The 'Natural Selection' Thread

why is the globalist race to the bottom a good thing for anyone but the 1%?

you got an actual point? or are you just a water carrier for evil?

It's not. Why do you believe it is? Why have you given up doing anything about it? Are you afraid of prison?

Yes on points. You're wrong. You're a lame-ass little whining weasel who trolls others but never adds anything positive to the conversation. Sad.

You aren't that bright either, but if it's genetic, you have a choice: Whine and blame your parents or man-up and deal with it. Lesser intelligence and poor education are not excuses for refusing to be a man.
except the Clinton brand of corporate dem, hawk, globalist swampery, is 180 degrees different than trumps anti war and anti globalism.

Trump is just like the Clintons. Like Clinton lying about his sexual peccadilloes, Trump will tell whatever lie you want to hear for the same reason; your vote.

The irony being that you don't vote so neither of them give a shit about you unless you want to become a Suicide-Bomber-for-Trump. :laugh:
Disagreed on Clinton. If that was true then he wouldn't have been punished (insufficiently IMO) for perjuring himself on Paula Flowers. He should have been charged in multiple other cases but was too powerful. Even more so than Weinstein and Cosby.

Do you believe he raped Juanita Broaddrick? I do.
The discussion is Clinton/pedophilia. And I think it's Jennifer Flowers. I do believe he raped that women in that hotel room when he was governor. He seemed to use the State Police as his own private transportation.

I don't think the rape was public until after he was elected.
TBH, Bernie's fans were disaffected Democrat voters. When Hillary bought the DNC out of debt, and slid herself into the nomination chair, those disaffected voters became Independants. Mostly non-voting Independants.

Unlike the DNC which sold out to Hillary, the 2016 RNC nomination was up for grabs...and to the great surprise of TPTB, Trump kept winning. Why? My guess is because, like the Bernie voters, they were a cult of personality. The difference being that the DNC nomination process is controlled by the leadership and the RNC wasn't. Another great subject to be mined by people seeking to earn a Poli Sci Masters or Doctorate.
You bring up some interesting points.

Bernie bots were indeed people who don't normally vote. (Same for the Nazis who voted for trump). Many were kids who wanted free shit. Ironically, after trump won the nomination the RNC was talking about employing super delegates, while Dems were thinking about getting rid of it.

After being warned that the SC was in jeopardy if Clinton didn't win, the kids still couldn't be bothered to vote. I hope they're happy with the rulings that will begin to pile up in the coming years.
It was a minor recession induced by 1) the end of the Cold War economy and 2) instability in the ME. The nation was already in recovery in November 1992. As stupid as Voodoo Economics was, it wasn't Reagan's politics that caused the recession at the time.
Union busting aided in the growth in wage gap under Reagan. So did the fabled trickle down economics. Reagan tripled the national debt, notwithstanding the Conservative fiscal theories.

Middle/lower class Americans were ready for something new, as the nation saw thousands of half built corporate parks and timeshares, and foreclosed homes.

The Left bought into Clinton's bullshit just like the Right did Trump's 24 years later. Agreed 100% on your analysis of Clinton. People didn't care. IMO, it's because they were thinking more about themselves and very little about the nation. IMO, the election of Clinton can be traced directly to why Trump was elected. It's not a failure of those two men, but a failure of our nation's voters.
Clinton promised to raise taxes, and he did. He got lucky that the internet was born.

I don't understand this supposed damage that Clinton did? There was a minor recession at the end of Obama's tenure, after he pulled the nation back from the brink of collapse.

All with one hand tied behind his back.

trump was elected because people expected Clinton to win easily, and Independents didn't come out to vote for her. Those who did threw votes away on third party/green candidates.

The nation was ready for change. They wanted Bernie, and they got a pile of steaming shit.
Union busting aided in the growth in wage gap under Reagan. So did the fabled trickle down economics. Reagan tripled the national debt, notwithstanding the Conservative fiscal theories.

