What is White Privilege?


A completely bullshit history of Black - White relations in the USA would be more accurate.


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I dont need any help. According to you I have something a whole lot better. WHITE PRIVILEGE. :laugh:

No, you're just an asshole who's bitter about his lot in life and place in society....so you take it out on those you think can't fight back. Well, you simpletons pushed it a bit far on Wednesday...you attacked the very people who championed your causes....and now you're going to be subjected to the very system of law enforcement you had no problem dolling out to people of middle eastern descent previously (the Patriot Act, Homeland Security).

I've been telling you Turner Diaries dummies for you years.....be careful what you wish for. You should have listened.
Having the Time to Construct your own Gallows, Hang a Noose ... and Dance and Sing around it, and be home in time to feed the kids and get them ready for school.

What is white privilege? Its a delusion, considering so-called white people, many of whom are biracial are subject to the same U.S. Constitutional, federal, state and local laws like everyone else, in particular, tax laws. This includes there are many of these ignoramuses who think they are privileged are in prison now at trying to cheat the federal government when it comes to tax liabilities and other infractions.
I've experienced white privilege for decades without knowing the modern word for that.

You've had the Time to Construct your own Gallows, Hang a Noose ... and Dance and Sing around it, and be home in time to feed the kids and get them ready for school? Well I'll be.
Tomorrow when I go to the bank for my home remodel and addition project the only question they will ask me is ...HOW MUCH WOULD YOU LIKE SIR ?, at our lowest interest rate of coarse ;)

You don't have enough money for a simply remodeling? You are semi-retired, and have to borrow money to make ends meet?

Individuals do not get the lowest interest rates. That is reserved for corporations that can secure the loans with Treasurys. In general, corporations can get lower rates than individuals, which is one of the reasons to incorporate.