What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

I think civil wars normally occur when one part of a country has gone off into a weird world of its own, and has to be put a stop to.

So who were the weirdos in the Spanish Civil War? The English Civil War? What about revolutions?
It's what we see all over the world. The countries where gun control 'works' simply didn't have problems with guns before they had strict gun control. If they do have problems with guns, strict gun control only makes things worse.

I mean the part about this eventually leading to a full ban on all guns. No evidence of that, it's just the Slippery Slope fallacy.
The Bible is the totality of Holy Writ. Everything else is just humans playing God. Actually, the Bible is just humans playing God. But, according to you fundies, it is the only source of God's truth.

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That is completely bass ackwards from what I really did say, this ^ is why talking to left wing fundie atheists is a waste of time.
True. And then we have the strange galaxy of fundies and evangelists who believe "Works schmerks, you only get to heaven by believing Jesus died for your sins." In other words, do whatever you like as long as you believe in Jeebus.

That simple explanation goes along with Socialism is about getting free stuff
That simple explanation goes along with Socialism is about getting free stuff

Not necessarily.

A.) Socialism is about controlling the economy, not necessarily about freebies.

B.) Social programs can be supported by people who don't get them.

I know both are alien concepts for Individualist savages, who just understand getting mine at all costs.
How does a lying, antisemitic cocksucker like Mason achieve personal salvation? Or any other lowlife douchebag who repeatedly breaks both the Ten Commandments and Christ's Two Commandments? Do think scumbags like M.V. Mason/Miss Margot Frank/Anne Frank will burn in Hell? Some kind of purgatory? Or do you believe such people deserve a place in Heaven?

Playing God now?
You're preaching to the choir

He's a naive kid which gives him an excuse for acting stupid and retarded. The good news is that he doesn't feel the need to be a sleazeball sock puppeteer so I think Pilecki will be fine in the end.
WTF is a "Fundie Atheist" ?

That simple explanation goes along with Socialism is about getting free stuff

The early Christians lived in communist/socialist communities. Everyone shared in whatever was available, everyone able had to work and contribute as well. Israel still has socialist kibbutzim.

Funny how horrible those things are in modern life, to our ignorant conservative and/or fundie friends, eh?

Only while they plan to blow up a bridge. Afterwards they look like this:
