Trump was "Jawbreakingly Stupid"

Fascism is a form of socialism. You are describing fascism.

The current form of government in Russia is oligarchy.

Capitalism needs no 'reforms'. Indeed, it needs no government at all.

Socialism is an oligarchy

Capitalism is a plutocracy

However, Putin is neither, is authoritarian.

He is not run by an oligarchy

The oligarchy may run the nations business but Putin has full control
They may have a search warrant to tap the phones at El Lago. You don't know whether they did or did not. A U. S. Attorney knows about those things.

It is certainly not out of context since the topic was the legality of a wiretap.

The topic was NOT the legality of a wiretap. Pivot fallacy. There is no search warrant.
Putin is the boss of a band of oligarchs who run Russia.
An oligarchy is not a band.
Where are the socialists who took over markets?
FDR (took over the currency and loan markets).
Obama (took over the used automotive, automotive, energy, and health insurance markets).
Joe Biden (took over the energy and automotive markets).
Jimmy Carter (took over the energy market, particularly gasoline).
What most people call socialists are countries that spread the wealth out
Socialism is not a form of government, Nordbutt.
with universal medical care, free education,
TANSTAAFL. That's communism, Norbutt. It is socialism. It is theft of wealth.
and some respect for the people.
Theft is not respect, Nordbutt.
The topic was NOT the legality of a wiretap. Pivot fallacy. There is no search warrant.

You are responding to the wrong post. A poster questioned whether any monitored phone calls could be used in court. To be legal they need a search warrant.

Where is your evidence there was no warrant? You just made it up?
You are responding to the wrong post. A poster questioned whether any monitored phone calls could be used in court. To be legal they need a search warrant.

Where is your evidence there was no warrant? You just made it up?

Sometimes Sybil has a tenuous grasp on reality. :thup:
One of my favorites was from the dearly departed Darth titled '61 Covid cases'.

I'm a big fan of gfm's 'this won't age well' posts.

They always age well.

That was a good one! Didn't he ask for it to be closed?

He disappeared quickly, not a fade out. My guess is COVID or a car hit him. Heart attack is also possible with our elderly geezers who don't accept modern medical advice because it's "soshulist!"
They raided his house, why did they need security footage?

Do you think they don't know how to search?

The documents weren't hidden in a wall or something, they were sitting in plain view.

Besides, the Secret Service knew where they were kept, they would have told the agents raiding Trumps place.

This is just filing charges that are irrelevant to anything because Smith is an ass.

FYI you're trying to justify Trump's crimes!

FYI you're trying to justify Trump's crimes!
FYI, you're a liar who is lying about Trump having committed crimes.

You should instead be studying all the German history that you never learned. Have a great day.

efea12a7fd79f5eda9b8f6ff454ec07b.jpg[/IM G][IMG][/I MG][IMG][/ IMG][/CENTER]

FYI, you're a liar who is lying about Trump having committed crimes.

You should instead be studying all the German history that you never learned. Have a great day.

[CENTER][IMG][/IMG ][/CENTER][/QUOTE]Bulverism. Bigotry.
[QUOTE="Into the Night, post: 5716354, member: 7417"]Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE="gfm7175, post: 3787275, member: 7449"]Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.[/QUOTE][QUOTE="IBDaMann, post: 5507009, member: 8245"]bigotry, bulverism, [/QUOTE]​
Socialism is an oligarchy

Capitalism is a plutocracy

However, Putin is neither, is authoritarian.

He is not run by an oligarchy

The oligarchy may run the nations business but Putin has full control

Redefinition fallacies.

Neither socialism or capitalism is a form of government.

Socialism comes in three major forms:
* Communism, or government ownership of markets,
* Fascism, or government manipulation of markets,
* Slavery, or ownership of men and their labor.

An oligarchy is a dictatorship by committee. The current form of government in Russia is oligarchy.
Putin is the leader, and also lead oligarch. He does have a lot of control (it's almost a dictatorship) but he does work through and guide the committee.

