The 'Natural Selection' Thread

Have a seat on the couch. Would you like to put your feet up?

ever hope to understand life better than everyone wishing real isn't real as biologically replacing the ancestors occupying time as specifically placed spontaneously living in this atmosphere conceived to decomposed now? I don't have to hope anymore.
The truth is that Sister Stretch has no idea where she got the virus, unless she wants to post the results of her contact tracing. :laugh:

She needs to blame vaxxed and masked to cover her embarrassment for getting Covid after 18 months of bragging about her immune system. She probably got it at one of those RW superspreader political rallies.
Or not at all.
Today's Darwin award goes to...a Floridian!

No surprise



[FONT=&quot]In her final TikTok video before her death, Megan Alexandra Blankenbiller encouraged her thousands of followers to get vaccinated as she fought Covid-19 from a hospital.
"I don't have a lot of energy for talking, so I'm going to try and make this quick. I'm going to be taking a couple of breaks," Blankenbiller said in the Aug. 15 video, which has been viewed more than 850,000 times.

"So, just to follow up again, like I said in my other videos, I did not get vaccinated," said Blankenbiller, who lived in the Jacksonville, Florida, area, according to WebMD. "I'm not anti-vax. I was just trying to do my research. I was scared, and I wanted me and my family to all do it at the same time. And as I'm sure you guys know, it's hard to get everyone to agree on something if people feel differently."
Blankenbiller, who appeared to struggle to catch her breath, said not having gotten vaccinated "was a mistake."
So...she wasn't an anti vaxer.

She was just an idiot.

The gene pool in Fla. got smarter today.
Next up...Texas! That's right folks. Who the hell could have seen this coming?

Unvaccinated parents kill their 4 year old daughter.

[FONT=&quot]Kali Cook was 4 years old. She hated bows and liked to play with worms.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]She lived in Bacliff with her mother, father and older siblings. She attended pre-kindergarten classes in the Dickinson Independent School District.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]On Tuesday, she died of COVID-19, according to the Galveston County Health District.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Harwood and most of the rest of her family were quarantined because of their own COVID infections. She said she and her fiancé were out of work because of the pandemic.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Harwood said she wasn’t vaccinated.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“I was one of the people that was anti, I was against it,” she said. “Now, I wish I never was.[/FONT]
I blame the governor.

Why do they all say the same thing?
How the hell do you refuse to take precautions that will save your babies? These people should die, in order for the children to live
So...parent's infect their child. Child goes to school in a state where it's illegal to wear a mask in school.

What could possibly go wrong?

It's the collective will. What is the solution for mass stupidity? IDK

The first time I encountered collective stupidity was in the 1992 election when people wanted to vote for a serial adulterer and draft-dodger who looked America in the eye and said "I didn't inhale". People still fall for that bullshit. I'm guessing they'll be falling for this Trumpian bullshit 30 years from now too.
It's the collective will. What is the solution for mass stupidity? IDK

The first time I encountered collective stupidity was in the 1992 election when people wanted to vote for a serial adulterer and draft-dodger who looked America in the eye and said "I didn't inhale". People still fall for that bullshit. I'm guessing they'll be falling for this Trumpian bullshit 30 years from now too.
"It's the economy, stupid"

Bush senior suffered when Reaganomics came to fruition under his watch. He got punished for Ronnie's failed experiment. Clinton also promised to raise everyone's taxes, and he still got elected. I guess the nation was REALLY ready to put Raygun in the rearview mirror.
"It's the economy, stupid"

Bush senior suffered when Reaganomics came to fruition under his watch. He got punished for Ronnie's failed experiment. Clinton also promised to raise everyone's taxes, and he still got elected. I guess the nation was REALLY ready to put Raygun in the rearview mirror.

The economy saw a small downturn and minor recession post-Gulf War. It was rising without Clinton just like Trump road a wave created by the previous administration.

Still not a good enough reason for vote for a known liar, serial adulterer and draft-dodger.
The economy saw a small downturn and minor recession post-Gulf War. It was rising without Clinton just like Trump road a wave created by the previous administration.

Still not a good enough reason for vote for a known liar, serial adulterer and draft-dodger.
You forgot about the death of the S&L industry?

I know people who bought $90k properties for $2k at govt. auctions.

