The 'Natural Selection' Thread

Idiots. And even more idiots donated to their Gofundme page. Both of the adults were obese, plus the man had survived childhood cancer.
Yes. They refused to get the 'immunity therapy', because they have co morbidities. Makes sense in Alabama. Plus, they traveled the state and purchased junk. They sold it by running a Youtube channel. morbidities coupled with unprotected contact with other under educated on a daily basis.

What could possibly go wrong?
Every day there's another one of these stories. Many of them coming out of Florida and Texas, of course.

My nurse GF tells the same story every week:

People who refused to get vaccinated, but have now found religion upon falling ill. Many crying for their families to get vaccinated as they breathe their last gasps.

My own sister in law has been refusing to get vaccinated out of fear of 'what is in it'.

A friend of hers died this week, and now she has condescended to get the jab.

These Texas idiots succumbed to pressure from their neighbors, and refused the vaccination. Now their 19 year old daughter is dead, and they're getting the vaccine.

The mother of a college student who died 'screaming through the mask' wished she had made her get the COVID-19 vaccine

This is a thread where the daily stories about the under educated can be shared. It seems as if they occur every day.

Not the deaths. The fact that it takes a family tragedy to show people the light.

It's probably time for them to turn off the t.v., and go out and get vaccinated.

And then vote their governors out of office.

Quoting Fake News isn't going to cut it.
Yes. They refused to get the 'immunity therapy', because they have co morbidities. Makes sense in Alabama. Plus, they traveled the state and purchased junk. They sold it by running a Youtube channel. morbidities coupled with unprotected contact with other under educated on a daily basis.

What could possibly go wrong?


I feel bad for all the other people they exposed. Hopefully they had time to regret much, and suffer some too.
Yes. They refused to get the 'immunity therapy', because they have co morbidities. Makes sense in Alabama. Plus, they traveled the state and purchased junk. They sold it by running a Youtube channel. morbidities coupled with unprotected contact with other under educated on a daily basis.

What could possibly go wrong?
Speaking of which...Dogshit is from Alabama. I wonder if he died of Covid? Haven't seen him embarrassing himself here in a while.

I feel bad for all the other people they exposed. Hopefully they had time to regret much, and suffer some too.
I'm sure they did. Wife died first. Husband went on a vent.

Anyone they exposed was like minded, and should not be bothered by getting sick and dying. It's Alabama, after all. Covid is a hoax.
I'm sure they did. Wife died first. Husband went on a vent.

Anyone they exposed was like minded, and should not be bothered by getting sick and dying. It's Alabama, after all. Covid is a hoax.

It is way overblown as Bill Maher stated on Kimmel the other night. It is not an automatic death sentence like the leftwing likes to portray it, I know close to 100 people that survived with out even going to a hospital and just a few that have died and they all had issues that the flu would have killed them too.
It is way overblown as Bill Maher stated on Kimmel the other night. It is not an automatic death sentence like the leftwing likes to portray it, I know close to 100 people that survived with out even going to a hospital and just a few that have died and they all had issues that the flu would have killed them too.

It's not a death sentence at all. Covid19 does not kill. NONE of the Covid/SARS series viruses kill.
Liberals have been ‘naturally selecting themselves’ with abortion for decades.

Crackas love abortions

Good news for Florida. A key propagandist is dead from Covid.

[FONT=&quot]Just a day after [/FONT]testing positive[FONT=&quot] for COVID-19, a Florida Republican official who [/FONT]battled against mask mandates[FONT=&quot], attacked the vaccine, and railed at CDC officials has died in Tampa.[/FONT]

Thankfully, he infected his family as well.

[FONT=&quot]Along with others in the Hillsborough County Election Integrity Committee, Prentice was a vociferous critic of the vaccine, mask mandates, and COVID-prevention measures. He railed against top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, vowing in a Twitter post to “end Faucism.” He also insisted the U.S. needs “more socialist distancing than we do social distancing” and that the pandemic was created to destroy small businesses.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]A spokesperson for the Hillsborough Republican Executive Committee has reportedly said that Prentice’s wife and daughter have also caught COVID-19.[/FONT]

In today's episode, the daughter of a dead vax refuser blames Tucker Carlson.

She claims her dad wasn't 'extreme Right'. He got information from all sources.

Bullshit. He watched Tucker Carlson videos on Youtube. All he had to do was to choose another channel.

It's a shame he already procreated.

[FONT=&quot]The daughter of an unvaccinated man who died of COVID-19 told CNN's "New Day" on Monday she believes Fox News host Tucker Carlson and misinformation "played a role" in her father's vaccine hesitancy.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Katie and Evan Lane spoke to "New Day" about their father, 45-year-old Patrick Lane, who recently died from the virus.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"He wasn't by any means far-right. He was right in the middle, and he consumed media from both sides, and just some of the misinformation on one of those sides made him hesitant," Katie Lane said. "He was going to wait for FDA approval, but by the time that Pfizer had been approved, it was already too late."[/FONT]

Tucker did it.

Go with that.
In today's episode, contrary to Hopelessly Lost In The Night's claims, a 40 year old mother of 4 did indeed die from Covid. How could she be so inconsiderate to her children?

[FONT=&quot]A mother-of-four, who was "proudly" against Covid vaccinations has died, following Covid-related complications.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Kristen Lowery, 40, who often posted anti-mask and anti-vax messages on social media, passed away on September 15 in California.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]According to [/FONT]The Mirror, [FONT=&quot]the mum-of-four posted a Facebook profile picture with the caption “unmasked, unmuzzled, unvaccinated, unafraid ... [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Together we win”.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]

Yes. We win when people like you die. I hope your kids are living with people who are vaccinated.