Tim Walz left National Guard Battalion 'Hanging"

How terribly sad that he never returned to save your bacon and post vulgar pornographic little stories about our clits and vaginas and tits and beta husbands that he envied so hard, and so did you. :laugh:
That's not yakuda? He is super crude and super incel like.
Uh.....Trump supporters don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing dishonesty.
so when you are caught with your cookie in the candy jar....whataboutism

fucking lame. all your prior concerns of saving democracy are hollow bullshit.
Walz quit. He didn't retire.

Walz because he didn't finish the requirements for Sergeant Major and all the course work was demoted back to First Sargeant when he left military service. He was holding the rank of Sergeant Major as a--what the Army calls--brevet rank.
Untrue, as I've just shown you.
Then he got busted back to the rank of Master Sargent.

He was NOT busted back to the rank of Master Sergeant. He was retired at the rank of Master Sergeant. It is a move made with regard to retirement pay...and is done in thousands of cases each year.

You do not even know the correct term. It is "busted"...not "busted back."
So he can't ever claim the rank of Command Master Sargent because he did not meet all the criteria to claim that title.

One does not "claim a title" in the military. One is promoted to...and serves at a rank. Walz was promoted to Commander Sergeant Major...and served in that rank.

HE WAS A COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR...a rank that is the most senior enlisted member of a color-bearing unit.

It is a very high honor...and a piece of shit like you should not be derogating it...you fucking scumbag.

Hence he was busted back to the last rank he had actually earned.
You are so full of shit you must have brown eyes and hair.

You know nothing about military service...and should just shut the fuck up.

But you are an ignorant little sniveller so I don't expect you to do so.
Walz quit. He didn't retire.

They're trying to distract us from their crazy weird VP candidate who only served four years, and that as a writer rather than as a soldier... and who uses that service for political coin. It's hard to beat a Democrat who is for the people, for unions, for families, etc. who is also a long-serving American veteran.

I'd say they should be ashamed of themselves, but none of them experience that conscience-cleansing emotion.

It is amazing, OW...that they would debase themselves in deference to that lump of shit they want to return to the presidency. I usually suppose the charges of Russian or Chinese Bots to be exaggerations on the part of people on our side of these issues...but now, I am hoping against hope that these people are foreign bots. To suppose actual Americans are doing what they are doing is beyond demoralizing.

You are correct, "...they should be ashamed of themselves, but none of them experience that conscience-cleansing emotion."

They are crud.
Walz objected to the Iraq war. He announced his intention to retire months in advance, then quit in order to run for Congress as a peace voice. Iraq was George Bush's bullshit way out of Afghanistan which threatened to become a standoff in the mountains.
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They're trying to distract us from their crazy weird VP candidate who only served four years, and that as a writer rather than as a soldier... and who uses that service for political coin. It's hard to beat a Democrat who is for the people, for unions, for families, etc. who is also a long-serving American veteran.

I'd say they should be ashamed of themselves, but none of them experience that conscience-cleansing emotion.
could you even imagine just how the MAGA on here heads would have exploded if She choose Senator Lt. Col. Tammy Duckworth?
a real war hero, here is a woman who flew a Helicopter in war , got shot down by an RPG , lost her legs , and after that went on to become a Congressmen and a two term Senator.
Yep it is too bad she didn't.
it would have been real fun to watch.
Have a nice day
could you even imagine just how the MAGA on here heads would have exploded if She choose Senator Lt. Col. Tammy Duckworth?
a real war hero, here is a woman who flew a Helicopter in war , got shot down by an RPG , lost her legs , and after that went on to become a Congressmen and a two term Senator.
Yep it is too bad she didn't.
it would have been real fun to watch.
Have a nice day
Tammy would have been a much better choice... Is that your point?
So you think people who are not safe to own firearms should have them? Fuck everyone else if the loon decides to use it and gun you and yours down? Uh huh..
then the people on the right back Trump who has said Take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
well who decides when later is? Trump?
when does later come? isn't later like tomorrow ? it never comes .
yes take the guns away from left leaning people and stomp on their second Amendment rights .
and when Trump is done stomping on the lefts Constitutional rights what says he doesn't turn on the MAGAS and starts taking theirs away?
the MAGA and people on the right had better watch out what they wish for because once you get it and it turns on you it is too late to go back.
Have a nice day
could you even imagine just how the MAGA on here heads would have exploded if She choose Senator Lt. Col. Tammy Duckworth?
a real war hero, here is a woman who flew a Helicopter in war , got shot down by an RPG , lost her legs , and after that went on to become a Congressmen and a two term Senator.
Yep it is too bad she didn't.
it would have been real fun to watch.
Have a nice day
Yes I agree it is a shame she chose a FAKE war hero instead. But I'm glad he didn't get killed when he carried his rifle into war anyway aren't you? She sure made a weird choice didn't she.
Someone here, including me, have argued the Vietnam War was misguided and Trump was right in avoiding it. Of course Trump never said the war was misguided or that he had a moral reason in avoiding the draft. Anyway, if that war was misguided the Iraq War was guided with an immoral purpose.