Odd how they did it AGAIN in '16
You forgot about the death of the S&L industry?

I know people who bought $90k properties for $2k at govt. auctions.

Odd how they did it AGAIN in '16
No, I lived it. What does that have to do with electing a draft-dodging coward, liar and serial adulterer as President?
The Savings and Loan (S&L) Crisis was a slow-moving financial disaster. The crisis came to a head and resulted in the failure of nearly a third of the 3,234 savings and loan associations in the United States between 1986 and 1995.
It's the collective will. What is the solution for mass stupidity? IDK

The first time I encountered collective stupidity was in the 1992 election when people wanted to vote for a serial adulterer and draft-dodger who looked America in the eye and said "I didn't inhale". People still fall for that bullshit. I'm guessing they'll be falling for this Trumpian bullshit 30 years from now too.

"It's the economy, stupid"

Bush senior suffered when Reaganomics came to fruition under his watch. He got punished for Ronnie's failed experiment. Clinton also promised to raise everyone's taxes, and he still got elected. I guess the nation was REALLY ready to put Raygun in the rearview mirror.

You forgot about the death of the S&L industry?

I know people who bought $90k properties for $2k at govt. auctions.

Odd how they did it AGAIN in '16

No, I lived it. What does that have to do with electing a draft-dodging coward, liar and serial adulterer as President?
The Savings and Loan (S&L) Crisis was a slow-moving financial disaster. The crisis came to a head and resulted in the failure of nearly a third of the 3,234 savings and loan associations in the United States between 1986 and 1995.
I thought it was evident
cherry picked anecdotes, not science.

It is science but the story is an anecdote showing a huge trend. There are lots of stories like this in nearly every hospital in the country. I know the stories of people regretting not getting the shot after getting very sick do not hit your reading sites. But they are very common and sad.
It is science but the story is an anecdote showing a huge trend. There are lots of stories like this in nearly every hospital in the country. I know the stories of people regretting not getting the shot after getting very sick do not hit your reading sites. But they are very common and sad.

anecdotes don't show trends.

you never read or see the stories where people die or get fucked up from the jab.

dig deeper. do better.
Clinton was not a fascist. A narcissist? I'll say he was on the spectrum. Trump was clinical textbook case material. A sociopath.
A high functioning sociopath as president is unprecedented. We had it and the country barely survived it. Clinton's peccadillos
and moral weaknesses did not imperil the USA or its democracy. Furthermore he had some admirable policy and was a "wonk"
and Rhodes scholar. Trump is an imbecile.
Clinton was not a fascist. A narcissist? I'll say he was on the spectrum. Trump was clinical textbook case material. A sociopath.
A high functioning sociopath as president is unprecedented. We had it and the country barely survived it. Clinton's peccadillos
and moral weaknesses did not imperil the USA or its democracy. Furthermore he had some admirable policy and was a "wonk"
and Rhodes scholar. Trump is an imbecile.

you're an idiot.
Dude, replace Trump's name and talk about the recession. That makes just as much sense. LOL
Clearly, Bush Sr. suffered due to Raygun's failed economic ploy. It's understandable that the nation was ready for change, given the widening of the income gap over the previous 12 years.

Nobody cared that Clinton was a whore. They clearly don't care today either, as they put another rapist in the WH in '16. Clinton was a clown who just happened to be sitting in the WH when the internet was born. His economic success had little to do with any of his policy positions. At least he didn't fuck it up by doing something stupid like invading Iraq.

Voters do stupid shit, which goes to your original comment re. 'collective stupidity'. They tend to put idiots in office when things are going badly, and also when things are running smoothly.

Go figure.
Clinton was not a fascist. A narcissist? I'll say he was on the spectrum. Trump was clinical textbook case material. A sociopath.
A high functioning sociopath as president is unprecedented. We had it and the country barely survived it. Clinton's peccadillos
and moral weaknesses did not imperil the USA or its democracy. Furthermore he had some admirable policy and was a "wonk"
and Rhodes scholar. Trump is an imbecile.

Who is saying Clinton is a fascist?

If I say "the lying, draft-dodging, serial adulterer President who was impeached", who am I talking about? It applies to both Clinton and Trump. You know, the kiddy fucker buddies of Jeffrey Epstein. LOL

