Theology Question

I asked you 87 times. Prove that all there are is blind guesses. You will not answer. As usual, you will write "blind guess." have not asked me that 87 times.

Two...what makes you suppose I have ever said that all there are is blind guesses?

On certain things they are blind guesses.

Here are two:

The assertion "There is a God...and the Bible tells us Its nature; what It expects of us; what pleases It; what offends It" almost certainly a blind guess. Not sure what you expect as proof...but if the assertion is made, the person making the assertion bears the burden of proof.

The assertion "There are no gods" is definitely a blind guess. There is no way for anyone to know there are no gods.

Now, if you want to play a game about "proof" of those being guesses, we can play it. But all we would be doing is playing a game. The person making either of those assertions bears the burden of proof.

Next question. have not asked me that 87 times.

Two...what makes you suppose I have ever said that all there are is blind guesses?

On certain things they are blind guesses.

Here are two:

The assertion "There is a God...and the Bible tells us Its nature; what It expects of us; what pleases It; what offends It" almost certainly a blind guess. Not sure what you expect as proof...but if the assertion is made, the person making the assertion bears the burden of proof.

The assertion "There are no gods" is definitely a blind guess. There is no way for anyone to know there are no gods.

Now, if you want to play a game about "proof" of those being guesses, we can play it. But all we would be doing is playing a game. The person making either of those assertions bears the burden of proof.

Next question.

The first time you wrote that I disagreed. There is nothing to talk about, you never reply to criticism.
The first time you wrote that I disagreed. There is nothing to talk about, you never reply to criticism.

I reply to criticism almost every day. I am replying to it right here.

Still waiting for another question...or for you to state what you disagree with what I said in the response you suggested I was not going to make.

You are zero for two right now.
I reply to criticism almost every day. I am replying to it right here.

Still waiting for another question...or for you to state what you disagree with what I said in the response you suggested I was not going to make.

You are zero for two right now.

blind guess blind guess....all you ever write. It is boring.
blind guess blind guess....all you ever write. It is boring.

I have written all sorts of things besides "blind guesses." I've done it right here in our conversation.

Get away from your bullshit...and ask another question. Or tell me what you disagree with in my response to your last question.
I have written all sorts of things besides "blind guesses." I've done it right here in our conversation.

Get away from your bullshit...and ask another question. Or tell me what you disagree with in my response to your last question.

Talking about the nature of God is not a blind guess. Now write "yes it is" for the next 37 posts.
Talking about the nature of God is not a blind guess. Now write "yes it is" for the next 37 posts.

Every assertion you make about your a blind guess. Asserting that a god a blind guess; asserting that the Bible tells us about a god that actually exists is a blind guess.

That is like saying 2 + 2 = 4 in base 10.

So what is your problem with it?
I made no assertion about my god.

Now write "blind guess" 49 more times.

You wrote: "Talking about the nature of God is not a blind guess. "

I am saying anything said "about the nature of God" IS A BLIND GUESS.

Say anything about "God"...and we will see if it is a fact...or if it is a blind guess.
You wrote: "Talking about the nature of God is not a blind guess. "

I am saying anything said "about the nature of God" IS A BLIND GUESS.

Say anything about "God"...and we will see if it is a fact...or if it is a blind guess.

I just cannot read "blind guess" over and over and over. Sorry.
I just cannot read "blind guess" over and over and over. Sorry.

You realize that your arguments are losers...that is what is bothering you.

The assertion, "There is a God" is nothing more than a blind guess.

You cannot come up with an argument that reasonably refutes that...that cannot be taken apart with ease.

So you are doing what has to be done. Withdrawing...and pretending it is because you do not like the way I word my responses. least that is a bright move on your part. I applaud you on that.
You realize that your arguments are losers...that is what is bothering you.

The assertion, "There is a God" is nothing more than a blind guess.

You cannot come up with an argument that reasonably refutes that...that cannot be taken apart with ease.

So you are doing what has to be done. Withdrawing...and pretending it is because you do not like the way I word my responses. least that is a bright move on your part. I applaud you on that.

You are like a college freshman chatting in a dorm room. You are not capable of rational analysis.
You are like a college freshman chatting in a dorm room. You are not capable of rational analysis.

I'm waiting for you to start actually discussing an issue...rather than putting out a bunch of pretense for why you are not.

You are out of your depth here, BP. Way out.

If you want to ask some questions you think I will avoid...ask them.

I am telling you that I will respond to every question...and discuss any problems you have with my responses.

But the smart thing for you to do is to run away...and pretend you are doing it for a valid reason. Otherwise you are going to get juiced.
I'm waiting for you to start actually discussing an issue...rather than putting out a bunch of pretense for why you are not.

You are out of your depth here, BP. Way out.

If you want to ask some questions you think I will avoid...ask them.

I am telling you that I will respond to every question...and discuss any problems you have with my responses.

But the smart thing for you to do is to run away...and pretend you are doing it for a valid reason. Otherwise you are going to get juiced.

Basic. You never showed why talk about God is a blind guess. Give reasons for that assertion. You never do.
Basic. You never showed why talk about God is a blind guess. Give reasons for that assertion. You never do.

Okay...make an assertion. No need to speak in hypothetical.

Make an assertion...starting with the assertion that there is a god.

Then an assertion about the nature of that god.

And I will respond.

You won't like the response...but you will react in a way that will delight me.
Okay...make an assertion. No need to speak in hypothetical.

Make an assertion...starting with the assertion that there is a god.

Then an assertion about the nature of that god.

And I will respond.

You won't like the response...but you will react in a way that will delight me.

I never made the assertion "that there is a god."
I never made the assertion "that there is a god."

I didn't say you did. I actually quoted what you said. I'll quote it again:

"Talking about the nature of God is not a blind guess. "

I am saying it is.

By the way, saying "talking about the nature of God" is sorta suggesting there is a god.

So make an assertion about "God"...and we can determine if it is a blind guess or not.

C'mon. You are mouthing off about this. your mettle. Actually challenge me...rather than just saying you have challenged me.

Make an assertion about "God" that is not a blind guess. Should be easy for you...since you are asserting that talking about the nature of God is not a blind guess.