Trump chickened out! I love it.

Fell for what? Why can't the accused testify in a criminal case? Be specific.
Very specifically 'Trump cannot testify as he is too stupid and will only make things worse for himself'.

Legally no one can stop him from testifying, but Donald 'She is not my type... that is Marla my ex wife' Trump, is the exemplar of Maga and hopelessly stupid. If he went in to court to fight a parking ticket he would come out being found guilty of murder. That is how stupid he is.
OK. It's a pathetic, extremely biased circus to hinder a presidential contender.

What would be pathetic would be to allow ANYONE to get away with so many crimes just because they declared themself as a presidential contender. That precedent would ruin the judicial system.

And can you please comment on your view on the varied Congressional investigation into Biden that are an attempt to hinder him?
Finally a Trumpper with the balls to answer. Because you are the first trumpper with the balls to answer, I will not eviscerate you on this.
It's amazing how stupid you are and how proud you are of being that stupid.
No it was simply not an answer, you are a pussy, that I understand.
It is an answer and you're a retard if you cant see it. You should be angry with your parents for your intellectual shortcomings not me. They were cousins weren't they?
It is an answer and you're a retard if you cant see it. You should be angry with your parents for your intellectual shortcomings not me. They were cousins weren't they?
You responded, you did not answer, I understand your breed is not able to see the difference. Its like shooting fish in a barrel.
Nobody really believed he would testify, even though he said he would.

Nobody really believes his word is any good, not even the Trumppers.

Trump chickened out of testifying at his trial. He had the perfect opportunity to tell his story, guess he knew it would not help.
Classic Trump. He earned credit for volunteering to testify, lost nothing when the trial ended without him.
OK. It's a pathetic, extremely biased circus to hinder a presidential contender.

According to duly authorized and enpaneled Grand Juries, he broke the law...many, many times. He should be tried...and he and his supporters do not get to decide when.

Biden is an insult to this country, starting with his Afgan withdrawal clusterfuck, open borders, economic disaster, paying for lazy kid's college, flip flop on our closest ally Israel, showing weakness on the world's stage, etc.
Joe Biden has relieved this nation from the inslt inflicted on it by MAGA morons...and Trump. On his worst day in office, Joe Biden has been a MUCH better president for our Republic than Trump was on his best day in office.
This is not an answer to the question, did you believe Trump when he said he was going to testify?
Of course it was not an answer to your question. Yakuda is playing a game. He can answer your question with just one word...either a YES or a NO.

Keep asking him. I am enjoying you make a fool of him.
Nobody really believed he would testify, even though he said he would.

Nobody really believes his word is any good, not even the Trumppers.

Trump chickened out of testifying at his trial. He had the perfect opportunity to tell his story, guess he knew it would not help.


After the lynching collapsed.

There was no reason to testify. Merchan will declare his mistrial now to create the illusion that this could be revived - in a last ditch effort to taint the election - which is ALL this was ever about.