The 'Natural Selection' Thread

Correct on laws. Therefore we shouldn't be passing new ones with so many bullshit ones still on the books.

"for the employees". Sure, that's part of it.
Honestly? I do NOT miss a smoke filled diner, with a virtual chimney sitting next to me at the counter while I'm trying to eat breakfast.

Nor do I miss the stench of smoke on my jacket the morning after pool league in the bars.

Re. laws, I'm sure there is data about traffic fatalities before/after seatbelt laws were enacted. In NY, they really cracked down on drunk driving, and the numbers speak for themselves.
Honestly? I do NOT miss a smoke filled diner, with a virtual chimney sitting next to me at the counter while I'm trying to eat breakfast.

Nor do I miss the stench of smoke on my jacket the morning after pool league in the bars.

Re. laws, I'm sure there is data about traffic fatalities before/after seatbelt laws were enacted. In NY, they really cracked down on drunk driving, and the numbers speak for themselves.

Me neither.

Where did she say the *doctors* gave it to her, as the retard claimed?

She blamed the entire facility. Did you read her post?

Did you vaccinate or do you want to keep rolling the dice and until you catch it too?

I always stay current on my vaccinations regardless of the idiots in Washington. There are a lot of dirty assholes in the world with all kinds of diseases.

Yeah well a bunch of vaxxed, masked & distanced people in 2 doctors' offices gave me the rona last week. LOL
It's all good though. Glad I'll have strong natural immunity now.

I certainly did. Retard said Stretch "blamed the doctors" specifically, which is a damned lie.

Can we agree she blamed the doctors along with everyone else in those medical facilities? True, not doctors by name, but the post is clearly inclusive of doctors, nurses, patients, Darth the Mop Engineer, etc.

Do you think anti-maskers like like chlamydia and other STD spreaders?

OTH, maybe she likes STDs. LOL

Surely you don't think I'm stupid enough to think there was only one death from this experimental technology? This is the Natural Selection thread and that is but one of many thousands who have died, not to mention the others who have had all kinds of side effects. The long term side effects which are yet to be known.

Go to VAERS and download the data.
As noted elsewhere in this thread, more lives are saved with the vaccine than without it.

Additionally, there's this truism:

If you add punctuation, there's a slight chance that we will be able to understand what you are trying to share.

Always separating the whole to become several fractions people taking sides doubting how the whole exists in plain sight and those leading the deception capitalize on those making reality happen to leaderships constant advantage over everyone else equally timed apart living reproductively here.
Always separating the whole to become several fractions people taking sides doubting how the whole exists in plain sight and those leading the deception capitalize on those making reality happen to leaderships constant advantage over everyone else equally timed apart living reproductively here.
Have a seat on the couch. Would you like to put your feet up?
Every day there's another one of these stories. Many of them coming out of Florida and Texas, of course.

And all of them make me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh....

Don't feel bad about any unvaccinated person dying; play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

And all of them make me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh....

Don't feel bad about any unvaccinated person dying; play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Yes Darwin would both, be intrigued and concerned. Before they die, they incubate variants. Given that they're also anti maskers, that's a bad combination
Yes Darwin would both, be intrigued and concerned. Before they die, they incubate variants. Given that they're also anti maskers, that's a bad combination

I wish they'd launch a streaming platform that was nothing but unvaccinated Covidiots gasping on ventilators.

I'd pay $15 a month for that streaming service.
I didn't see "patients" either. The implication was everyone she encountered there, including doctors and nurses:

Chuck Norris has a strong natural immunity. :thup:


The truth is that Sister Stretch has no idea where she got the virus, unless she wants to post the results of her contact tracing. :laugh:

She needs to blame vaxxed and masked to cover her embarrassment for getting Covid after 18 months of bragging about her immune system. She probably got it at one of those RW superspreader political rallies.