardoning the criminals who attacked the capital at his behest follows quite well. The message"commit crimes for me and I will cover for you" is clear.
It would be logical for Trump to do that. He already pardoned a bunch of people who committed crimes at his orders. No other president used the pardoning powers for his own benefit like that. The power is to right judicial wrongs. That meant nothing to Daffy Donald. So pardoning the criminals who attacked the capital at his behest follows quite well. The message"commit crimes for me and I will cover for you" is clear.

Trump seriously abused the pardon power.