Taichiliberal rides again!

It's the same old BS from them......they lie, distort, purposely misconstrue things, and then engage in a maudlin exchange to bolster each other's bullshit.

Case in point: I start a thread that identifies me as Senorvicente from AOL. So naturally Freedumb just can't help himself but jump on to slam anyone he recognizes from the old board, despite knowing that after I made a fool of him I kicked his sorry ass to the curb. Blabba swears she has me on IA and that I'm not worth responding to, yet here she is on this thread (and on others) throwing rocks. Even if she just looks at responses by her fellow parrots, she knows who she's having a tantrum about.

Either it's obsession or childish revenge mode for those two clowns.....I mean, this was a simple announcement of arrival and they go off. You'd think they'd try a new fresh start at being civil....lord knows I tried with Freedumb here. But it's hard for a neocon parrot to change their feathers, I guess;)


Sissie; just because you make a proclamation, doesn't make it true.
And you couldn't kick ass, if your legs bent backwards and you had a target painted on your backside.

The fact remains that you have run away from serious debate at every turn since you've started posting here by using a variety of tired tactics and your greatness resides solely in your own fertile imagination.

Ahhh. Yes, and you get to delight in the infamous and never-ending circle-jerk of Whinny-the-Spinny.

Different load. Same smell.

GIVE IT UP, chrispie.
You don't have the equipment that timmie needs to make him happy.

It never ceases to amaze me, the hypocrisy of this chick. Tom's thread wasn't trashed so long as it was just her,tom, liz, and frog snarking about us, but only when we snarked back...*eye-roll*

"he started it, no she did"...
Ahhh. Yes, and you get to delight in the infamous and never-ending circle-jerk of Whinny-the-Spinny.

Different load. Same smell.


Notice folks, that you have the same collection of losers from the AOL boards who could never actually debate an issue beyond 3 posts (if that) before deteriorating into a slam fests against repeat their idiocy here. The Loyal End has YET to engage me in an actual honest, logical fact based debate...yet he readily acts like a pissy little kid throwing rocks from behind others posts. Southie just can't stand the fact that I can aptly dispel all his rantings and neocon parrotings with simple recollections from recent history.....he's so bitter that he's reduced to joining this other imbecile this nonsense.

All because I just announce I'm on these boards.....I must scare these dopes to death.
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It never ceases to amaze me, the hypocrisy of this chick. Tom's thread wasn't trashed so long as it was just her,tom, liz, and frog snarking about us, but only when we snarked back...*eye-roll*

"he started it, no she did"...

Well, here's a thought. Next time somone posts a viewpoint or information that you disagree with or dislike, try actually debating the issue with facts and the logic derived from them WITHOUT a condescending or insulting attitude. Then, if the other person resorts to insults, YOU have the upper hand and justification to respond in kind....the history of the recorded posts will be your proof.

That's what I did on the AOL boards and here. It's a new start..take it.
I don't think I've ever seen......where a person has to make such a big deal to "Announce" themselves to a board..
you would think a quiet HI would of done it...they must think themselves impotent................I mean important...:cof1:
I don't think I've ever seen......where a person has to make such a big deal to "Announce" themselves to a board..
you would think a quiet HI would of done it...they must think themselves impotent................I mean important...:cof1:

So take it up with the site owner who initiated the category of Announcements, Introductions and Suggestions. :rolleyes:
You do know that she will stand up for her honey, no matter how obnoxious he gets.

While you stand up for the terminally stupid dumbo or the congenital liar dumbkis? The record is crystal-clear that dumbkis threw down first and never looked back:

"Sorry, wrong again. Stirring the pot was started by dumbkis way back on April 3, thread title: Will she implode?, starting post 148.

"Darla and frog are buds; she probably has frog convinced you are aabba too. This of course means frog will gossip to the others fresh over from the WOT and they'll all think you are her as well. When this gang of rabid dogs think they have an aabba scent you may as well forget about being meme anymore"

This was only the 1st or 2nd day we were here. Wish you guys would just own up to the fact that you were ticked off we all signed up."
It's the same old BS from them......they lie, distort, purposely misconstrue things, and then engage in a maudlin exchange to bolster each other's bullshit.

Case in point: I start a thread that identifies me as Senorvicente from AOL. So naturally Freedumb just can't help himself but jump on to slam anyone he recognizes from the old board, despite knowing that after I made a fool of him I kicked his sorry ass to the curb. Blabba swears she has me on IA and that I'm not worth responding to, yet here she is on this thread (and on others) throwing rocks. Even if she just looks at responses by her fellow parrots, she knows who she's having a tantrum about.

Either it's obsession or childish revenge mode for those two clowns.....I mean, this was a simple announcement of arrival and they go off. You'd think they'd try a new fresh start at being civil....lord knows I tried with Freedumb here. But it's hard for a neocon parrot to change their feathers, I guess;)

They all remind me of this fable. They'll never change from scorpions; it's their nature. :D

"The story is about a scorpion asking a turtle to carry him across a river. The turtle is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion reassures him that if it stung the turtle, the turtle would sink and the scorpion would drown as well. The turtle then agrees; nevertheless, in mid-river, the scorpion stings him, dooming the two of them. When asked why, the scorpion explains, "I'm a scorpion; it's my nature."
While you stand up for the terminally stupid dumbo or the congenital liar dumbkis? The record is crystal-clear that dumbkis threw down first and never looked back:

"Sorry, wrong again. Stirring the pot was started by dumbkis way back on April 3, thread title: Will she implode?, starting post 148.

"Darla and frog are buds; she probably has frog convinced you are aabba too. This of course means frog will gossip to the others fresh over from the WOT and they'll all think you are her as well. When this gang of rabid dogs think they have an aabba scent you may as well forget about being meme anymore"

This was only the 1st or 2nd day we were here. Wish you guys would just own up to the fact that you were ticked off we all signed up."

Well, was the post wrong? so your point besides waaaa waaa..
Well, was the post wrong? so your point besides waaaa waaa..

Wasn't that just aweful of me to attmept an explanation for why all these "new posters" were attacking you?. Now you can see how easy Chris can find justifications for being a bitch and never accepting responsibility for why others give her some bitch back...
Wasn't that just aweful of me to attmept an explanation for why all these "new posters" were attacking you?. Now you can see how easy Chris can find justifications for being a bitch and never accepting responsibility for why others give her some bitch back...

Poor Chrispieflan. Her hide is chapped....

AGAIN :lmao:
TheTP thread died a while ago and yet it's all she can talk about. I saw liz was so pathetic as to have bumped it up last week...can you say: "get a life girls"!

Yeah that we've made a couple of posts tonite should have Chrispie whining for days about how we will AGAIN run this thread into the ground while she goes on post after post saying the same old tired shit.

It cracks me up!

She's such a baby!

So take it up with the site owner who initiated the category of Announcements, Introductions and Suggestions. :rolleyes:

And yet this braying jackass and her cohorts make time and effort to slam me and others here.

Now you know why I put the little dope on IA....she's makes an ass of herself with each posts.
They all remind me of this fable. They'll never change from scorpions; it's their nature. :D

"The story is about a scorpion asking a turtle to carry him across a river. The turtle is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion reassures him that if it stung the turtle, the turtle would sink and the scorpion would drown as well. The turtle then agrees; nevertheless, in mid-river, the scorpion stings him, dooming the two of them. When asked why, the scorpion explains, "I'm a scorpion; it's my nature."

Yeah, well let them have the last sniping word, so the little dopes can claim victory and shutting down yet another thread....pity they don't realize the original purpose of this thread was served long ago, and they are just exposing themselves as the petty little clowns they truly are.