The God Equation

No need to feel bad you had the character to admit a mistake.

Besides, the nature of consciousness is still a legitimate scientific and philosophical topic. It's not like you were posting Kraken conspiracy theories

So true

Thank you for your patience with me

This is how people gain respect for each other

Acting in an honest and decent manner

Maybe this nation will have more and more people admit their research mistakes and face they got it wrong and facts do matter

Maybe more and more will take that bath of admission


And redemption

The truth is so powerful it can do all of that

If you are willing to bow to truth
Not really. You would be the perfect Inquisitor. You would LOVE that job. No room for 'alternate opinions'.

This is the problem of agnosticism, a type of skepticism.

The agnostic says the two options are A or B; they cannot both be true. Further, that A and B are both possibly true. The agnostic quantifies each possibility as having a .5 probability; each is just as likely to be true as the other. But the agnostic cannot explain why it is 50-50 and gives no reason why either has the same probability of being true.
I never said you don't have the right to believe whatever you want.

You still do not understand the concept of criteria.

I understand the 'time frame' we live in. 100 years from now our knowledge base will expand and may prove/disprove things we can only guess at for now.
You seem to think that All Knowledge is Known. And your Pronouncements are based (like the people of 2,000 years ago) on that assumption.
I understand the 'time frame' we live in. 100 years from now our knowledge base will expand and may prove/disprove things we can only guess at for now.
You seem to think that All Knowledge is Known. And your Pronouncements are based (like the people of 2,000 years ago) on that assumption.

You clearly have not been reading my posts. What you asserted of them is completely false.
This is the problem of agnosticism, a type of skepticism.

The agnostic says the two options are A or B; they cannot both be true. Further, that A and B are both possibly true. The agnostic quantifies each possibility as having a .5 probability; each is just as likely to be true as the other. But the agnostic cannot explain why it is 50-50 and gives no reason why either has the same probability of being true.

Wrong. 2,000 years ago, people believed the Earth was flat, ... because if it was round, all the water would fall off.
That's pretty logical. Who can/could dispute that?

I think you have the 'Yes/No' personality. You can't stand any 'doubt' in your life. You construct your own 'universe' because you need the certainty.
You clearly have not been reading my posts. What you asserted of them is completely false.

Your Posts demand 'certainty'. Any 'grey area' sends you into a panic.
'Life after Death' is unknowable at this point in time. For you, that is unnerving. It either MUST BE true or MUST BE false. Not knowing is unacceptable to you.
Your Posts demand 'certainty'. Any 'grey area' sends you into a panic.
'Life after Death' is unknowable at this point in time. For you, that is unnerving. It either MUST BE true or MUST BE false. Not knowing is unacceptable to you.

Ad hominem crap. Do better.
Your Posts demand 'certainty'. Any 'grey area' sends you into a panic.
'Life after Death' is unknowable at this point in time. For you, that is unnerving. It either MUST BE true or MUST BE false. Not knowing is unacceptable to you.

Technical problem, duplicate.
You are the perfect candidate for 'religion'. Everything is explained, there are no grey areas. You can now be at peace with the world. Of course, the Infidels must be killed for their Heresy!

Now you're just being a troll. Maybe you have nothing more to say.

In early Egyptian[8] and Mesopotamian thought, the world was portrayed as a disk floating in the ocean. A similar model is found in the Homeric account from the 8th century BC in which "Okeanos, the personified body of water surrounding the circular surface of the Earth, is the begetter of all life and possibly of all gods."[9]

The Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts of ancient Egypt show a similar cosmography; Nun (the Ocean) encircled nbwt ("dry lands" or "Islands").[10][11][12][full citation needed]

The Israelites also imagined the Earth to be a disc floating on water with an arched firmament above it that separated the Earth from the heavens.[13] The sky was a solid dome with the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars embedded in it.[14]

Both Homer[15] and Hesiod[16] described a disc cosmography on the Shield of Achilles.[17][18] This poetic tradition of an Earth-encircling (gaiaokhos) sea (Oceanus) and a disc also appears in Stasinus of Cyprus,[19] Mimnermus,[20] Aeschylus,[21] and Apollonius Rhodius.[22]

Homer's description of the disc cosmography on the shield of Achilles with the encircling ocean is repeated far later in Quintus Smyrnaeus' Posthomerica (4th century AD), which continues the narration of the Trojan War.[23]


Possible rendering of Anaximander's world map[24]
Several pre-Socratic philosophers believed that the world was flat: Thales (c. 550 BC) according to several sources,[25] and Leucippus (c. 440 BC) and Democritus (c. 460–370 BC) according to Aristotle.[26][27][28]

Thales thought that the Earth floated in water like a log.[29] It has been argued, however, that Thales actually believed in a round Earth.[30][31] Anaximander (c. 550 BC) believed that the Earth was a short cylinder with a flat, circular top that remained stable because it was the same distance from all things.[32][33] Anaximenes of Miletus believed that "the Earth is flat and rides on air; in the same way the Sun and the Moon and the other heavenly bodies, which are all fiery, ride the air because of their flatness".[34] Xenophanes of Colophon (c. 500 BC) thought that the Earth was flat, with its upper side touching the air, and the lower side extending without limit.[35]

Belief in a flat Earth continued into the 5th century BC. Anaxagoras (c. 450 BC) agreed that the Earth was flat,[36] and his pupil Archelaus believed that the flat Earth was depressed in the middle like a saucer, to allow for the fact that the Sun does not rise and set at the same time for everyone.[37]

Hecataeus of Miletus believed that the Earth was flat and surrounded by water.[38] Herodotus in his Histories ridiculed the belief that water encircled the world,[39] yet most classicists agree that he still believed Earth was flat because of his descriptions of literal "ends" or "edges" of the Earth.[40]

Northern Europe
No, it is being unable to make decisions and analyze your own beliefs. You leave them vague.

Horse shit.

Beliefs in this area are merely blind guesses. How does one "analyze" one's blind guesses.

If you think there is value in blind guesses that cannot be tested, okay. But if you do...YOU ARE WRONG.

I flip a coin and assert: If it comes up HEADS, I guess at least one god exists...if it comes up TAILS, I guess no gods exist. Analyze that!

Question: Are there any sentient beings living on any planet circling the nearest 20 stars to Sol?

Any answer other than, "I do not know" is nothing more than a blind guess...worth nothing.

This disparagement of the agnostic position on the "do any gods exist" is one of the most ignorant positions anyone ever takes.

An open mind that refuses to make judgements can make no distinctions between the true and false, the important and the trivial.

Horse shit.

An "open mind" can, and often does, simply assert, "I do not know and do not have enough information to make a meaningful guess."

If anything can be true because it is possible, then truth has no value.

I don't even know what the hell that means...or what it was supposed to mean. BUT...anything that has not been established as IMPOSSIBLE...IS POSSIBLE.
I still love string theory

I like the aesthetics and elegance of it.

I have no idea how we could ever directly detect the reality of the strings. They are presumed to exist at the scale of the Planck length, about 10 to the negative 35 meters. That is about 20 orders of magnitude smaller than a proton. I do not think there is instrumentation conceivably on the horizon sensitive enough to detect at that scale, and there may never be.

The strings only exist in the realm of theoretical mathematics, until someone devises a way to indirectly provide experimental proof of the string field.
There was a time when we had NO microscopes

We are currently at a stalemate

Like energy storage

One humans thoughts could change it all