Trump chickened out! I love it.

I manage people who have everything covered. I could easily have taken the day off.

You know what question, I have asked it in several threads and you have pretended not to see it, but Ill play your game.

The Question is, did you believe Trump when he said he was going to testify?
She's just going to keep trolling everyone. It's fun for her. She knows he lied. Most trumptards know the fat mango pig lies and don't care. What they do love is how he angers his political opponents. Don't let @TOP fuck with you. It's what she does.
She's just going to keep trolling everyone. It's fun for her. She knows he lied. Most trumptards know the fat mango pig lies and don't care. What they do love is how he angers his political opponents. Don't let @TOP fuck with you. It's what she does.
Exactly. Attention whoring at its finest. The MAGATs, esp. Toxic, go on all day about Biden lied about this and Biden lied about that. Yet when the Gropingfuehrer lies, suddenly they become deaf and blind*. It's amazing.

* I left out "dumb" because that's a never-ending quality of all MAGATs. lol
I’ve been in multiple hundreds of trials, stupid shit. And that’s ALWAYS the case. When the defendant is a shitty witness, will hurt their own case, or just plain guilty, they NEVER testify.
they also don't testify when the prosecutor fails to meets its burden of proof.......don't pretend you have ANY legal expertise.......we know it's a lie......
Exactly. Attention whoring at its finest. The MAGATs, esp. Toxic, go on all day about Biden lied about this and Biden lied about that. Yet when the Gropingfuehrer lies, suddenly they become deaf and blind*. It's amazing.

* I left out "dumb" because that's a never-ending quality of all MAGATs. lol
It's all about the trolling. trump is their lead troll. They know their ideas suck which drives their massive insecurities and when they think they can make others insecure about their ideals or opinions it gives them a gigantic woody!
It's all about the trolling. trump is their lead troll. They know their ideas suck which drives their massive insecurities and when they think they can make others insecure about their ideals or opinions it gives them a gigantic woody!
they also don't testify when the prosecutor fails to meets its burden of proof.......don't pretend you have ANY legal expertise.......we know it's a lie......
Well, stupid fuck, if the prosecution doesn’t, the defense can ask for a judgment from the court to dismiss the case. Or a judge can do that on his own. Neither happened, did it, moron? Otherwise, the jury, dumbfuck, decides whether the burden of proof is met.

You know nothing about criminal law, stupid shit. Stick to your template law.
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they also don't testify when the prosecutor fails to meets its burden of proof.......don't pretend you have ANY legal expertise.......we know it's a lie......
lol at you, being the biggest idiot when it comes to matters of law, on this website calling anyone else out when you still refuse to accept you were wrong when you said that in NYS only the prosecution presents to the Grand jury.

When i showed you the statute showing that the defense can also present to a Grand Jury and then i gave you a video of Trump's legal team sending Costello in to the Grand Jury, you still are so dumb you stand by your position, ignoring the facts.
lol at you, being the biggest idiot when it comes to matters of law, on this website calling anyone else out when you still refuse to accept you were wrong when you said that in NYS only the prosecution presents to the Grand jury.

When i showed you the statute showing that the defense can also present to a Grand Jury and then i gave you a video of Trump's legal team sending Costello in to the Grand Jury, you still are so dumb you stand by your position, ignoring the facts.
That fuckwit knows NOTHING about law. An embarrassment to his profession. No wonder his law school closed its doors.
Back at you! The reason trump didn't testify is clear - there's no way he can't perjure himself. Period.
And Trump, like his followers is stupid and thus he cannot help but get tripped up and do himself more harm.

He proves that almost every time he is forced to do a deposition with his 'she is not my type... that is Marla, my ex wife' moments.
That fuckwit knows NOTHING about law. An embarrassment to his profession. No wonder his law school closed its doors.
lol. Do you know that to be true via your pasts here, as that would explain a lot. :rofl2:

I have said before, and not to insult, that there is a reason he ended up as a slum lord lawyer because that is the end of the law where even the worst lawyers can make a living. 99% of the work is evictions and collections on people who do not show up to court and the forms are all filled out by paralegals who would be way more knowledgeable in law then he is.

He and i have tussled on the law a lot on this forum but that is not fair to say as i just school and educate him. A tussle would mean he had an ability to fight back and he does not. Our current dispute is the perfect example of most of my disputes with him. He makes a legal claim like 'only prosecutors present to NYS GJ's' and thinks he is correct, and i come in and quote for him statutes and give real life examples proving him wrong which he just cannot admit.
lol. Do you know that to be true via your pasts here, as that would explain a lot. :rofl2:

I have said before, and not to insult, that there is a reason he ended up as a slum lord lawyer because that is the end of the law where even the worst lawyers can make a living. 99% of the work is evictions and collections on people who do not show up to court and the forms are all filled out by paralegals who would be way more knowledgeable in law then he is.

He and i have tussled on the law a lot on this forum but that is not fair to say as i just school and educate him. A tussle would mean he had an ability to fight back and he does not. Our current dispute is the perfect example of most of my disputes with him. He makes a legal claim like 'only prosecutors present to NYS GJ's' and thinks he is correct, and i come in and quote for him statutes and give real life examples proving him wrong which he just cannot admit.
At one point, he indicated he went to Valparaiso law school. They closed their doors and tried to get another university to absorb the school. They couldn’t even get a third tier Tennessee college to take them.

His current role I refer to as “template law”. Fill out the predesigned forms and sign the bottom line. ZERO knowledge of what goes on in a courtroom.
At one point, he indicated he went to Valparaiso law school. They closed their doors and tried to get another university to absorb the school. They couldn’t even get a third tier Tennessee college to take them.

His current role I refer to as “template law”. Fill out the predesigned forms and sign the bottom line. ZERO knowledge of what goes on in a courtroom.
that explains everything.

Thx :rofl2:
And Trump, like his followers is stupid and thus he cannot help but get tripped up and do himself more harm.

He proves that almost every time he is forced to do a deposition with his 'she is not my type... that is Marla, my ex wife' moments.
I remember the quote from his White House lawyer who did a mock trial during the Mueller probe. I think it was Ty Cobb. Anyway, the quote was, "you can't NOT lie". The result: trump didn't testify live as he promised. It's hilarious the trumptard cult buys his shit.
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He didn't need to... That whole trial was a complete sham and a joke and an embarrassment... Never in my life would I thought I would see such unjustice... The whole system is falling apart...
He never said he would testify if he needed to. Saying he did not need to is not an excuse for lying, again.
Nothing other than become president. He is THE most classless person imaginable...and it actually does hurt me to have seen our nation being governed by him. Luckily, the people came to their senses and threw his ass out, RB. Now we are in the midst of a campaign to see if he remains out on his fat ass...or if there is enough stupidity in our electorate to put him back in office.

Why does my dislike of him bother you so much?

The fact that you dislike Joe Biden does not bother me nearly as much.
It truly is incredible. The worthless piece of shit was impeached twice, rated by credible scholars as the countries worst president, guilty of rape and fraud, facing a half a billion in judgements, tried to overthrow our govt and is facing another nearly 100 felony charges and yet he is nominated for the republican parties candidate. Hitler was in far better standing in Germany when he came to power and I have no doubt Trump will make him look like a saint if he were elected. The mere fact such a worthless excuse of a human being has this much support is a clear indication this country is on it's way down.