Middle/lower class Americans were ready for something new, as the nation saw thousands of half built corporate parks and timeshares, and foreclosed homes.

Clinton promised to raise taxes, and he did. He got lucky that the internet was born.

I don't understand this supposed damage that Clinton did? There was a minor recession at the end of Obama's tenure, after he pulled the nation back from the brink of collapse.

All with one hand tied behind his back.

trump was elected because people expected Clinton to win easily, and Independents didn't come out to vote for her. Those who did threw votes away on third party/green candidates.

The nation was ready for change. They wanted Bernie, and they got a pile of steaming shit.

I'm not claiming Reagan, Bush or Clinton were perfect. I'm saying it's unwise to elect a known draft-dodging liar and serial adulterer to become President.

When we did, both were impeached.
I'm not claiming Reagan, Bush or Clinton were perfect. I'm saying it's unwise to elect a known draft-dodging liar and serial adulterer to become President.

When we did, both were impeached.
I understand. I'm just illustrating the perfect storms that brought us both rapists. trump and Clinton. Clinton was easy. trump was an anomaly.
I understand. I'm just illustrating the perfect storms that brought us both rapists. trump and Clinton. Clinton was easy. trump was an anomaly.

IMO, there's no excuse for electing a draft-dodging liar and serial adulterer, much less rapist, to the White House.

We, the People should demand higher standards, not more elaborate excuses.
IMO, there's no excuse for electing a draft-dodging liar and serial adulterer, much less rapist, to the White House.

We, the People should demand higher standards, not more elaborate excuses.
LOL. There is no IQ test when you register to vote.
There should be. I'm fine with requiring every US citizen to pass a civics test before being allowed to vote. Retested every 5 years.
Illegal. Stupid people have rights, and are allowed to choose someone as stupid as they are to represent them. Look at some rookie Qpublicans in Congress.

trump is obvious, so there's no need to mention him.
Today's Darwin award winner is from...Michigan!!!

[FONT=&quot]Dr. Nicole Linder, chief hospitalist at OSF St. Francis Hospital Medical Group in Escanaba, Michigan, urged the public to get vaccinated against the coronavirus on Thursday. To make her point clearly, she cited a "very special patient" of hers named Kathy who had "refused the vaccine adamantly" before contracting the coronavirus.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Kathy has been in the hospital for at least three weeks battling COVID-19, Linder said, according to local news outlet[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]After being admitted to the hospital, Kathy called up several friends and family members to convince them to get vaccinated. At least six people got vaccinated after speaking with Kathy, Linder said, according to[/FONT]
Well thank you Captain Obvious. Considering you know Jack Shit about science and aren’t educated in science I could give a fuck all about you opinion.

Science is not an 'education'. It is not a university, degree, license, certification, government agency, paper, research, or study.
Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
Today's feature...a Qanon nutter. No great loss.

[h=1]Veronica Wolski, QAnon supporter at center of ivermectin firestorm, dies of COVID-related pneumonia at Chicago hospital[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Wolski’s Telegram channel includes numerous posts showing scorn for masks, vaccines and other mainstream approaches to avoiding COVID-19. In late July, she posted a video in which she described suffering from a prolonged fever, body aches and violent coughing fits that she attributed to a cold.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]She says in the video that she felt better after taking a five-day course of ivermectin. Photos and videos posted over the next three weeks show her returning to the overpass she dubbed “The People’s Bridge.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]But her channel also shows that by Aug. 20 she was in the emergency department. None of the subsequent posts included a request for ivermectin, though one uploaded Aug. 24 displays the hospital’s location and asks for “a medical person to help get me out of here.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Some of Wolski’s supporters soon began to seek ivermectin treatment on her behalf, boosted by a social media appeal from Wood. Resurrection officials said last week they had received hundreds of calls and emails about Wolski.[/FONT]
....and we still had an Insurrection of fucking morons. LOL


So, are you saying that "fucking morons" rendered the verdict in Roe v. Wade and have been defending it ever since...?