Capitalism is not a plutocracy because it is not a form of government. It needs no government at all to function. It is the only economic system that creates wealth. All forms of socialism steal wealth. Indeed, socialism could not exist without capitalism to steal from. When socialism runs out of places to steal from, it collapses (that already happened more than once in Russia, the most recent being the fall of the USSR.

Every nation has socialism and capitalism within it. The States of America are no exception. Neither is Russia. Neither is China. ALL of these nations have capitalism and socialism within them.

Because people don't like their wealth stolen, socialism is typically implemented with oppressive governments like dictatorships and oligarchies.
The current form of the 'federal' government is oligarchy (government by committee).
The current form of government for each of the remaining States is a republic (government by law, in other words, a constitution).
The current form of the government of the SDTC (formerly California) is dictatorship.
The current form of the government of Canada is dictatorship.
The current form of the government of the UK is oligarchy.

Some oligarchies (such as the EU) are very close to being a dictatorship (government by fiat, using a king or other title for the Grand Poubah).

A plutocracy is government by the wealthy. It typically takes the form of an oligarchy or dictatorship.

A theocracy is government by God. Since God is not personally running any nation at this time, this typically takes the form of someone that claims to speak for God (such as a grand high priest or some other similar title). This form of government is typically a dictatorship. If and when God DOES reign personally on the Earth and personally becomes the leader of a nation, that form of government would be a dictatorship (but a benevolent one, presumably).

Do not confuse forms of economic systems with forms of government. They are two and completely separate things.
That was a good one! Didn't he ask for it to be closed?

He disappeared quickly, not a fade out. My guess is COVID or a car hit him. Heart attack is also possible with our elderly geezers who don't accept modern medical advice because it's "soshulist!"
I'm hoping it was something as simple as the local library closing down.

Just before trump's terrorist attack on America, I was briefly on another board with a bunch of idiots. They had an auto censor feature where certain words were automatically altered. Of course, I was always getting into trouble for simply putting spaces between letters to skirt the feature.

There was some connection between the boards, as an 'Omar' showed up there who I believe was our Darth Omar.

In exchange we got that redneck who couldn't spell, and always talked about his guns. I can't remember his name now?

I reported a member there to the FBI after trump's attack, as he had been calling for violence for months before the insurrection.

I left the board and told them that I would never participate on a board that promoted terrorism.
Biden took documents and Hillary destroyed evidence, neither of them were charged for some reason.

Trump isn't being charged with taking any documents you fucking moron, he is being charged with defying a subpeona, refusing to return them, obstructing the investigation into getting them back and now conspiracy to destroy evidence. When are you ignorant assholes going to realize that if Trump had simply returned them he never would have been charged with anything? Hillary never destroyed evidence and she sat under oath with the FBI and congress answering all their questions truthfully for fucking days on end. Trump refuses to answer any questions and when he does he takes the 5th.
Why don't you judge Pence the way you judge Biden? Both cooperated with authorities.

As for Hillary, agreed. She should have been prosecuted. Why didn't Pedo Don lock her up?

Noone cooperated with authorities more than Hillary. She was fine with going under oath and answering congress's silly fucking questions for days. The 3 sec of state's before her ALL used private servers and NONE of them were ever questioned about them. Secretary of state Powell said he used AOL to conduct much of his business but not to worry, he deleted them when done.

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts for classified emails
Two Republican secretaries of state had also received information later deemed classified on personal accounts. The state department found that both Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, America’s top diplomats under president George W Bush, were sent sensitive national security information to nongovernment email addresses.

Hillary spent a small fortune setting up a server in her basement far more secure than anything the federal government had while others before her used run of the mill online servers. She was also fully cooperative with investigators and even admitted that it was a mistake to have done so. Does that sound like the shithead being prosecuted now? Just what the fuck do you think she should have been prosecuted for?