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It's true and your denial is laughable. I tried several times over the years to mend fences with you and your response was always along the lines that since I'm a liberal I'm not worth it.

prove it posts from 2009 are all in the board's the way, you're a liberal and you wouldn't be worth much, but there were no fences to mend unless you cut the wires......
You're here two weeks and already calling people garbage. You're a mental case.

Uh, how many posts did I put out before people like you were personally attacking and insulting me? You and some of the other leftists attacked me IMMEDIATELY; I barely had to time to even figure out what was going on, that such language was even allowed here, etc.

People in glass houses...
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OMG revisionist history. I never attacked the poster, I criticized his sources. And he responded with an ugly sexual slur. Get it right, dummy.

You are lying. You began trolling me immediately, with re-directs/deflections rather than addressing the points made:

And my response to your deflections/trolling:

Which did not contain any insults, sexual or otherwise, until you started insulted with name-calling here:


Some of the other posters like lolo, evince, buckly are irredeemable and should have been banned as every post I've seen from them is abject garbage/trolling. evince has pestered me using the PMs to try and find out what my politics are, which is even more pathetic.

What's especially disappointing about you is that unlike some of those others I've mentioned, I believe you have the intelligence and ability to be more than a troll and might actually offer a decent argument, but it seems you'd rather wallow in the mud with the afore-mentioned idiots for some reason.
You are lying. You began trolling me immediately, with re-directs/deflections rather than addressing the points made:

And my response to your deflections/trolling:

Which did not contain any insults, sexual or otherwise, until you started insulted with name-calling here:


Some of the other posters like lolo, evince, buckly are irredeemable and should have been banned as every post I've seen from them is abject garbage/trolling. evince has pestered me using the PMs to try and find out what my politics are, which is even more pathetic.

What's especially disappointing about you is that unlike some of those others I've mentioned, I believe you have the intelligence and ability to be more than a troll and might actually offer a decent argument, but it seems you'd rather wallow in the mud with the afore-mentioned idiots for some reason.

What rules are they violating?
You are lying. You began trolling me immediately, with re-directs/deflections rather than addressing the points made:

And my response to your deflections/trolling:

Which did not contain any insults, sexual or otherwise, until you started insulted with name-calling here:


Some of the other posters like lolo, evince, buckly are irredeemable and should have been banned as every post I've seen from them is abject garbage/trolling. evince has pestered me using the PMs to try and find out what my politics are, which is even more pathetic.

What's especially disappointing about you is that unlike some of those others I've mentioned, I believe you have the intelligence and ability to be more than a troll and might actually offer a decent argument, but it seems you'd rather wallow in the mud with the afore-mentioned idiots for some reason.

Are you claiming that because I shortened the name you gave yourself, that was an insult? Shortening your name justified your sleazy sexual slur?

You are way too sensitive for this forum and there is no excuse for what you said, none. When you sunk to that you put yourself in the same group with vulgar idiots like ChoppedLiver and his pals.
What rules are they violating?

I claimed the poster was trolling, as they repeatedly focused on trying to attack the sites rather than the information, even though some of them were well known, respected sources such as Forbes magazine. Trolling is against the forum rules.
Are you claiming that because I shortened the name you gave yourself, that was an insult? Shortening your name justified your sleazy sexual slur?

You did not make any good faith efforts to respond to the points I made, preferring to hide behind trolling efforts like attacking the sources presented, even well known ones.

Had you made an effort to select even some of the items listed, you would have been considered vastly more credible than a child screaming: "those are unacceptable sites!" and thinking that would make for a sufficient argument.

You are way too sensitive for this forum and there is no excuse for what you said, none. When you sunk to that you put yourself in the same group with vulgar idiots like ChoppedLiver and his pals.

Have you seen the idiots you have gotten in bed with, like evince, who can barely utter a sentence with more than 3 words, few of which do not include cursing insults? How about lolo, who appears to be the house nazi and fiercely anti-semitic/racist - are you certain you want to go down that path?
I claimed the poster was trolling, as they repeatedly focused on trying to attack the sites rather than the information, even though some of them were well known, respected sources such as Forbes magazine. Trolling is against the forum rules.

It is not against the rules, and attacking sources is not trolling - it is JPP tradition.
It is not against the rules, and attacking sources is not trolling - it is JPP tradition.!

"14. The treatment of Incendiary Troll accounts. Definition: Posting solely for reaction, to harass, or stalk. Whether single or secondary, those accounts posting solely for reaction and/or harassment and not contributing to the discussion in any way post at the sole discretion of the JPP Admin Team and may be removed at any moment."


Clearly, the rules disagree with you...trolling is not acceptable.

If everyone just outright said "that source is BS!" to every other poster they disagree with, then any kind of discussion becomes impossible.!

"14. The treatment of Incendiary Troll accounts. Definition: Posting solely for reaction, to harass, or stalk. Whether single or secondary, those accounts posting solely for reaction and/or harassment and not contributing to the discussion in any way post at the sole discretion of the JPP Admin Team and may be removed at any moment."


Clearly, the rules disagree with you...trolling is not acceptable.

If everyone just outright said "that source is BS!" to every other poster they disagree with, then any kind of discussion becomes impossible.

Since you started this thread; you have the ability to have the MODs close it and since certain liberal trolls have decided to derail your thread, it would seem to be a good idea.!

"14. The treatment of Incendiary Troll accounts. Definition: Posting solely for reaction, to harass, or stalk. Whether single or secondary, those accounts posting solely for reaction and/or harassment and not contributing to the discussion in any way post at the sole discretion of the JPP Admin Team and may be removed at any moment."


Clearly, the rules disagree with you...trolling is not acceptable.

If everyone just outright said "that source is BS!" to every other poster they disagree with, then any kind of discussion becomes impossible.

Would you care to post the rest of the text for Rule 14, you dishonest fucktard? Also, there is a difference between trolling and Incendiary Trolls. For example, back in the day, the same poster on Politics.Com was responsible for Josef (the Prophet) and Skinhead. One troll was incendiary and the other was hilarious.
Uh, how many posts did I put out before people like you were personally attacking and insulting me? You and some of the other leftists attacked me IMMEDIATELY; I barely had to time to even figure out what was going on, that such language was even allowed here, etc.

People in glass houses...


Would you care to post the rest of the text for Rule 14, you dishonest fucktard? Also, there is a difference between trolling and Incendiary Trolls. For example, back in the day, the same poster on Politics.Com was responsible for Josef (the Prophet) and Skinhead. One troll was incendiary and the other was hilarious.

Cunt, I do not need to do ANYTHING; I do not make the rules and if simpleton morons like you don't like them, go complain to the mods. As for distinguishing between "good" trolling and "bad", IMO there is no difference and should not be allowed. Derailing a thread with it is a sign a poster is incapable of debating the facts, and needs to troll to participate.

Another failed post from one of THE weakest turds on the forum. It took me all of a week to place confirm you are the forum's shittiest poster, with absolutely nothing of value to offer. BTW, is that the image in your mirror you see each morning?

When did you stop fucking men for money?
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Same happened to me, I came and without insulting anyone I started getting slammed by the leftists.

You know what I did? Well, I didn't start a thread to whine about it, I just insulted them back...
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