Taichiliberal rides again!

Yeah, well let them have the last sniping word, so the little dopes can claim victory and shutting down yet another thread....pity they don't realize the original purpose of this thread was served long ago, and they are just exposing themselves as the petty little clowns they truly are.

Here *handing sissie a napkin*, you've got some spittle hanging from your bottom lip.
While you stand up for the terminally stupid dumbo or the congenital liar dumbkis? The record is crystal-clear that dumbkis threw down first and never looked back:

"Sorry, wrong again. Stirring the pot was started by dumbkis way back on April 3, thread title: Will she implode?, starting post 148.

"Darla and frog are buds; she probably has frog convinced you are aabba too. This of course means frog will gossip to the others fresh over from the WOT and they'll all think you are her as well. When this gang of rabid dogs think they have an aabba scent you may as well forget about being meme anymore"

This was only the 1st or 2nd day we were here. Wish you guys would just own up to the fact that you were ticked off we all signed up."

Nope, froggie started this shit and you know damn well it's true.
As you have now witnessed for every finger they point at us they each have 3 more pointing back at themselves.

Ah, is that the best you can do timmie??

C'mon, tell the truth.
You're just pissed because on this board, you're not in the majority and basically you can't push your agenda.
That and you hoped that you could garner enough support to once again have the Kennel Klub Kabal dictate what is to be talked abouit and who is to be spoken to.

I've told you before, that my parents were married; as opposed to the two guys who reared you.

I see that the fact that you are a Juvenile Corrections Officer has been erased even though you announced it to the board yourself, so what the fuck is that all about?
Yeah that we've made a couple of posts tonite should have Chrispie whining for days about how we will AGAIN run this thread into the ground while she goes on post after post saying the same old tired shit.

It cracks me up!

She's such a baby!


This coming from the woman who regularly used to extend threads by hundreds of posts with a shedload of steaming crap.
I see that the fact that you are a Juvenile Corrections Officer has been erased even though you announced it to the board yourself, so what the fuck is that all about?

I guess your need to toss out personal info has been reprimanded...again! The same thing happned on aol aka as Tom's got bored moments and Scar's thinking no one else could play that game. How about just moving on from the personal info Tom?

btw you should try and post more regularly, chris has so much angst waiting around for you to post so that she can post her flame crap off of.
I guess your need to toss out personal info has been reprimanded...again! The same thing happned on aol aka as Tom's got bored moments and Scar's thinking no one else could play that game. How about just moving on from the personal info Tom?

btw you should try and post more regularly, chris has so much angst waiting around for you to post so that she can post her flame crap off of.

Tom doing what he does best...
