Trump chickened out! I love it.

No defendant needs to take the stand when it's clear that they've got the keys to the car, a full tank of gas, and a chauffeur...Paid for in full by the prosecution...
Agree, he might believe he did not need to do it. Can you answer my question?
It's a wonderful morning.Indeed i'm getting used to the up?
Veg out day today, hopefully.
I have no incentive to do anything particularly productive.

Sausage and pasta tonight--not particularly challenging.
My sauce is already made.
I'll make five more quarts on Friday or Saturday.

I have a breakfast coming up with the other geriatric miscreants on Monday, I believe.
This is what passes for excitement this deeply into my dotage.

Not a cloud in the sky for coffee on the porch, today.
Two of the Avatar's friends walked by with their humans.
He didn't need to... That entire trial fell apart.. What an embarrassment for the US system of justice...
He said he would...and he didn't.

The trial was fine. I expect it to end in a hung jury...perhaps convictions or not-guilty on one of the charges.

The GOP is an embarrassment to the United States and to the idea that humans are an intelligent species looking for indications of other intelligent beings in this universe.
He didn't lie...
Veg out day today, hopefully.
I have no incentive to do anything particularly productive.

Sausage and pasta tonight--not particularly challenging.
My sauce is already made.
I'll make five more quarts on Friday or Saturday.

I have a breakfast coming up with the other geriatric miscreants on Monday, I believe.
This is what passes for excitement this deeply into my dotage.

Not a cloud in the sky for coffee on the porch, today.
Two of the Avatar's friends walked by with their humans.
Do you ever can the sauce? It's so much fun to make big batches of things and have them sitting pretty on a shelf.... And really not challenging at all... Breakfast with friends is always fun...I have a few special meal excursions planned for next week as well... Look at it this way if you're there in person as opposed to in memory it's pretty exciting... My little bully Loves her friends so much. We've formed a little walking group over to the dog park. Thank you. They have such fun.... One of these days we're going to take the big guys But that takes a little extra planning... It has to be at a time where there are no tiny ones there... They look too much like the squeaky toys we have here. Lol...
He said he would...and he didn't.

The trial was fine. I expect it to end in a hung jury...perhaps convictions or not-guilty on one of the charges.

The GOP is an embarrassment to the United States and to the idea that humans are an intelligent species looking for indications of other intelligent beings in this universe.
He didn't need to... That whole trial was a complete sham and a joke and an embarrassment... Never in my life would I thought I would see such unjustice... The whole system is falling apart...
Correct. It wasn't. But the moron said he would testify.

He didn't testify.

Bullshit bravado for a bullshit base.
He didn't need to testify as things continued to deteriorate on the side of the prosecution.... And that poor judge... What a joke.... I'm rolling my
He didn't lie...

Do you ever can the sauce? It's so much fun to make big batches of things and have them sitting pretty on a shelf.... And really not challenging at all... Breakfast with friends is always fun...I have a few special meal excursions planned for next week as well... Look at it this way if you're there in person as opposed to in memory it's pretty exciting... My little bully Loves her friends so much. We've formed a little walking group over to the dog park. Thank you. They have such fun.... One of these days we're going to take the big guys But that takes a little extra planning... It has to be at a time where there are no tiny ones there... They look too much like the squeaky toys we have here. Lol...
I've never tried canning.
Our kids already have their inheritance.
They own our house in a family trust (although living in it, we still pay all the expenses),
and we were funneling them the annual allowed tax-exempt transfers.

We really don't have nearly enough left to open a canning factory, even with loans.
In fact, if we live too much longer, we're in trouble!

Believe it or not, the city of Boston doesn't even have a bean cannery anymore.
I would have to look into from where all the canned stuff is coming these days.
I'm pretty sure that it's all from out of town.

What made you think of canning?
Most of the pre-made stuff seems to be in jars.
No defendant needs to take the stand when it's clear that they've got the keys to the car, a full tank of gas, and a chauffeur...Paid for in full by the prosecution...
Why are you so afraid to answer the question? Did you believe Donald Trump when he said he would testify in this case?
Nobody really believed he would testify, even though he said he would.

Nobody really believes his word is any good, not even the Trumppers.

Trump chickened out of testifying at his trial. He had the perfect opportunity to tell his story, guess he knew it would not help.
Why should he testify?
Why are you so afraid to answer the question? Did you believe Donald Trump when he said he would testify in this case?
There was no reason not to. You're suggesting legal strategies don't change? Trump is being tried in a kangaroo court with someone playing judge. Anyone who thinks this was a fair trial is as stupid as a lawyer.
He shouldn’t, it would absolutely make things even worse for him

Did you believe him when he said he would?
Trump just breathing makes things worse in that toilet called a courtroom.

No reason not to but jt was clear as things progressed trump was already dead in the water when the trial started.
Trump just breathing makes things worse in that toilet called a courtroom.

No reason not to but jt was clear as things progressed trump was already dead in the water when the trial started.
Did you believe him when he said he would testify?
Why are you so afraid to answer the question? Did you believe Donald Trump when he said he would testify in this case?
In the beginning? Yes. As these kangaroo court proceedings progressed with this illegitimate, incompetent and extremely biased judge, he had no need. I'm good with that.
