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give us your personal platform.

What am I running for office? Read my posts fuckwit and figure it out - if you have the brains to do so - which does not appear to be the case and is no doubt why you want it spoon fed to you like the simple child you are.
Showing in technicolor all of the combined brainpower evident in the liberal/leftwing minds on this forum. You are the very embodiment of the intellectual achievement of the leftist success story.

I thought that was your contribution, when you decided to start a thread complaining about people engaging in behavior similar to your own.
What am I running for office? Read my posts fuckwit and figure it out - if you have the brains to do so - which does not appear to be the case and is no doubt why you want it spoon fed to you like the simple child you are.

this site is about discussing ideas about how to run our country.

you have no answer huh.

You dont even know what you back.

but if it comes out of a right wing mouth its good to you.

you know only labels

You are incapable of actually discussing he issues huh
Showing in technicolor all of the combined brainpower evident in the liberal/leftwing minds on this forum. You are the very embodiment of the intellectual achievement of the leftist success story.

you have no beliefs

you just hate everyfuckingthing
I thought that was your contribution, when you decided to start a thread complaining about people engaging in behavior similar to your own.

Wrong idiot, I do not troll across the forum attacking posters then insult them for not responding to my demands. Garbage like lolo, evince, christie and the likes of such assholes do, and it looks like you are a partner of that group. But don't sweat it, all of my new threads will have you banned from them.
you have no beliefs you just hate everyfuckingthing

Keep trying to be able to label me, because you're totally incapable of an adult conversation. All you can do is insult and personally attack because you cannot debate on the facts, like most leftists. You're just weak - and you know it, which is why you hide behind such childish behavior.
oh used to be a poster, now all you have left is trolling.....I'm not sure if being a liberal burned off all your brain cells, or Legion stole your account, or you just stopped caring but you aren't anything other than a troll any more.......kindly go fuck yourself.....

You have been rude and sarcastic to me since day one and you know it. Now you're lecturing me because I decided to give back what you and your cyber pals have been dishing out non-stop. Too funny.

Put me on ignore and we'll both be happy.
this site is about discussing ideas about how to run our country.

Really? Where in the rules does it describe what topics can be discussed?

you have no answer huh.You dont even know what you back.

You just don't like what I support, so like a weak-minded child, you try to personally attack for it.

but if it comes out of a right wing mouth its good to you.

You just said I "don't know what I support" - would you make up your mind which idiocy you'll stick with?

you know only labels

...from the poster who keeps demanding a laundary list of who/what I support, so they can label me. You are so transparently clueless it isn't surprising you act so childishly.

You are incapable of actually discussing he issues huh

Really? Is that why you keep avoiding them in EVERY thread I participate in? Could you be more of an idiot?
Wrong idiot, I do not troll across the forum attacking posters then insult them for not responding to my demands. Garbage like lolo, evince, christie and the likes of such assholes do, and it looks like you are a partner of that group. But don't sweat it, all of my new threads will have you banned from them.

You're here two weeks and already calling people garbage. You're a mental case.
Really? Where in the rules does it describe what topics can be discussed?

You just don't like what I support, so like a weak-minded child, you try to personally attack for it.

You just said I "don't know what I support" - would you make up your mind which idiocy you'll stick with?

...from the poster who keeps demanding a laundary list of who/what I support, so they can label me. You are so transparently clueless it isn't surprising you act so childishly.

Really? Is that why you keep avoiding them in EVERY thread I participate in? Could you be more of an idiot?

dear fucking idiot,

you have refused to state what you believe

why do all you right wing tards pretend to hate your own party yet you cling to all their ideas?

because your fucking idiot dupes
not true.......and I think you can find many posters here who I have never spoken a cross word to.......I never insult anyone who hasn't earned, dear, have earned every word of it.......

It's true and your denial is laughable. I tried several times over the years to mend fences with you and your response was always along the lines that since I'm a liberal I'm not worth it.
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