taking a break from JPP

The avatar with the demented face?
Well, since there's no avatar anymore, why would you say that?;) Thanks for the addition to the report, though:) Those were removed ages ago...so you wouldn't have know...unless...Priceless....
Anything else you want to confess?
That was just too easy, btw...
After being here for a couple of days before inviting you? No, I'm pretty certain that wasn't enough time for her to know who you are.

the only false pretenses involved were when they actually said they wanted conservatives at GoodRead.....they really wanted someone they could make fun of and they weren't happy losing arguments.....
When I talked it over with Owl about abandoning the cesspool,leaving it standing but secret.She agreed lets shut it,so I went there deleted Owl,than Larry Longtree

OK. Now. (tapping finger) Is that the 'New Forum' that YOU were going to be the Moderator, and Owl wanted to bring over all the Amazon refugees?

Because, even if YOU were going to be an honest Moderator, Owl was going to manipulate you into doing her bidding. PMP was already here ... complaining about Owl begging him to go over there, then when he didn't jump through her hoops, she had him banned. Is that the 'Cesspool' you are talking about?
OK. Now. (tapping finger) Is that the 'New Forum' that YOU were going to be the Moderator, and Owl wanted to bring over all the Amazon refugees?

Because, even if YOU were going to be an honest Moderator, Owl was going to manipulate you into doing her bidding. PMP was already here ... complaining about Owl begging him to go over there, then when he didn't jump through her hoops, she had him banned. Is that the 'Cesspool' you are talking about?

The old cesspool,not the new.
Mason banned PMP not Owl.
For constant spelling mistakes.
the only false pretenses involved were when they actually said they wanted conservatives at GoodRead.....they really wanted someone they could make fun of and they weren't happy losing arguments.....

Yes. That sounds like what Team Owl would do. (Now, this is AFTER Owl 'lost' her Girl Gang)
She obsesses over "Magat" like some cons here obsess over Hillary.

You noticed that too? At various times she's claimed that it was my sock, or Mason's. Odd though how the mods did not agree, or we wouldn't be posting. Did you catch the latest? "True Companion" is absolutely positively NOT her sock, so she's going to report us "in the morning" after she compiled "her report," and we'll all be so surprised in the morning. I guess we're all going to wake up with horse heads in our beds ala the Godfather, or something. Just you wait! You'll see!
busy with shit, don't have much time, or the inclination to mod here for a bit

I might log in from time to time, (doubtful) but anyone that pm's me for help should direct their issues to other mods for the time being. Also use the report feature, it is your friend. I'll be back maybe around mid august. Unless I change my mind.

If you're still around and haven't left yet, could you please put some of the AOL refugees on "forced ignore" with each other, for about 30 days or so??
the only thing that they hated was losing arguments.....just like you do here.....they lie as much as you do.....

Very good observation. I think Napoleon said; 'History is a bunch of lies everybody agrees upon'. Boy, Owl can spin some Whoppers, ... she's very Trumpian in that respect.
If you're still around and haven't left yet, could you please put some of the AOL refugees on "forced ignore" with each other, for about 30 days or so??

Free911 ... You think it's bad NOW? Wait until Owl assembles the rest of her Girl Gang, YOU will be on their 'Castration List'. It's just what they do. :(