Ukrainian neo-Nazis attack Moscow concert hall (OPEN)

"We already know the names of the perpetrators. We have seen their faces and know what they are saying during interrogations. (We are not publishing to avoid disrupting the investigation.)

And immediately it becomes clear why yesterday American media were shouting in unison that it was ISIS.

Because it's not ISIS. The perpetrators are simply chosen to convince the gullible global public that it is ISIS.

It's a simple sleight of hand. The level of a street corner shell game.

So here's the thing. It's not ISIS at all. It's Ukrainians. And the fact that even before the arrests, before the perpetrators' faces and names were known, Western intelligence agencies began to persuade the population that it was ISIS—that's what ignited the fire under this thief's hat.
It's not ISIS.

It's a well-coordinated team from several other, also widely known, abbreviations."
So do you close your eyes when you suck Putins cock

Or do you like to watch his face as he sneers at you like the human turd that you are?
This one is a Russian bot hole folks

It’s not a human

Yeah, I'm starting to think that as well. He definitely does not live where he claims he does. He said his wife went shopping a Kroger. There are no Krogers in WA state where he claims to live. I'm starting to think: "Russian troll farm reject".
Yeah, I'm starting to think that as well. He definitely does not live where he claims he does. He said his wife went shopping a Kroger. There are no Krogers in WA state where he claims to live. I'm starting to think: "Russian troll farm reject".

Ferguson also asserts that a proposal by Kroger and Albertsons to mitigate the impacts of their merger, which includes selling off more than 100 stores in Washington, does not change the fact that Kroger would still enjoy a near-monopoly in many markets in the state in,they account for more than 50% of
Whether this was Ukraine or ISIS the Russians will hold the Brits and Americans responsible....the only difference is that if it was ISIS then Mossad was also in the mix.

You should already know that the Ukrainians are not terrorists, just as the Russian people know that Ukrainians, Americans, and Brits are not terrorists either.

You are not very well read Sir. It would do you a WORLD of good, to head to the bookstore and get to reading, so as to catch yourself up to the World!

Tell us the last thing you read! Have you ever read a book? Because it sounds as if you have been in a coma and just fell off the Portable Potty cleaning truck!

Do you need help in selecting some titles?

NOW READ UP. And don't run your mouth here again until you do!

You are fucking embarrassing!
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The problem with Ukrainians and their Western sponsors thinking that all sorts of 'provocations' and terrorist attacks will somehow frighten Russian people into societal discontent is inherent in witnessing the resilience of the Ukrainian people themselves.
After 2+ years of war, we can see Ukrainian people shrug off almost unthinkable levels of social disorder, war, strife, chaos, poverty, propaganda, etc. And we all know Ukrainian/Russian, i.e. people of the Rus, are very closely related.
But there's one key difference: whatever hardships the Ukrainians can take, the Russians can bear an even far greater amount. The Russian can be thought of as a 'hardened', more feral, and ultimately even more durable variant of the Ukrainian. Where the Ukrainian has an admixture of Western sophistication and daintiness, the Russian has pure primal Siberian taiga and Mongol horde virility coursing through his veins. Whatever pain the Ukrainians can take, the Russians can take 10 times more.
These terror attacks, whether on Belgorod, Moscow, etc., as well as all other CIA provocations are merely pinpricks to the Russian psyche, to be shrugged off like steam wisping from the samovar.
I believe it was Big Serge who wrote in his latest piece:

"The great German soldier and author Ernst Jünger had the following comment on the prospect of war with Russia:

When Spengler warned against any invasion of Russia for reasons of space, he was, as we have since seen, right. Even more questionable become each of these invasions for metaphysical reasons, insofar as one approaches one of the great sufferers, a titan, a genius of suffering power. In its aura, in its sphere of influence, one will become acquainted with pain in a way that far exceeds any imagination.

Much is always made of Russia’s propensity for “suffering”, with interpretations ranging from a romantic Russian-patriotic notion of sacrifice for the motherland to an anti-Russian criticism of the Russian tolerance for casualties. Perhaps it means both: the individual Russian soldier is more willing to sit in a freezing trench and trade shells than his adversary, and the Russian state and people are able to lose more and last longer in the aggregate.

I rather think, however, that Jünger’s metaphysical “titan of suffering” is not so metaphysical at all. It rather refers to a mundane power of the Russian state, namely its excellence and willingness across the centuries to mobilize huge numbers of men and material for war, at the expense of other social goals. War with Russia sucks. It means mass casualties, cold trenches, scarred earth, and long nights of shelling. The Ukrainians have coped with this as well as anyone (because they are themselves quasi-Russian, however much they deny it), but it is an awful thing to trade shells for years on end. The Russian power of suffering is to willingly fight wars that devolve into bat fights, knowing they have a bigger bat."

Against Russia in a battle of hardship endurance, the West, and Ukraine, will undoubtedly break first.
Where was your baseless argument hatched? Ukraine with its bombed cities is the victim of a terrorist state.
Every so often I check one of these threads just to remind myself why Hawk is on ignore for years.

He never disappoints.
Your hate for the US is clear. When will you and your Russian spy family move back home to Mother Russia?
If Ukraine could infiltrate that far into Russia, I'm quite sure they wouldn't only be shooting up concerts.

Putin def. has egg on his little round face.
This illegal illegitimate regime that runs America is at fault...not me.... they do not represent me and I have long objected to their crimes against humanity.
If Ukraine could infiltrate that far into Russia, I'm quite sure they wouldn't only be shooting up concerts.

Putin def. has egg on his little round face.

Agreed. They'd take out a military target, not a civilian target. That's clearly a Jihadist terrorist thing.
Agreed. They'd take out a military target, not a civilian target. That's clearly a Jihadist terrorist thing.
I'm amazed that they made it so far into the country undetected.

Putin claims to have arrested the suspects. These poor scapegoats are going to die in prison so that Putin can save face.
I'm amazed that they made it so far into the country undetected.

Putin claims to have arrested the suspects. These poor scapegoats are going to die in prison so that Putin can save face.

I know little about Russian internal security. Them getting into the country is one thing, stashing a large amount of weapons is another.

Agreed Putin will scapegoat some people to save face, but I doubt this is a one-time thing. Either ISIS-K will attack again or Putin will lock the country up as tight as a drum and Russians will start bitching and protesting. Remember how nasty some Americans got because restaurants asked them to wear masks when not eating? Imagine guards on every street corner checking IDs every 5 minutes.

This is actually part of a guerrilla warfare strategy to get the people turning against the government; attack and let government overreaction do the rest. Putin will overreact as dictators often do.