Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

You're gayer than I am, Roman. And I suck dick. Take a shower, start a diet, and get several days of plastic facial surgery. I think you'll be fine someday.

Haha, he sucks d\ck.
Lolol That's funny.

Sorry to disappoint but I'm hetero.

IDK, how ugly are you with Zippers for eyes, and the body of a 4th grader!?
Hello Geeko Sportivo,

When is 'the end?'

Seems to me it just goes on and on.

Political power goes back and forth. Movements come and movements die out.

I have a feeling that in a few years very few people will be admitting they ever supported Trump. And the few who never give up will increasingly be thought of as kooks and extremists.

Trump's legacy is being written as we speak.

He will forever be known as the World's Sorest Loser.

When is the end? You should ask my 1st wife that question. According to her, she always had the final say! Anything I had to say beyond that she said,- "WAS THE BEGINNING OF A NEW ARGUMENT"! LOL!

What countries would tolerate unruly mobs?

Do you think Poland would?

Look at ANTIFA owned by Polish police.

No CHAZ/ CHOP no go zones in Poland like Portland?

I am not a member of ANTIFA- but I am ANTI FASCISM!

Hopefully you are too friend!

Good luck to your Mother Country in hanging onto Democracy!

Hopefully when we get rid of Donald Trump's FASCIST FAT ASS- we can set a better example for your country!

Biden will do what he can to help Poland hang on to their Democratic Republic.
Apparently not with what Democrats did the last four years. And I am certain they will continue.

So? The Democrats have always been idiots. How does that justify shredding the Constitution and shitting on our government?

Do you agree Trump now has American blood on his hands?
Hey you sadist FUCK!

Trump is too chicken-shit to do his own rioting!

No! He has to blow fire up the asses of his Qanon and Proud Boy terrorists to do his rioting for him!

Were you the one lighting cities on fire this summer? Either were the Democrats in office who said nothing about it.