What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Poland taxes businesses to give families supplemental income.

That would never happen in the USA.

Like I said earlier, Poland does handle inequality better than America. They just don't handle it as well as other European countries.
And America's bar is disgustingly low here, anyway.
I have always felt the biggest distinction in the social conscience of Christianity is the fundametalist Calvinist branch of Protestantism's interpretation of predestination.
Calvinism says that nothing depends on man, that faith is already predetermined. One does not gain access to grace by good works and deeds

I do not think the obsession with personal salvation and predestination is as acute in Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, or Lutheranism, which place greater weight on good works.

True. And then we have the strange galaxy of fundies and evangelists who believe "Works schmerks, you only get to heaven by believing Jesus died for your sins." In other words, do whatever you like as long as you believe in Jeebus.
True. And then we have the strange galaxy of fundies and evangelists who believe "Works schmerks, you only get to heaven by believing Jesus died for your sins." In other words, do whatever you like as long as you believe in Jeebus.

That's one of the few things that makes Catholicism less horrible than Protestantism. Though overall, I think Protestantism is the lesser evil.
Faith and good works is an expectation for attaining grace of many Christian denominations outside the Calvinist tradition.

The fact you did not know this speaks to how little you actually know about the history, theology, and traditions of the religion you claim to belong to

Grace comes thru the work of the Cross and no other way
Grace comes thru the work of the Cross and no other way

Some in the Calvinist tradition believe in unconditional predestination. Other Christian traditions recognize the role of free will and good works. I personally have never belonged to a church where one can engage in murder, lying, cheating, avarice, greed, sloth, vile morality, cruelty to the poor and disadvantaged, abuse of elderly and children, and have a reasonable chance of getting into heaven by simply claiming love and fealty to Jesus
Some in the Calvinist tradition believe in unconditional predestination. Other Christian traditions recognize the role of free will and good works. I personally have never belonged to a church where one can engage in murder, lying, cheating, avarice, greed, sloth, vile morality, cruelty to the poor and disadvantaged, abuse of elderly and children, and have a reasonable chance of getting into heaven by simply claiming love and fealty to Jesus

You go by organized religion,I go by scripture
You go by organized religion,I go by scripture

Okay, you do what you want.

I am just saying that it is incorrect to unequivocally state that Christian theology states that salvation is achieved through grace only.

The Orthodox tradition holds that divine determination depends on both grace and efforts. Pretty sure that is also the theological position of the Roman Catholic church
Okay, you do what you want.

I am just saying that it is incorrect to unequivocally state that Christian theology states that salvation is achieved through grace only.

The Orthodox tradition holds that divine determination depends on both grace and efforts. Pretty sure that is also the theological position of the Roman Catholic church

I don't care what organized Churches are selling.
I go by scripture.
Typical fundie atheist response. The Bible alone is not the totality of Christian teaching, and if you knew what you were talking about you'd know that.
The Bible is the totality of Holy Writ. Everything else is just humans playing God. Actually, the Bible is just humans playing God. But, according to you fundies, it is the only source of God's truth.

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No, dumbass, it's because you make up your own theology on the spot while you bitch about our theology, which has been around for 2000 years. How ignorant is that?

No, it's because we deal with reality, instead of the 2,000 year old con game that ignoramuses like you still buy into.

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They've been fighting for gun control, not a ban on all guns. Saying gun control is the same as banning all guns is the Slippery Slope fallacy.
Yet that's their exact strategy. Chip away bit by bit. Except that gun control doesn't work.
So what's left when all their magical gun control doesn't work?
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No, I want the opposite. If a state wants to secede, I think the federal government should let them go, not start a war to keep them. This is the opposite of perpetual warfare.
If we had 50 separate countries, most of them would be at war with each other. Just like Europe was before the EU.

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